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  She tucked her bun under the protection of the hijab and wrapped it tight over her head and under her jaw. Time was running fast and waiting for no one. She had overslept on her study desk while completing her project.
  She grabbed her backpack from her bed and bounded down the rickety staircase to the kitchen.
"Morning mama." She kissed her mother on the cheek.
"Oh good sumama, get sa'id and sa'yf ready for school." Her mother ordered as she served soup to Salma, her immediate younger sister.
"Why can't salma do it? I have a presentation today." Sumayyah whined as she dropped her bag with a huff.
"Is that a hard thing for you to do?" Her mother glared daggers at her.
  Sumayyah grabbed the twins by the hand and hurried them to the bathroom. She raised the skirt of her dress and tied it to prevent it from getting wet.
  Her hands worked quick as she washed her brothers and dressed them in their uniform. She placed a napkin and helped serve their food and give their medicines. She checked her wristwatch for the time and saw that she had five minutes more to leave the house.
"Mayyah, I need help with my ribbon." Sabreen begged, holding unto a red ribbon.
  Sumayyah went on her knees and helped her little sister tie her hair up in a ponytail. When she was done putting the house in order, she turned to find her plate empty.
"Mama, my breakfast?" She asked her mum who was eating her food in a hurry.
"I forgot." Her mum slapped her forehead. "Just go to school. Eat when you're back." Her mum suggested.
  Sumayyah sighed in fatigue. She wasn't the least surprised. It was a common occurrence where her mum always forgot to serve her food and it finishes.
"I'll be off to school now." She announced as she tickled the twins and kissed sabreen on her forehead. She grabbed her bag and ran out of the house. She needed this day to go well because it determined if she would get into a good university with a scholarship. She was probably late and she didn't have money for a quick bus trip so she ran as quickly as she could.

  As soon as she walked into the building of the school, her best friend, Sarah pulled her to her locker and helped her with offloading the things from her bag.
"You're late." Sarah chided as she put in books after books into the locker.
"My mum asked me to help her with the kids." Sumayyah whispered as she watched Sarah.
"Are you done with the project? They've been waiting and I've been buying you some time." Sarah asked, pushing in the last of the books.
"Serious? What are we waiting for? Let's go." Sumayyah exclaimed as she pulled her best friend by the hand. Her long legs hurried down the hallways to the classroom that was chosen for it.
"You can do this." Sarah cheered, pulling her in for a hug. "Fighting."
  Sumayyah chuckled at her best friend's love for the Korean culture. She said a silent prayer and walked into the classroom.

"I wish I even had something to eat. My efforts just got wasted." Sumayyah sighed, her eyes closed as she rested under the shade of the bus stop. She sat up properly and looked down to see a hand offering a sandwich.
  Sumayyah's eyes widened and her head slowly turned to see the nice person. Her cheeks the colour of tomato due to extreme embarrassment. She didn't expect anyone to hear her. She lowered her gaze immediately when she saw the person. He was good looking, she admitted.

"Jazakallahu khair. I didn't mean it." Sumayyah croaked out as she cleared her throat. Her face got redder as she realized he may not be Muslim so she said "thanks. I appreciate your kind gesture."
   She muttered how stupid she was under her breath and shut her eyes tight. She decided to leave when the most beautiful laughter stopped her from moving. She glanced at him to make sure he wasn't making fun of her and sure he was.
"I was serious about you having it." The stranger insisted, placing the sandwich between them.
  Sumayyah stared blankly at it but deep within, she had the strongest urge to not care and eat the sandwich.
"Don't hurt me by being rude. Take it. Wa iyakum." Sumayyah gulped at the reply. He was Muslim too. She almost slapped her hands to her forehead in annoyance.
  Already embarrassed enough she decided to eat the sandwich. She rested her back and grabbed it. Her fingers peeled back the wrap and her teeth sunk into the most delicious avocado sandwich ever. She almost groaned in satisfaction but held back.
"A penny for your thoughts? You seemed distressed." The guy suddenly spoke. Sumayyah paused mid bite and looked forward, her appetite suddenly lost. Her day went totally berserk. She fought the urge to tell the stranger.
"I lost the chance for a scholarship. So it's goodbye to uni." She blurted out. She didn't know him and that was what comforted her because she might never see him again.
"Allah is the best of planners." He simply stated and rose to his feet as the bus stopped in front of them. Her eyes stared at the neon sneakers as it stepped onto the bus and her mind raced in confusion and utter annoyance. She knew he couldn't do anything about it but then that wasn't comforting in any way. It simply did not fit in with her predicament. She angrily chomped on the sandwich as she trudged home.
  Bilal jumped on his bed and spread his arms wide as he sighed in satisfaction. He was done for the day and all he wanted was to rest his big brain. He was drained from the four hours microprocessor design class and really hungry too. He had given his sandwich to a total stranger who seemed hungry. He sat up on his bed and tugged off his sneakers, standing to put it on the shoe rack beside the door to his room.
  He shrugged off his cloth and wrapped a towel around his waist. He threw in his clothes into the washing machine and went on to shower. Once he was done, he put on his pyjamas and performed ablution for the asr prayer.
   He prayed with complete attention and made duas when he was done. Bilal transferred his clothes into the drier and walked to the kitchen to prepare noodles. Saying bismillah, he hurriedly ate his food and drank a soda.
  As he relaxed on his couch, his mind went back to when he was still home. He decided to call his mum. He missed her dearly. After the second ring, his mum picked up.
"Asalam walaykum mama." He grinned like she could see him and his eyes shut as he heard her comforting voice reply his greetings.
"How are you? How is Idaya and Hauwa? How is baba? How is Muhammad?" He rushed in excitement.
"Alhamdulilah. We're all fine. I'm well. Baby, Hauwa is with child." His mum announced. He could literally see her smile through the phone as she told him with pride.
  Bilal was the last child from the Donovan family. His sister, Idaya was the first child and female of the family and was seven years older with a family of her own. Muhammad followed, five years older than him and was not ready to begin his own family. Hauwa who was the Apple and pride of their father was simply two years older than he was. She got married some months back and what a joy it was to hear that she was with child. He was going to be an uncle again.
  His sister Idaya wasn't able to have another child after having complications with the first and losing one of the twin hours after he was born. He understood her pain but couldn't feel it since he wasn't even a husband let alone father or could give birth.
    His lips pulled upward as he heard his pet name his mother called him.
"Alhamdulilah. Mama would be visiting her, right?" He asked.
"In sha Allah." Came his mother's reply.
"I'll be home soon mama. After my exams. It is starting a week from now." He reported.
"In sha Allah. May Allah Grant you wisdom, knowledge and understanding baby. I have to go, your dad is back from work."
"Salaam wa'alaykum mama." Bilal smiled as she replied and ended the call.
He sighed in happiness as he washed the dishes, tidied the house and aired his washed clothes.
  He had to prepare well for the upcoming exams and make his mama proud. He walked into his study room and began reading.


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