A True Sacrifice

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The truth settled on the friends that there was nothing they could do. They were going to be used for whatever Goldie wanted them to be used for. Jazmine and Kat were still handcuffed on the show stage, crying. Ally was locked in the backstage room; Sydney could hear banging on the door and her screaming for someone to open the door. Katelyn was angrily fighting to get out from under Foxy's foot. Chica had Will in a glomp, and he was coughing and sputtering, trying to get away. Corinne had her hands clamped behind her back. Sydney also had her hands clamped behind her back, only hers were being held together so tight that they were irritating each other. Sydney let the floodgates open; there was no use fighting it. Seeing Sydney cry, Corinne began to cry too. Will hung his head, and Katelyn's face planked on the floor. They were hopeless; listening to the animatronics laughter. They had won.

A golden bear that was very similar to Freddy appeared. He had no eyes, and he appeared to be an empty suit. At least that's what Sydney thought, until IT spoke, making her friends jump. "Hello there, my friends." Sydney's eyes narrowed. The golden bear let out a high-pitched laugh. "You prove to be most interesting, miss Sydney. Too bad that you're being handed over to me. Especially by your old child-hood friend!" Sydney's eyes narrowed, and her tears immediately stopped. "What do you need me for?" she asked, her voice cracking. Anyone who knew Sydney well enough knew that this was a sign that she was about to lose it, and start angrily attacking whoever made her mad. "I need you to make me human. I need all of you, to make me human."

Katelyn suddenly got a burst of anger and wriggled out from under Foxy's foot. "And just how do you suppose we do that?!" she asked, her voice full of hatred. "Did your mother mention something about that 'special thing' you have? Did she ever tell you that you weren't normal? And that your names were merely fake names to keep you safe?" the bear asked. "S-she told us in that letter that we had something 'special' about us, but she didn't tell us what..." Katelyn's voice trailed off. "Hehehehe, she was a fool not to tell you more. It would have spared you the trouble of having this conversation with me right now. Although I might admit, she had a valiant effort to keep you safe. Unfornuately, all it took was this one letter about a business trip to send her off," the bear chuckled. Sydney gritted her teeth. "And those animatronics behind you were so easily taken over, as well. They let down their guard for a kitchen fire, making it the perfect time to control them, beat up Wolfie, lure Ally, Kat, and Jazmine back here, and then get you to come here after them. It was all my perfect little plan." Sydney, at this point, no longer felt sorry for being angry. She broke away from Freddy, who tried to snatch her back, picked up a sharp piece of metal, and held it to her chest.

"YOU DID THIS. YOU MADE THE ANIMATRONICS DO WHAT WAS AGAINST THEIR WILL. YOU DISCONNECTED WOLFIE. YOU LOCKED ALLY IN THE BACKSTAGE ROOM. YOU SENT MY MOTHER AWAY FOR TWO WEEKS SO YOU COULD GET TO US. YOU DON'T DESERVE TO BE ALIVE, NOT EVEN IF I WANTED TO HELP YOU!" Sydney yelled at him. "Stupid girl, your friends can ALSO make me human, even if it means I can't live forever," Goldie laughed. That's when Corinne and Will also broke away from the animatronics, and also picked up sharp pieces of metal lying around. Katelyn picked up one as well. "No, you can't do that!" The golden bear screeched. "Oh really?" Will asked, eyes ablaze. "Try us. I dare you. If you even think about using us for your own selfish wants, we'll stab ourselves right through the heart. So go ahead, make your choice," Corinne taunted. The golden bear laughed. "You honestly think a threat is going to get me to back down? Nice try, you pathetic humans!" That's when Sydney dug the tip of the blade into her top layer of skin. It made a little cut, and blood oozed from it, but it was nothing fatal. The golden bear gulped; he was honestly nervous. "In fact, we won't let you use our power. We have a better use for it," Katelyn said, walking over to Foxy. The animatronics were trying hard to regain their heads; they were trying to shake Goldie's mind control.

"Guys...you deserve to be human...more than anything, or anyone," Sydney said, wiping away some of the blood on her shirt. "I know about the ritual, I read it in a manual in the backstage room. I know how to make you live forever; you won't have to be bound to this place anymore," Corinne said, putting a hand on Bonnie's shoulder. Bonnie looked up at Corinne, his pink eyes full of sorrow. "Chica...I want you to be happy. And I don't think you're happy being inside that suit. You need to be human, I want you to be human," Will pleaded, looking Chica in her purple eyes. She seemed to be listening to every word. "Foxy...you are the most awesome person I have ever met, besides my other friends, of course. I want you to be free. You are a pirate, after all," Katelyn giggled at her own cheesy pun. "Freddy...I'm sorry, for everything...I can make it up to you, I promise."

Using her blood that dripped from her cut, Sydney painted the ritual circle on the floor, moving the animatronics in the center of it. "Don't do that! If you do-"

"I DON'T CARE," Sydney yelled. "It was one thing for them to die once, and have to live in agony forever. I won't let that happen again!" Goldie ran towards them, but not before Sydney and her friends pressed their hands together, and then touched the ritual circle. A bright light flashed before the humans eyes, and then there was blackness.

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