Playing in the Sandbox

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Spider-Man brought Kim into his arms just as the giant sand twister shifted itself into a bullish monstrosity. The web-slinger shot a thick web into the eyes of the beast, blinding it for the moment as it tried to rip the webbing away. In this time, Spider-Man swung the incapacitated red-head to safety on the boardwalk. Ron stayed behind to distract the big sand goon like the swinging hero asked him. Eventually, the monster tore the webbing off its eyes and reengaged with where its targets were located.

"Hey, Sandy!" Ron shouted in a loony voice, "betcha can't catch me!" He started running, as fast as his legs could carry him. The monster watched as he crossed the beach with little effort, as its reach was easily able to cut him off in any direction Ron went. Ron screeched each time he was cut off, making him fear that he would get slammed by the giant arms, smashing at him like he was a mole in those "Whack-A-Mole" arcade games.

"Uh- Hellooooo! The point was to chase me, NOT SMASH ME! Do I look like a Whack-a Mole to you?" Suddenly, Rufus popped out of his pocket, squeaking and chirping a bunch of aggressive sounds at the beast to taunt it with Ron. Surprisingly, the beast stopped to look very displeased. He shoved a finger into Ron, shoving large chunks of sand and rock along the beach as he pushed Ron toward the edge of the water. Ron's legs were buried within the tip of the finger, allowing him to see what was going on around him. The beast stopped pushing him, and after a small moment of stillness and silence, a miniature hand formed out of the large finger that had pushed him out. The tiny hand pointed at the little naked mole rat in his pocket and said nothing.

"Uh, first off, NOT COOL! HE'S A NAKED MOLE RAT! NOT AN ACTUAL MOLE, YOU FREAKY EXCUSE FOR CAT LITTER!" Ron complained, very annoyed that the monster had taken the time to insult him and his little buddy before completely obliterating them.

Suddenly, Spider-Man flipped over the sand monster's shoulder and swung over to pick up Ron. Along the way, the monster projected any kind of disturbance to trip up the young hero; like sand tentacles, spikes, and giant hammers. Miraculously, he was able to dodge and avoid each one. He came up to Ron and pulled him out of the sand with his super strength. Ron's eyes were wide with enthusiasm as he had watched his spectacular ability be put on show before him. "Ah, man, that was totally worth a "booyah!"

Uh, was that surf humor? The web-head thought to himself, completely offset by the strange phrase uttered by the youthful blonde man. "Compliments later, guy. Right now, we need to get outta... MMHFF!" A large mass of sand came shooting up from the ground they stood on and threw the costumed crime-fighter into the air.

"SPIDER-MAN!" Ron exclaimed, watching the hero be thrown back a few dozen yards. "Get yourself out of here!" Spider-Man called out to them. "Get to your friend and make sure she's okay." Ron didn't waste anytime doing what was asked of him and quickly dashed for the boardwalk to be with Kim. Ron made it back to Kim safely, kneeling to cradle her in the hope that she would wake up.  Meanwhile, Spider-Man leaped into the air to do battle with the sand monster. He dodged more arms, hammers, and other methods of brutality made of sand. The more he fought, the more sand started to get into places that sand was known to find its way into, and of course, it was getting irritating.

"Marko!" he sighed in frustration, loud enough for the sand beast to hear him, "I'm about this close from quoting that one really bad sci-fi movie with the laser-swords." The beast didn't respond, but just kept swatting at him like a fly. "I mean seriously! I thought you vanished or disappeared and went straight! What happened?" He doesn't notice a large wave-like form of sand coming up form behind him and it washes him through the thousands of particles composing its body. Peter starts to cough under the mask, thinking that he will suffocate due to the minimal amount of air around him.  Suddenly, he collided with one of the pole-beams holding up the boardwalk. Grunting as he came to halt, the sand around him pulled back to reveal a helpless Spider-Man laid out on the sand after the hit.

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