18 4 1

The door bell went off, disrupting the silence of the house. Sumayyah was busy helping in the kitchen as her mum had said they were expecting visitors. She could hear her sisters arguing about the person that should open the door.

"I'll open it." Sumayyah smiled at little Sa'yfs' voice. She could imagine him stretching to turn the knob.

"Sa'yf!" The girls exclaimed. Sumayyah let out a chuckle as she wiped her palms on the napkin.

"Salma, you're 18 soon, goodness gracious." She commented as she passed the two struggling sisters. She gingerly placed sa'yf on her hips and pulled open the door.

"Salaam wa'alaykum." An elderly man who seemed to be in his late fifties greeted with a smile. The short woman beside him had a graceful smile and complimented his tall height well. These were probably the visitors her mother was expecting.

"Wa'alaykum salaam." She returned the greeting with a small smile of her own as she placed sa'yf on the floor. Her eyes keenly watching as he ran across the wooden floorboard behind his sisters.

"A handsome one." The woman said. Sumayyah smiled as she stepped aside for the couples to walk in. Her eyes were fixated on their back as they moved down the hallway that she did not notice a third person.

Cough. Cough.

Slowly, Sumayyah turned to face the person who was coughing. Her eyes widened in horror with Bilal standing right in front of her.

"What are you doing in my house?" She gasped.

"Salaam wa'alaykum. Thanks for having us. I'll go in now." The smirk on his face made Sumayyah mad with rage. How dare he walk in her house like they were family? Her legs moved towards the sitting room where her mum served coconut milk which she claimed was their favourite and chocolate chips cookie.
  Sumayyah's eyes burned daggers at Bilal and when his parents began speaking to her mother, she knew what they wanted, why they were at her home.

"Your daughter has sparked the interest of our son and he would love to marry her." Bilal's mother said minutes after.

  Sumayyah grinded her teeth. She couldn't believe he was serious about it or she could but chose not to. She stared at his face which was partially hidden by his black hair.

"Well, it's up to my daughter what she wants. I want her to be happy. Let's go eat lunch while they talk it out. I'll ask my daughter to be with them." Mama said.

  Sumayyah watched her mum in awe. Sometimes the woman confuses her, one minute she acts like she doesn't care and the next minute all she wants is her daughters happiness. Tears gathered at the corner of her eyes and she sniffed to contain it.

"Salma." Her mother called. She spoke in Arabic, telling her to watch Sumayyah and Bilal.

"Na'am (yes)." Salma replied. She grabbed a comic book from the shelf in the hallway.
  Once her mother and Bilal's parents moved to the dinning area, Sumayyah frowned at Bilal.

"What do you think you're doing?" She whisper yelled.

"Trying to convince you to marry me because I love you." Bilal shrugged.

Sumayyah paused and rested her back on the couch. He was being sincere and it made her heart ache.
"Bilal." She whispered. "I told you no. You don't even know me."

"And you don't mean it. I'm willing to know you, every inch of you as we grow old together. I don't care about your past, just the present and I want it with you."

Sumayyah sucked in some air as she stared at the young,handsome man before her. What did he see in her? Why her? She wasn't beautiful or anything.


"I know you're scared. It's okay. I'm scared too and it doesn't matter. Perform the istikhara prayer and make your choice however it goes,it's fine."

  She gulped, staring with wide eyes at him, her head bounced as she nodded.
"We'll see."
  He smiled at her and deep down she knew if she was to spend her forever with anyone, she wanted it to be him. If Allah wills.

  Bilal knew it was a crazy idea but he wanted to try. He told his parents about Sumayyah and his mum was the happiest. She sang and danced around the house about how she'll have many grandkids running about.
   It felt so surreal when they had arrived at sumayyah's home. It was so simple and well organised with a little hint of having children around. He wondered how their home would be when they had children.
  His eyes could not stop staring at the lady in front of him. She looked so cute with the frown on her face and he wanted to laugh when she whispered.
  When it was time to leave, Sumayyah wasn't there to say goodbye. He felt quite queasy and hoped with all of his heart that she said a big yes.
  He had began to look for a home for them but decided that she would pick it that is if she decided to be with him. He stared at the ceiling of his room and he pondered upon their discussion. A smile graced his lips as he drifted off to sleep thinking of Sumayyah.

Sarah watched her husband sleep and it was creepy but she didn't care. Her fingers weaved through the wavy dark hair and she smiled at the smoothness. She had brought him his favourite turmeric tea and biscuit before bed but he had fallen asleep.
  Her eyes wandered about, staring at the various documents that he had piled all over the large mahogany desk in his office. She began to organise it all and when she was almost done, about to raise the picture frame, his large hands stopped her.
"Hey baby." He smiled at her.

"Mo. You slept off." She whispered placing a light kiss on his forehead.

"I would love my tea now."

Sarah chuckled loving how cute he was acting. She walked towards the table beside the shelf and grabbed the tray.

"Your late night snack Mr Donovan." A small smile graced her lips.

"Why, thank you, Mrs Donovan."
   Sarah placed the tray before him and walked around the desk before plopping lightly on his laps, grinning brightly at him.
"You seem tired. What has gotten you so worked up?" She asked getting serious. She could see the struggle he was having. Various emotions clouding his face.

"It's nothing." He stated sipping his tea.

  Sarah smoothed the frown lines on his forehead and began to massage his shoulder. She stared at his face a little longer before getting up.

"You don't have to keep things to yourself any longer. I'm here now. Whenever you're ready to open up." She blinked.

"Sarah I just..."

"It's okay Muhammad. Goodnight."

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