First Meetings

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"NO! NO! NO! AND NO!" Jonah was practically fuming as he threw a collection of photos to the ground. "Parker, I thought I told you to find something to take pictures of other than that Web-Headed Menace!"

Peter fell to the ground, trying to recollect the photos he had brought for Jameson. "But boss, you hired me to take pictures of Spider-Man" Peter tried reasoning with him as he stood back up.

"I don't care about why I hired you, kid" Jameson shouted, marching out from behind his desk. "All I care about are pictures that don't involve masked-miscreants." He pointed harshly at the young teenager, as well as getting a little in his face to get his point across. "Spider-Man has gotten on my last nerve, and its time that we gave the readers a hero they can stand behind."

Peter stumbled back as Jameson shouted louder and came closer to his face. Bracing himself on the bar of the office door, he straightened up and turned to leave. "Okay, okay, Mr. Jameson" he said to his loud employer.

"Yeah, good luck with that, Pickle Puss" Peter thought to himself.

Just as he was opening the door to leave, Jameson's secretary, Betty, wedged herself in the way to speak with Jameson. She and Peter shared an awkward moment of who would go through the door first before she stood aside for him. He smiled earnestly and walked through the door frame.

"Boss, Ned just called" he heard Betty say to Jonah, "He just picked up Kim Possible. They should be here in roughly 10 minutes." Peter turned at this news, a bit curious by who this 'Possible' person could be.

"Thank Goodness" Jameson exclaimed, "the sooner they get here, the sooner Spider-Man's off page one." Jameson was looking forward to this exclusive interview, though Peter was getting more confused about the whole situation the more he overheard. He re-entered Jameson's office, catching his and Betty's attention.

"Sorry, I couldn't help but overhear, but... who's Kim Possible?" he asked.

Jameson snorted, "Only the greatest teen super sleuth in the world. Her adventures of saving the world are sure to win the hearts of our misguided, spider-hungry subscribers."

"She's been helping people since she was in middle school, and only took it to a global scale when she was a high school sophomore" Betty explained further. "She's a real inspiration."

"How come I've never heard of her?" Peter questioned, wondering how a world-famous do-gooder flew past his radar for so many years.

"Maybe because you've spent so much time around Spider-Man that you can't tell the difference between a real hero and a menace!" Mr. Jameson cut in abruptly. "Now Parker, you have point-nine-two seconds to get out of my office and get some photos that will be of use to me!"

With Jameson getting his point across, Peter turned out the door with a stern look on his face. At this point, you must be thinking, why would anyone want to work here with the always obnoxious J. Jonah Jameson constantly ranting about the city's own friendly neighborhood hero. Better yet, why would Peter allow himself to be in a workplace that slanders and criticizes his everyday good deeds and heroics. Well, as hard as it is to accept, it was his only way to keep a steady pay to aid his aging aunt in paying off all her home and health bills. So, as much as Peter hated the bad days listening to Jonah's undying hatred for his masked alter-ego, he knew it payed well enough to get him and his aunt by.

Although, Peter was still a bit curious about this 'Kim Possible,' and wished to know more, especially since he didn't even know she existed until about a minute ago. He pulled up a spot in front of an open computer and searched her in the browser. What he found was a worldwide website ( that had a multitude of tasks in which she could provide help. This included things such as babysitting, community-based programs, and a cheerleading camp.

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