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  Time was moving like the speed of light. It was just yesterday when Sumayyah had gotten into North Beth  and a session had passed by. She topped the class with her 5.0gpa and her mother was really proud. She was surprised to find out that her mum had been saving up for her because she trusted that Sumayyah would do well. Her mom had bought her new clothes and hijab and had taken them out to a fancy diner.
   Her arms stretched above her head as she recited the dua for waking up. Today was the day she and her best friend Sarah added a year to their age. While Sarah clocked 20 today, Sumayyah clocked 19. She changed her bedsheets and cleaned her room. Seeing that she had 10 minutes until fajr, she brushed and showered, dressing in an abaya her mother had gotten for her yesterday.
  The Adhan from the speaker of the mosque gave her some inner peace as she smiled. She laid the prayer mat facing the qibla to pray nafil prayer before the iqamah.
  Once she was done with fajr prayer, she began making dhikr and duas, asking for Allah's blessings and mercy.

  The loud call of her name brought her back to the present. She had fallen asleep on the prayer mat and her neck was hurting badly. She sat up with droopy eyes, staring around the room before another yell of her name shot her up on her feet.
   She walked out of her room, down the hallway and into the kitchen to see her mother serving food into plates and Salma holding her, now, ringing phone.

"It's been blowing up since forever." Salma rolled her eyes and added, "Bilal called. Five missed calls."

Sumayyah smiled shyly as she hissed at her sister and snatched the phone from her hands.

"Hello Sarah boo."

"Happy birthday to us bestfriend." Sarah's voice came out shrill with happiness.

"Yes baby." Sumayyah let out a giggle. "How's married life treating you?"

"Good. Alhamdulillah. Muhammad is so sweet."

"Alhamdulillah. I'm glad you're happy. And how is fashion school? "

"It's simply splendid. We were told to make unique designs and sew it ourselves." Sumayyah could imagine Sarah roll her eyes. "We'll also pull a little fashion show and maybe get buyers who are interested."

"I never knew it happened that way."

"I know right. Madamé Rosé Ducant is the best. She's showing us to the world before we even finish. She says she wants us to reach our full potential. I'm so excited."

  Sumayyah smiled, her fingers twirling the curls on her head. She loved that Sarah was happy and that she stayed happy all day.

"I am happy to hear and know that you're doing fine."

"Thank you bestie. Have a splendid day. Bye."

  The line was disconnected immediately and a sigh escaped sumayyah's lips. She was happy for Sarah but these days, she felt it was all about sarah. Her best friend didn't ask about her well being. She missed when Sarah would simply ask about what she ate and how they'd make puns about the food she had eaten. So far she remained happy- Sumayyah thought.
  She decided to call Bilal after having breakfast with her family. She was glad when she saw the food her mum had cooked. The table was filled with chatter as the family ate in merriment. Sumayyah looked around the table and smiled with pride. This was her family.

   Sarah was happy, very happy. Her darling husband, Muhammad had brought her breakfast in bed with a bouquet of red roses and a poem. It was quite fascinating to know that her husband was a writer and few glimpses of himself was beginning to show, it was nothing short of sweet.
  She had heard in marriages there was a honeymoon phase before everything starts to change but it was different. Muhammad loved her so much and when they argued it was over little things which they immediately apologised for. Today, Muhammad had planned a special surprise for her and she couldn't wait.
  Her mind travelled to this morning, when she called Sumayyah. Her palm hit her forehead as she remembered their talk was only about her, she never bothered to ask how Sumayyah was feeling. She wasn't a good friend. Sumayyah had been there for her through thick and thin. She never for once complained and would always show happiness when she was happy. Sarah promised herself to call Sumayyah later in the night.
  She rounded up the papers with the unique design she had created and she was quite proud of herself. The ping of her phone made her stand from her seat to get it from where it was charging. It was a message from Muhammad telling her to get dressed and he would pick her up in 15 minutes.
  A smile kissed her lips as she pulled the hair bond that held her hair in a bun, making it cascade down her back. She decided to take a shower and wash her hair. She picked a simple teal dress and a white scarf. She had 10 minutes before he got here so she hurriedly had her bath and washed her hair.
  As she set the hair dryer at an odd angle, she began applying body lotion on her skin and putting on her underwear. She made her hair into a chignon bun. The loud screech of the tyre of Muhammad's car made her pull her dress over her head as swift as she could. She had 2 minutes before he got here. She let out air from her mouth as she applied some powder, kohl, and lip balm. Satisfied with the outcome, she wore her scarf over her head and pinned it under her chin before throwing one end of the scarf over her shoulders. As she stood admiring her work in record time, his arms went around her mid riff and his chin settled on her shoulder. Sarah looked into the mirror and stared as Muhammad's nose moved to her neck and his long lashes fluttered close. A soft chuckle escaped her lips as she turned to him, her arms around his waist.
"Hey love." She whispered.

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