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"... Ensure she's hydrated properly. Fresh fruits and vegetables and no stress." The doctor informed Muhammad as he wrote down the drugs Sarah needed.

"Thank you doc." Muhammad shook the man's hands firmly. He felt at ease when the doctor had told him that Sarah and the baby were safe. His mind had raced with various possibilities, ones that weren't good, at all.

"It's no problem. Get the drugs from the dispensary, down the hall to your right once you exit my office."

Muhammad nodded, a small polite smile on his face before waving the doctor goodbye, closing the door behind him. He decided to get the drugs before getting Sarah from her room.

After paying for the vitamins and other prescribed medicines, he hurried towards his wife's room. The room accommodated two patients with a blue curtain between the two beds.

  He walked towards the bed by the side of the large window and pulled open the curtain before closing it. He watched Sarah stir and her eyes fluttered open.

"Hey baby." She whispered, her voice deep with sleep but soft. She tried to send him a smile but it dropped. He caressed her hair gently, smiling as she pushed her head closer to his hands, resting it upon his palms.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, lifting her a bit to lay underneath her.

"I'm good. Just tired I guess." Sarah replied.

"That's good. The doctor has discharged you. We'll just fill some forms before leaving. I got your drugs already." Muhammad told her, kissing her temple.

"I'm sorry I scared you." Sarah tightened her arms around him.

"I wasn't scared cos I have a fighter for a wife." Muhammad grinned, although deep within him he never hope for something like that to ever happen.

"Hmmm. I see." Sarah chuckled, kissing him on his neck.

"Yeah. I booked us a flight back home."

"What? Why? But I just got back." Sarah glared at him.

"Alright then, I guess we'll just dunk your besties nikkah then." Muhammad shrugged, smirking.

"No." Sarah screeched. "And what the hell is dunk." She slapped his chest, laughing into the curtains of her full curls.

"You're beautiful." Muhammad said, staring at her.

"Muhammad." She whispered, blushing furiously. "Can we go pack now?" That was the que to leave.

"I already did babe. Especially those beautiful lingeries." Muhammad winked.

"Subhanallah. Mu." Sarah jumped from his body. She slapped his chest again, glaring at him.

"Chill out Mrs Sidiq. I'm just kidding. I couldn't leave your side even for a second." He smiled genuinely, leaving the bed to embrace her.

"May Allah reward you abundantly." Sarah grinned at him, circling her arms around him.

Muhammad stared at her, his eyes drinking in every feature of his beautiful wife. The one whom Allah had blessed him with. He loved her with every bit of him and hoped sincerely that they be together in jannah.
"I love you."


Bilal wiped the sweat from his forehead. His sister Idayah was here to help him prepare the new home that was soon to be occupied by himself and sumayyah.

He had just carried the single couch from the truck all on his own. This was to be a surprise to Sumayyah and he couldn't wait to show it to her. The theme was a cool garden like home since she loved gardening.

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