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Everything happened so fast and it seemed all blury to Bilal. After the phone call with Muhammad that made his blood run cold, the text from Sarah showing a screenshot of Sumayyah's message sent him into a frenzy as he turned the house upside down in search of his car keys.

From tracking his wife's phone and calling up her mother to arriving at the warehouse. It was like a nightmare except there was a possibility that he could loose the love of his life. He planned all sort of murderous things that he would do to Zareef but on getting to the warehouse, all he could do was tear off the monster from his wife as she fought to breath properly.

Bilal tried to get her to breath but all she did was cry and his heart ached. He turned at the sound of metal hitting something. Salma was holding a pipe as she angrily kept on hitting Zareef.

"You. Monster. What. Did. We. Ever. Do. To. You." She raged, kicking him in the stomach.


Bilal's eyes widened as he saw her touch her skirt, blood oozing. He raised her just in time as Muhammad and Sarah rushed in.
"We need to get her to the hospital." Bilal cried, running out with sumayyah in his hands.

Sarah helped him open the car door and he placed sumayyah in, resting her head on his laps. He urged Muhammad to drive as quick as he could.

"Get Salma. Take Bilal's keys." Muhammad ordered Sarah.

"Sumayyah." He shook her gently, urging her to stay awake but her eyes just stared back at his looking lifeless. Tears poured from his eyes as he repeatedly called her name. He yelled at Muhammad to hurry up.


Salma wrapped the blanket around her, her doe eyes wet with tears as she stared at the little crack on the wall.

"Ma'am. Are you with us?" The police officer asked. Salma nodded. "So what did he do after he drags in your sister?"

"He tied her to one of the metal pipes and told her that he would finally have his chance with me and she would watch." Salma continued, her chin stuck up as she refused to let her tears fall.

"What do you mean finally?" The woman asked, writing swiftly in her notepad.

"He has been raping my sisters since childhood dammit." Salma yelled, the tears finally falling. "My sister committed suicide so he could rot in jail but y'all let him go." Salma cried.

"We're sorry ma'am." The officer apologised, a look of pity on her face.

"He tried to rape me but I'm not as weak as he thought. He hit me but I could take it so far he didn't go anywhere down there." Salma became calm. "He overpowered me and sumayyah couldn't take it. She wanted to protect me. So she tried to hit him with the metal pipe she was tied to but he immediately pushed her and she hit her head on the stacked wooden boxes."

"What happened next?" The officer asked.

Salma could feel sarah squeeze her shoulder. She turned and gave the girl a smile before returning to stare at the wall.

"He beat her for a minute or two saying he'd kill her slowly and that we ruined his life." Salma sniffed. "I tried helping her but I couldn't lose the rope on my right hand. He raped her." She cried out, a sob escaping her lips as her body shook. "She couldn't breath. She begged him. She kept on calling her husband's name and saying she had a baby now. She begged him but he just kept on hitting her and continued to rape her."

"Oh my God." The officer dropped her notepad. She pulled Salma into her embrace and patted her back. "Shh it's okay. You don't need to say more. I'll make sure he stays locked up forever." She promised.

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