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"You again! I have a feeling you've been following me." Her hand rested on her hips as she stared at him.

"What! No." He stated with a frown. "Or you've been following me. I get I am pretty awesome."

  Sumayyah giggled at Bilal's statement. She had woken up early for the 1 hour drive to North Beth university. She had received six admission letters from six of the best universities around but she decided to go with North Beth as it was closer to home, so she could help with Salma and her siblings.
  She arrived on campus at approximately 8:55am and was done with everything except her portal.

"What brings you to North Beth?" Bilal asked, walking beside her.

"Take a big guess." She smiled. Bilal's eyes widened in surprise.

"You'll be attending soon." He said.

"Yeah. I won a scholarship." She stated.

"So you're Sumayyah Abd'gafar? I should have known. "

"How did you know that?" Sumayyah stopped to stare at him, eyebrows scrunched in confusion.

"Well, your name is on the merit list. I mean 5.0cgpa? That was awesome. Half of the school must have seen it now."

"Oh." A faint red dusted her cheeks as she looked around.

"It's okay. No one is going to search for Sumayyah the smart." Bilal laughed making a small smile appear on her face. "So where to now?"

"I was told to register for the student portal and have my courses fixed by the counsellor."

"I'll take you and maybe after that we could grab some late breakfast or lunch?" Bilal suggested with hopeful eyes.

"Sure. Why not?" That smile again. Bilal thought as he stared a little longer at her face.

  An hour and some minutes passed, when Sumayyah stepped out of the counsellor's office with a white paper in her hand.

"Done." She said with a proud smile. "I would have hugged you, but you're my non-mahram. Thank you so much."

"No problem. You're officially a North Beth student." Bilal's heart raced at what she said as he gave a reply. How would it feel to be hugged by an Angel?

"Shall we?"

"We shall." He smiled. As they walked to the cafeteria, he showed her some key places where lectures are taken, various departments which made Sumayyah aww in awe.
  They stopped at the basketball court and Sumayyah stopped to stare at the guys playing with bustling energy. Her mind flashed back to when big Sarah, played basketball and how she wanted to be a basketballer. They had loved the sport but the things her sister loved started to hurt her to even watch.

"You love the sport?" Bilal asked, noticing she had paused to watch them.

"I totally hate it." She snapped walking ahead.
   He wanted to ask what made her get so worked up but decided to leave it. Her reply was the biggest lie he knew she must have told.

"And finally this is the cafeteria." He said dramatically, just wanting to see her smile.

"Hell yeah. This is what I'm talking about." She rubbed her palms together.

"Let's go order."

   Bilal asked for his usual while Sumayyah asked for hot chocolate, buttered toasted bread and white  eggs. They found an empty table at the back and sat, patiently waiting for their food.

"Why teaching?" Bilal suddenly asked.

"I just have a passion for it. I want people to learn from me."

"Chill. That's splendid." Bilal smiled.

"So, what are you studying?"

"Computer engineering as my major and Arabic as my minor."

"Wow. That's cool. You should be good in speaking Arabic right? My minor is quite dry." She giggled into her palm and whispered a thank you as the waiter placed her plate of food in front of her.

"I'm not so good at speaking, besides it's more about the origin and how it came to be. Learning to speak is later, towards the end. What's your minor?"

"Psychology. In relation to counselling."

"Dude! That's the best and most interesting course ever." Bilal exclaimed. His behaviour made Sumayyah feel shy as she ducked her head and bit into her toast.

"Thank you." She whispered as she sipped her hot chocolate.

"How about accommodation?" Bilal asked.

"Well, they offered me accommodation but I think I'll come from home. I'll take the offer during my last year so I can focus." She nodded.

"And how are you so sure the offer will stand?" Bilal admired the lady before him. She was brave and determined and her reply brought a proud smile to his face.

"It will because I know I can and besides Allah figured this out for me, do you think I doubt he won't make something better for me?" She stared into his eyes as she awaited his reply.

  Bilal coughed and broke the stare as he muttered that he knew she could do it.

"I actually need a job to keep me occupied. Probably baby sitting or house sitting or gardening. I don't know yet."

"That's cool. I can help search for you."

"Thanks really. You've helped a lot. I'll do this on my own."

"If you need help with anything. I'll be happy to help you."

"You're sweet. I have to go." She rose from her seat. "I'll pay for it."

"No I'll pay." Bilal stood too.

"I'll pay for it. Maybe next time you'll pay." She smiled. "Thanks. You made my day."
Bilal watched her walk to the counter, her black slippers slapping against the back of her feet as her red dress swished against the leggings she wore. He liked her already. She was smart, brave, pretty and loved a bit of independence. A smile appeared on his face as she waved one last time at him before walking out of the cafeteria.

  It's been two weeks since Muhammad and Sarah had gotten married and it had been going on well. Sarah had been enrolled into Madamé Rosé Ducant fashion school and she was the happiest.
  Muhammad was patient with her and sweet, helping her a bit with house chores and cooking and even with reading. And just last night did they become one and she could say it was heaven.
  She stretched her arm and sat up on the bed with the duvet around her. She turned to stare at her husband but found an empty space and she suddenly missed him. As she was about to leave the comfort of the bed, the door to their room opened and in walked her man. A smile formed on her lips as she stared at the tall man with lean muscles and chiseled abs. He was in his sweatpants and a tray sat in his hands.

"Good morning my queen." He smiled lovingly at her.

"Good morning my king." She smiled sweetly at him as her hands went around his neck after he dropped the tray on the bed side table. He moved to kiss her but she ducked her head, hiding her face in his neck.
"Morning breath." She whispered causing him to chuckle.

"Okay then. Go brush so we can eat."

"What did my Prince charming whip up for us?"

"Pancakes, waffles, scrambled eggs and orange juice." He ticked off on his fingers.

"Alright then. Wait, I'll quickly freshen up." Sarah begged as she stood from the bed with the sheets around her.

"You're my wife you know." He stated with a wink making her giggle.

  It was only after 10 minutes that Sarah left the bathroom looking fresh in shorts and his t-shirt, her curly hair dripping wet.

"Let's eat."

  Sarah felt lucky and she thanked Allah for giving her this man who made her feel like a princess. As she ate, she glanced every two minute to make sure it wasn't all a dream because it felt so surreal.

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