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The ladies snickered into their palms sipping from their tall cup of ginger tea. They pinched one another to stop them from laughing as the whole family rushed down the stairs.

"So I told the lady that I couldn't make that type of design and she said shut it I've seen you do it." Sarah pretended to be indulged in her story telling and Hauwa grabbed the opportunity to roll her head backwards and laugh.

"What did you do to my hair?" Muhammad raged, his nose flaring as he glared down at his wife.

"Mine too!" Kamal, Hauwa's husband frowned.

"What do you guys mean?" The ladies chorused, watching as the others filed into the dining room.

"What happened to your hair?" Idayah chuckled, yanking her brother's hair. "And what happened to our clothes?" Idayah gave the adulting kind of look.

"Hauwa and Sarah did something." Muhammad gritted, putting his fingers through his hair.

"Now now, Mu. Takullah. You didn't see us do it." Hauwa fake glared at him.

"I'm sure you did." Kamal snapped his fingers, a small smile on his face as he watched his wife bust into laughter.

"Okay y'all. I can't do this Sarah." She laughed histerically.

"Ladies, check the laundry room your boring clothes are in there and dudes, just go rinse it off with some water and shampoo." Sarah rolled her eyes.

She coughed when her mother in law slapped the back of her head and pulled on Hauwa's ear.
"You just had a baby and you're this energetic. You must be a robot." Mrs Donovan teased, poking her daughter in the stomach.

"You're just jealous that I am not as lazy as you were after you had all 4 of us." Hauwa smirked. She flew from her seat as her mum raised her hands to hit her, running to the safety of her father's tall frame and broad back.

"Dada, mum wants to hurt your princessa." Hauwa whined, holding onto his shirt.

"Come on Letisha." Mr Donovan grinned, wiggling his eyebrows.

Sarah giggled into her palm watching the exchange with keen interest. She loved this family and it made her less worried and more happy.
"Okay. Fun is over everyone. Go get dressed before we go pray. My Billy will be waiting at the mosque." Letisha clapped.

"Do you know what I noticed?" Idayah mused, scratching her chin like she was deep in thought.

"What?" Mr Donovan rolled his eyes.

"That Dad's favourite is Hauwa and Mum's favourite is Bilal and we the first children as in female and male are just literally floating planktons." Idayah added, glancing at her parents.

"We love you all equally." Her parents chorused.

"Yeah right. What is Muhammad and I favourite food?" Idayah asked, a wicked glint in her eyes.

"Yeah, what is it Mum and Dad." Muhammad smirked.

"Uhhh. Idayah loves steak and fried rice." Letisha said and Benjamin, Mr Donovan, nodded with a hmm.

"And Muhammad always loved pasta." Letisha clapped with a proud smile.

"I dislike fried rice and Muhammad hates pasta. If he ever eats it he gets ill. Mum!" Idayah let out a shriek as she glared at her parents.

"It's old age." Her parents walked away leaving Hauwa to awkwardly tap the table before screaming the baby is calling.

Sarah shook her head and pulled Muhammad to the room to help him wash the dye off. She had her bath and got dressed in her yellow abaya and black hijab.
"Ma Sha Allah. I look like a star. The sun even." She twirled grinning from ear to ear.

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