Lies, Lies, Lies

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"W-Wolfie? W-why a-are y-you d-doing t-this?" Ally sobbed. "Ally, please try to understand, I don't mean any harm!" Wolfie tried to calm Ally down. The three girls had woken up only a few minutes ago, screaming at the top of their lungs for help. Jazmine and Kat were dragged backstage by Bonnie and Chica; Lord knows what they were doing to them. "Oh, sure you didn't mean to cause any harm. I'm pretty sure that you wouldn't PURPOSELY knock us out!" Ally screamed at him. Wolfie opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by Ally. "You know what? Maybe I should have found another body to stuff into the suit. I sure would have been smarter to do so. You know why? Because you aren't worthy of a second chance. NONE OF YOU ARE!" Wolfie's eyes widened. Ally wished he was dead. In fact, she was saying that wished ALL of the animatronics were dead. "A-Ally, YOU'RE LYING RIGHT?!" Wolfie looked at her sadly. "GIVE IT UP WOLFIE! I'M DONE!!!!" Ally screeched, and she broke the rusty handcuffs that Wolfie had her in. "I HATE YOU. BURN DOWN BELOW, ALL OF YOU!!!!" Ally yelled, as she ran for the door.  "ALLY! WAIT!" Wolfie called after her. Ally turned around with an angry look on her face.

"I-I d-didn't want to do this. B-But I h-had n-no c-choice..."

Ally looked at him, angrier than ever. "You were selfish. You gave into evil to save yourself. You're despicable." She then left, running down on the street, back to get Sydney and her friends. Wolfie fell to his knees, wailing in pain. The other animatronics seemed to enjoy watching this, because they did nothing to comfort him.

Good job, my friends. Even though Ally escaped, we still have two pieces of bait left. Lure Sydney back here, along with those other 3. Wolfie is no longer of use to you. Goldie sent them a message in their heads. The animatronics nodded and walked towards Wolfie. "NO!" Wolfie screeched as he kicked Freddy in the face behind him. He then punched Bonnie and Chica away from him. And then, Foxy jumped on him, screeching like the animal he was. Wolfie struggled under his grip, but managed to kick him off. His pain made him a better fighter, even though he never was while he was human. The animatronics stood up, all of them with angry eyes of black.

"Okay, here we go again."

*The Snow Gala*

"SYDNEY!!!!!" Ally screamed as she ran into the dance. The music shut off, and everyone was watching her, with wide eyes. "Where were you?! We've been trying to find you for 30 minutes! Wait...where's Jazmine and Kat?! Sydney asked frantically. Ally, as if on cue, fell to her knees. "It's the animatronics..." Sydney's eyes widened. "We gotta hurry!" Corinne cried. "Will! Get your butt of that couch and follow us!" Katelyn yelled. "Guys!" A young freshman girl walked out from the crowd. "Be safe, okay?" Sydney took a deep breath, and nodded. "Now hurry! Your friends need you four!" On that note, the four friends bolted from the dance, towards Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria.

When the friends got to the pizzeria, the front door was locked up tight. "MOVE!" Katelyn yelled as she picked up an old hammer and broke the glass door into pieces. "COME ON!" Katelyn and Sydney ran into the pizzeria first, and they were frozen in shock and fear from what they saw.

On the show stage was Jazmine and Kat. They were handcuffed, and they had cuts and bruises all over them. "Oh no...w-what...WHAT HAVE THEY DONE TO YOU?!" Sydney screamed. Kat and Jazmine lifted their heads to look at them and winced. "Y-you g-guys a-are r-really h-hurt..." Ally whispered. "I'LL FREE YOU GUYS!" Corinne cried as she ran towards the show stage. She was held back by Ally. "The animatronics are after you guys! I'll free them!" Ally ordered. Will looked towards the backstage area, and noticed something off. "G-guys...isn't that?" He pointed to a broken suit, or so it appeared to be. "W-Wolfie..." Ally's eyes widened. "N-no...NO!!!!" She ran to the backstage room, and went inside. "ALLY! IT'S A TRAP!" Sydney cried. She was too late, before a pair of animatronics arms yanked Ally back by the shoulders, dragging her into the darkness. "NO!" Katelyn shrieked as she ran towards the door to the backstage room. The door slammed shut just before she could go inside, and she face-planted on the door. "Grrr...FOXY!!!!!" Katelyn yelled, and then she cursed in French. "NOOOOO!" Sydney screamed and fell to her knees. Corinne bent down and started crying with her. "Sydney...oh dear, sweet, Sydney..." said a voice behind her. Sydney turned around, and she came face to face with Freddy. A hand clamped down on top of her mouth. "F-Freddy! G-get a-ahold o-of y-yourself! T-this i-isn't y-you!" Sydney pleaded. She looked over toward Will, who was trying to get away from Chica. Then she looked at Katelyn, who was being held down on the ground by Foxy's foot on her stomach.

"Goldie will be much pleased."

Good job, my friends. The golden bear complimented them through their telepathy.

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