The Unspoken Truth

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Sydney lowered the metal pipe. Corinne was still crying, Will was glaring daggers at Bonnie, and Katelyn, Ally, Kat, and Jazmine were ready to fight if needed. Freddy said nothing. Neither did the other animatronics. You could hear the wind howling outside, the rain that had started falling.

Then Freddy grabbed Sydney by the arm and yanked her on her feet. He picked her up and ran off with her. "FREDDY! GET BACK HERE!" Wolfie had showed up and motioned for Jazmine, Ally, Kat, and Katelyn to follow him. Katelyn immediately got up and nearly ran out the room. Foxy grabbed her arm, restricting her from any further movement."Let me go you broken fox!" she yelled. Foxy was deeply hurt by this insult, but he should expect that from hot-tempered people like Katelyn. "Lass...this be er' fight. She be a strong gal, and she can fend for er' herself," Foxy was trying his best to comfort Katelyn. "If she gets hurts, I'm blaming you," Katelyn muttered, still trying to get away. "Argh, Corinne needs ya ere', lassie," Foxy pointed out. Katelyn looked at Corinne, then back towards the hallway. The blonde sighed and started comforting Corinne.


Wolfie (Sage), Ally, Kat, and Jazmine were trying to find Freddy and Sydney. "Ugh, I ought to kill that bear!" Wolfie yelled in anger. Jazmine shook her head. "Violence is never the way to handle things," she said calmy, looking around in the kitchen. "He's already beaten her so many times before I came back to life! He deserves to pay!" Wolfie protested. "Wolfie...Sydney's fine. She's still alive, and she's still the same. Try to find comfort in that, and... don't do anything stupid."It's not cool, bro." Wolfie sighed and continued the search in a calm manner. "Have you always had curly hair?" Wolfie asked. "Totally off topic, Wolfie," Kat said. Ally nodded. "Yep. I'm proud of it, too." Wolfie had taken a liking to Ally, considering that she had brought him back to life, even though it was by accident. However, he still cared about Sydney, and he wasn't about to let Freddy win this game.

Freddy had taken Sydney to his room, and had locked the door. "W-what was that all about?! How about a warning next time?!" Sydney yelled. Freddy cupped her face in his hands...or paws. Sydney had no energy to push him away. "I'm about to tell you this to keep you safe," Freddy spoke in a low tone. Sydney nodded.

"Sydney...please understand, we mean no harm. THEY are in control." Freddy's voice was starting to become loopy again. "We try to approach, but...they start taking o-o-over. Fueled with anger and v-v-vengeance , for the doings of the k-k-killer..."

There was a slight shattering sound coming from Freddy. Then the Toreador March began to play. "No...Freddy...FIGHT IT!!!!!" Sydney screamed as she tried to get him to stop playing his song that preceded someone's death. That's when she jumped on him and held him down, to where he couldn't move. It was no easy task; the large animatronic was writhing under her grip. Sydney hugged the animatronic, and Freddy was back in control. He turned to look at Sydney, expecting a reply. " you know why..."

Sydney said nothing at first. Freddy was wondering if she even heard him at all. Then, without warning, Sydney flung her arms around his neck, and hugged him. "I-I d-didn't k-know...I-I had n-no idea!" Sydney's voice cracked. Freddy hugged her back. That's when he felt weird. It was some feeling he hadn't gotten in a very long time, not since he was a human. "Hey Sydney?" Sydney looked up. "Yea?" Freddy smiled and looked down, clearly embarrassed about what he was about to ask. "Do you like me?" Sydney smiled. She gave him a quick peck on the head, and then walked out the room. Freddy stared wide-eyed at the door that Sydney walked out of. "Wow..." he said, mouth agape.

"Sydney! There you are! We were so worried!" Wolfie cried, running to hug her. "Why are you smiling? You were just kidnapped!" he said. "Noooo, I wasn't!" Sydney said. Ally, Kat, and Jazmine suddenly knew what Sydney's smile meant. Kat and Jazmine winked at her, while Ally did a French laugh. "Is there something you're not telling me Siddles?" Wolfie asked. "Haha, nope!" Sydney said cheerfully as she skipped back to the supply closet. As soon as she was out of earshot, the three girls erupted into giggling fits. Wolfie rolled his silver eyes. "I don't get girls at all."

"Sydney!" Corinne tackled Sydney in a hug. "Guess what?!" she said excitedly. Sydney opened her mouth to reply but was quickly cut off again. "Bonnie asked me out today! Or, it was the first REAL time he asked me out!" Corinne squealed. "Foxy asked me out, too. No big deal," Katelyn tried not to act like Corinne over Foxy. "Will is trying to ask out Chica in a nice way. Probably gonna use a pizza," Corinne laughed. Sydney took a look at the two of them.

Corinne's complexion had certainly improved. She was a lot happier, and while she was pale a while ago, her golden tan had come back. Her teal eyes had their sparkle again, and her golden hair was no longer flat. As for Katelyn, her once-brown hair was back to a dirty blonde color. When she got here, she became pale, but now she also had her tan back. Her brown eyes had a lighter color to them, and even her smile seemed more fabulous. They were both REALLY pretty.

"So Sydney...what did you and Freddy talk about?" Katelyn asked, wiggling her eyebrows. "He told me about why they keep hurting us...and...I may have...kissed him." Corinne and Katelyn's mouths fell open wide, and Sydney stood their, waiting for their reply.

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