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"So you and Bilal uhn?" Sarah teased, throwing a wink at Sumayyah.

"Oh shut up." Sumayyah grinned, drinking her orange juice from the crystal cup that Sarah had gifted her.
"I wanted to give you something. Hold on."

Sumayyah hurried into her room towards her cupboard. She groaned loudly as she heaved the heavy box containing her various novels and books. Her hands rummaged through the box to find the diary that belonged to her late sister.

A sigh escaped her lips as she stared at the glitter covered diary. She hoped she was doing the right thing. She didn't want her best friend holding grudges against a dead person- her sister. She hoped it could help their marriage.
"Here." She said handing the book over to Sarah.

"What's this?" Sarah asked, her brows furrowed, and her lips in a tight pout.

"Something to help you and Muhammad after-honeymoon phase." Sumayyah retorted, rolling her eyes.

"O..kay. " Sarah frowned.

"You can't come into this household without seeing at least one of us owning a diary. We're all born creative writers or artist." Sumayyah shrugged, rubbing off non-existent dirt off her shoulders. "You can't fully explain everything to Muhammad without him asking questions. This would help." Sumayyah sighed.

"You mean this is Sarah's diary?" Sarah gasped.

"Dummy, yeah. It answers questions he would have. Once he reads it, hopefully everything will be fine." Sumayyah said. A loud horn signified Sumayyah of the arrival of Bilal. "I have to go now sis. See you soon, hopefully." Sumayyah hugged her best friend.

"I'll miss you." Sarah cried.

"I know. Cos I'm that awesome." Sumayyah smirked, earning a slap on the back of her head. "I'll miss you too. How about we drop you off at the airport?" Sumayyah asked.

"That actually makes sense but I promised sabreen and Salma a short spa day." Sarah giggled.

"Gosh. Such a big baby." Sumayyah groaned, pulling on her cheeks.

"Oh get out. Go meet your Prince charming."


"Wow. Ma Sha Allah. This is amazing. I love this place." Sumayyah gasped. After visiting three different places, she finally picked the house stationed in the middle. It was a thirty minute drive to school, 45 minutes to her mother's house and an hour to Bilal's parents home.

"I'm glad you love it." Bilal smiled, he felt giddy seeing the happy look on her face.

"In Sha Allah, we'll be watching various cartoons and movies together here." She said, spinning around the wide space of the living room. Bilal chuckled at the mention of cartoons.

"And the rooms." She smiled, walking out of the living room towards the hallway. There were 2 rooms,one on her right and the other on her left. Bilal tried to catch up with her as she hurried up the stairs with the skirt of her dress in her hands. "This would surely be our bedroom, so huge!" She exclaimed, giddily.

"In Sha Allah."

Sumayyah checked out the other 3 rooms. They weren't as big as the master bedroom but they were spacious enough to contain essential things. They returned down the stairs and sumayyah hurried into the kitchen, following the dining area.

"Wow. In Sha Allah, our future kids and I would make huge messes here trying to create different dishes." She grinned, sliding a finger on the dusty counter. Bilal suddenly spluttered, coughing at the sentence she had said.

"Sorry." Sumayyah said, suddenly beside him. "Do you feel better now?" She asked, watching him.

"Uh yeah yeah my spit went down the wrong hole." She chuckled at his lame attempt to stop her from worrying.

"Okay. If you say so. This is the house, right?" She asked him, her eyes pleading.

"If you want." Bilal shrugged, struggling to hide a smile.

"Yayyy. I'm so happy." Sumayyah clapped.

"Let's go get lunch. I'm famished."


"Let's play 20 questions to get to know each other better." Sumayyah suggested.

"I'm in." Bilal nodded, chewing on his double cheeseburger.

"How many kids would you like to have?" Sumayyah asked, dipping her fries into the cream sauce.

"Whatever Allah gives to us. But I'll love 5 kids." Bilal shrugged. "Or 6." He added. Sumayyah eyes widened as she gasped.

"Oh my goodness." She laughed out, watching Bilal, hoping he was joking. She loved children but the reminder of the pain women went through made her choices slim. As slim as just 2 kids.

"Just kidding." Bilal smirked, biting into his burger.

"I'll hit you when we get married for this." Sumayyah chuckled.

"A male child or a female child first?" Bilal asked. They were currently at the park having picnic after the house hunting they went on.

"I've always loved the idea of a male child first so he could protect his little sister when we're not around." Sumayyah cooed.


"Being honest about yourself, how would you describe your whole character?" Sumayyah asked, getting serious.

"That's a tricky one cos I can say nice things about myself." Bilal shrugged.

"And you'd be lying." Sumayyah stared.

"I'm smart and intelligent so you have no worries when our kids bring home math problems." Sumayyah laughed at that. "I hate procrastination and I could say I have OCD because I love things around me clean and well arranged as I have put them." He sneaked a glance at sumayyah.

"At least you'll be doing the cleaning." Sumayyah joked.

"The most disliked thing about me regarding people is my anger. I rarely get mad or anything but when I do, I could be uncontrollable which I hate but it's a part of me somehow. So I try my best to stay out of trouble and I'm learning to control it." Bilal said truthfully, watching her face for any sign of fear.

"Wow. That's really raw and honest. A number of people wouldn't want to ruin chances so they'd say something as simple as let's say "I'm not tidy".' Sumayyah gave him a smile.

"How about you, what makes Sumayyah who she is?" He asked. It was a question that always danced at the back of his head. Who was she really? He knew she was an introvert, a kind and charming lady, she hated noise but could be a boom box herself.

"Sumayyah abd'gafar is an introverted lady who loves to goof around most of the times with loved ones. Suffers low self-esteem and has issues with confidence. She terms herself the unluckiest human on earth and some days feel she has the most issues in the world though that's totally impossible. Once she get suicidal thoughts and then guilt over it. Overly caring and overly vulnerable." Sumayyah said all at once, grinning widely and then throwing a crushed pretzel into her mouth.

Bilal just stared. He knew behind the smile was a world full of pain. He wanted to know what it was but he didn't want her to hide. So he smiled.
"That's deep."

"Sure. Next question. Why me?" She asked, swallowing and ducking. Not wanting him to see her face.

Bilal began to stare and he knew he was staring for too long. He wanted to hold her chin and force her to look up at him. He wanted to see her warm beautiful brown eyes and her small plump lips. But he couldn't , not yet at least. He wanted to tell her a lot of things that compounded into the answer to her question but where he would begin was the difficult thing for him.

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