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Sumayyah pushed the door open with her legs as she held the tray forward to avoid the raspberry tea spilling on her. Her mum had bought the lie that Muhammad entertained the idea of his pregnant wife being on vacation since he was on an important business trip.
"Dinner for the preggy lady on the bed." Sumayyah announced, gently closing the door behind her before walking towards Sarah. "Enjoy." She threw a wink at her as she placed the tray on the bed.

"Thank you." Sarah giggled into her palm. Her eyes took in the sliced cake, grapefruit, strawberry and the tea. "Ooh. Red velvet. You made it?" She asked, taking a bite, before moaning into her palm. "This is delicious." She cried out, wiping the stray tear.

"I can't believe you're crying because of a slice of cake." Sumayyah scoffed, smirking at her.

"Being cheeky yeah." Sarah laughed nodding her head.

Sumayyah plopped on her chair and made a twirl before pausing. She pulled out her candy jar and popped one in her mouth before placing it away. The thick psychology textbook before her, was enough to make her roll her eyes. She needed to come out to the top as the best. She had great scores although she had flopped in her second year due to her mental health but she came back better for her second semester with a 5.00gpa.

"Sumayyah come sit with me." Sarah whined. Sumayyah laughed at the childish behaviour. She grabbed her jotter and her textbook.

"Such a big baby. Hmmph." She smiled, sitting beside Sarah with her legs stretched in front of her.

"Muhammad and I had a fight." Sarah started, staring at sumayyah's face.

"I figured." Sumayyah shrugged, writing down some definitions. "I would love a reason why, but it's on you."

"He asked me to get some things in his drawer. And I found pictures of a lady in his drawer." Sarah continued, ignoring what Sumayyah had said.

"Oh Sarah." Sumayyah pushed her books away and placed her arms around Sarah's neck. "Did you wait for an explanation?" Sumayyah asked.

"I was jealous. I didn't. I also said some nasty things." Sarah sucked in her breath. "You would never believe me if I told you it was big Sarah, would you." Sumayyah pulled away.

"That would explain her happy state before she died." Sumayyah whispered with tears in her eyes. "She never told us."

"She never did. Muhammad loved her so much. Seems he still does. I called her selfish." Sarah confessed, watching the sad face of her bestfriend.

"I called her selfish too when it happened. Only because I missed her and it didn't really click that she did what she did." Sumayyah said quietly.

"You had a good reason. I was jealous. I said it because I couldn't fully have what she still have even in death." Sarah sighed.

"You never know. He loved her but he has you now. Did you stop to think if perhaps he has those pictures to remind himself of her? Or maybe, he wants an answer as to why she left? Because all I saw on the day you both got married was the purest form of love In his eyes."

"I overreacted." Sarah simply said, nodding her head. "I didn't wait for an explanation. I was scared of the truth. What if he really loves her?" A tear fell from her eyes.

"He loves her, sure. After all she was his first love, maybe. The first woman to take a large space in his heart. And then there is you whom Allah gave to him to soothe him. I mean two beautiful sisters to one man. Perhaps you're there to push him to be strong, to soothe his broken heart." Sumayyah said, pausing to stare at her face.

"You know how big Sarah was, and you can't deny she'll leave a mark. She's gone but we still have her in our heart, it's the same for Muhammad but worse in the sense that he doesn't know what to do since he has no idea what she went through before she decided to do what she did."

"I feel so stupid. Thank you Sumayyah." Sarah hugged her.

"Why don't you call him? I'll go spend night time with the rest before coming to bed."

Sarah listened as the phone kept ringing. It was two days since she arrived back at her home town.

"Hello." His croaky voice made her insides shiver. It sounded like he recently retired from crying. She could hear the cackling sound of the fire place.

"Muhammad." She called out. "What are you doing?"

"Would you come home?" He asked, clearing his throat.

"You didn't reply me." Sarah hinted.

"I'm burning up the lady's picture." He sighed. "I miss you."

"Why would you do that? Stop it." Sarah whispered.

"I guess it would clear the doubt of my love for you. I want you home." He stated.

"Stop burning the pictures. I hope you didn't burn my favourites." She smiled slightly.

"You have a favourite? I thought you were mad at me." Muhammad chuckled.

"I was jealous. And I'm sorry, I didn't hear you out. I didn't think this through."

"No. I'm sorry. I should have done this long ago. I guess I didn't want to loose the memory of her face. I'm.. I was confused."

"It's okay. I overreacted." Sarah sighed.  "I feel so ashamed of myself."

"I love you, Sarah Sidiq. Now and always."

Sarah paused, a tear rolling down her face. Now she felt awful.
"You there?" Muhammad asked.

"Yes. Yes." She coughed. "Is there still a space for big Sarah?" She asked.

"Always. But Allah gave you to me."

"Keep it. And her pictures. I'll be home tomorrow. Would you like a story of her?" Sarah asked.

"Sure." Muhammad chuckled.

  Sarah grinned, placing the phone on the bed. She stood from the bed and made her way to the sitting room to find Sumayyah. The lady was frustrating Salma and sabreen who were focused on the game they were playing.

"You guys are best friends now, leaving me out, uhn?!" She chuckled, waving her hands in front of the tv screen.

"I'm disappointed in you Sumayyah." Sarah commented, laughing.

"You done?" She asked staring at her while Sarah nodded in response. "Come join me in annoying these ladies. The baby can join in too." Sumayyah winked, pulling on Sarah's arms.
  Sarah didn't realise that she had missed her best friend so much. With a smile on her face she and Sumayyah decided to take it to the next level and soon the whole house became a hurricane.

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