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Sumayyah bit the lid of her pen and winced when she mistakenly bit her tongue with it. She was anxiously waiting for Bilal to come home. It was the last day of Ramadan and her papers were coming to an end in a week.

Her marriage to Bilal was heavenly. He was the sweetest, most patient person ever and his kindness to her was just amazing. It felt weird at first because she was the one who cared a lot for people and had no one to exactly shower her with attention, love and care that much but she adjusted and soon she was the one frustrating him to gain attention from him.

The only problem they had was with her. He couldn't touch her properly because then, she would start to sob after initiating a kiss with him. It reminded her of how her step father raped and abused her and she was feeling guilty about it now. Bilal wasn't like him and would never be. He was different and that was why she made her decision.

Hauwa had put to bed some weeks ago and Bilal being a child loving person had gone to visit her this evening. He wouldn't be back until after isha and it was Sumayyah's only chance. She had been praying to Allah to make it easy for her.

She felt her heart break whenever a sad and confused look pass his face when he touched her but she couldn't tell him what it was that made her so uncomfortable. She felt scared because she didn't want to lose him. He was the one who had said her past didn't matter and she was grateful for it.

Sumayyah checked the time on her phone. It was almost time for isha. She began to execute her plan. Earlier, after maghrib, she had made rice and chicken curry just in case Bilal came back hungry. All she had to do now was change the bed sheets and set the candles. She got to work, placing the candles from the top of the stairs to form a path to their bedroom. She also placed some below the stairs. She changed the bedsheet and once she was done admiring her work she went to pray isha.

After praying fervently for everything she had planned to work out, she went in the shower to clean up and wash her hair. Once she was done, she towel dried it, wanting it to be quite damp to give it a wavy wet look. She tried on the deep red lingerie that she had bought, an embarrassed blush on her face. She put on her silk robe and tied it so he wouldn't see it, yet.

She sprayed some perfume and waited downstairs patiently for him to come. Immediately she heard his car, she began lighting the candles hurriedly and ran up the stairs to do the same to the rest. She switched off the light from the button upstairs and turned on the air conditioner.

Her lips quivered as she prayed silently for everything to go as smoothly as she wanted. Hoping that she didn't ruin everything.


"She's so cute." Bilal cooed, kissing his niece for the umpteenth time.

  Hauwa smiled fondly at him. Bilal was such a big baby and he loved babies so much. He was the only child who was so mad at their parents for not trying for another child because he wanted a baby and a sibling to protect.

"What would you name her?" Bilal asked, watching in awe as the baby stretched and made a little sound. His eyes lit in excitement as she smiled.

"Habeebah." Hauwa  replied.

"Perfect. Bilal's little beebah." He grinned, kissing her again.

"It's almost time for isha. You have to pray at the mosque and go home to Sumayyah." Hauwa told him, finding a comfortable position to sit properly.

"Yeah." Bilal smiled. He dropped the baby in the cot beside Hauwa and kissed her forehead. "Goodnight."

He hurried to the mosque to pray isha not wanting to worry sumayyah. she had been feeling rather uncomfortable and he didn't want to burden her.

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