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Bilal sat quietly behind the counter, watching Sumayyah prance around the kitchen taking spices and stiring things into the pot. The smile on her face showed how happy she was and it made him happy too.

He also couldn't help remembering how she had cried on Eid. He wanted to know what it was. How could he protect her if he did not know? He didn't want to ask for fear of her returning to the girl in her shell.

Perhaps, it was the fact that she was finally done with university or it was something else. When she turned to smile at him, he pretended to type on his phone.
"Can you please set the table. Breakfast is ready." Sumayyah pleaded.


Bilal started to set the table, placing the forks and knives and the jug of water too. He sat down on one of the chairs and leaned forward on the table, resting his chin on his palm. His eyes followed sumayyah as she placed the pot on the place mat.

"Let's eat." Sumayyah grinned, brushing her hands against his beards. He closed his eyes for a second before sitting up to serve himself.

"So, Salma and I would be going out later today." Sumayyah started, digging her fork into the shredded chicken.

"Shopping? Or what?" Bilal asked, resting his back.

"It's a secret until I get back." Sumayyah replied, looking up at him.

Bilal wanted to scream in frustration. He didn't understand her sometimes. She was mad for almost a whole month and he didn't even know why. She would be happy this instant and like a switch she would get sad and upset. She refused to say a word to him about it and although he suspected it had to do with her family he simply complied. What if something happened to her now, how would he know since it was a secret. He fought the urge to roll his eyes.

"Who else is going along with you?" He ignored her confused look.

"Uh Sarah will be joining us there and Muhammad is bringing her."

"So why can't I take you?" Bilal frowned.

"Bilal. Just say yes, please." She begged, sighing.

"Sure." Bilal dropped the fork and stood from his seat.

"Aren't you eating?" Sumayyah asked.

"I suddenly lost my appetite." Bilal replied leaving the dining for the library. He felt like yelling but marriage changed people in different ways. In the past, he would have lashed out on sumayyah but now he was much calmer. He resorted to leaving the person or thing that had riled him up and go somewhere else to think. He knew sumayyah would get hurt over him leaving but he refused to go in there, shake her by the shoulder and tell her how he was her husband and she didn't need to keep things from him.

He had began reading a book when sumayyah timidly walked into the library in her skirt and khimar.
"I'll be leaving now." She whispered. Bilal wanted to ignore her but he didn't. He instead checked his phone to see it had been an hour already.

"Sure." He shrugged, turning his chair to the other side refusing to look at her. When she left, he angrily threw the book on the floor. "Damn it."
He felt like crying because he needed to hit something to sooth the pain he was feeling. Why did she have to go to wherever it was that made up the surprise? His phone rang loudly, breaking his chain of thoughts. He walked back to the dining to grab it.

"Muhammad." Bilal sighed, plopping on the couch.

"I have something to tell you okay. Sarah just hopped in the shower."

"Okay." Bilal drawled, really hoping his brother will cut to the chase.

"Sumayyah is supposed to tell it to you and not me but I thought it would help. So you could treat her gently and protect her better."

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