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Sumayyah grabbed the throw pillow from the couch and screamed into it. She was heavily pregnant with her and Bilal's third child. She was also frustrated at the moment.

"Maizara!" She called out from her seat.

Few minutes later, the small feet of her seven years old ran into the room. She was cladded in her school uniform, her black hair tied in pig tails.

"Yes mummy." She stopped folding her hands across her chest.

"Why is your form teacher telling me that you beat up one of your classmates?" Sumayyah glared at the girl.

"Because." Maizara drawled, rolling her eyes. "He was bullying Ahmad." She pouted.

"Maizara he was bleeding. From his nose." Sumayyah sighed, shutting her eyes.

"It could have been worse." The girl shrugged.

Sumayyah stared at her daughter. Sometimes she wondered if there was a switch up at the hospital.

"You are being taught how to fight to be able to defend yourself not to hurt others." Sumayyah spelled out.

"I know mummy." Maizara moved closer and held Sumayyah's face. "That is why I beat him up because he was messing with my brother. It's a form of self defense too."

"Maizara why?" Sumayyah almost cried, resting her forehead on her daughter's.

  She wondered who she took the strength and violence from. The fact that her daughter could beat up people and not feel bad was what scared her. She knew maizara was very protective of her twin brother, which was weird to people, but she wanted her to know she could also speak or report to a higher authority than resorting to violence. But this was maizara.  It has to be Salma's stubbornness she took after.

"Mummy breathe." Maizara said dramatically, blowing air in her cheeks. "You should be thanking me or better yet teach your son to be strong like me." She flexed her tiny arm and kissed the non existent muscle.

"Go take off your uniform. Tell Nafeesa to dress you up pretty." Sumayyah sighed, laying back on the couch.

"But mummy! I don't want those stupid dresses. I want my camo pants and it's hoodie." Maizara whined.

"Don't be silly young lady." Sumayyah snapped, glaring. "Besides couz Naim is coming for dinner."

"I'll wear the dress." Maizara grinned running up the stairs.

Sumayyah sighed. It was wrong but somehow bringing up Naim got maizara to do what she wanted. The girl had a huge crush on Naim. She couldn't wait for Bilal to get back from his trip. She was already tired and thank God her first daughter, Nafeesa took on the early role of being the second mum.

"Mama." Ahmad ran towards sumayyah. "I've showered and done my assignments. I had a ten out of ten in my maths test and I joined the junior chess club."

"Really? Wait! Do they have those things."

"Well, Mr Lohenry thinks I'm really super smart and since I'm interested at an early young age, he thought it would be nice to add junior just so I could join."

"That's splendid. I'm proud of you darling." She kissed his cheeks. "Uh Ahmad, are you being bullied at school?"

"Oh no worries mum. Maizara has my back." He shook his head, hopping out of the sitting room.

"What is it with those twins?!" She groaned, grabbing the pillow to yell again.


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