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  The Sidiq household was abuzz as everyone was busy setting up various decorations. It was the time that Sumayyah dreaded, her best friend was going to leave her to attend a fine fashion school somewhere in London and live with her new husband. It was selfish of her to think that way- she knew but this was Sarah and they were like sisters, inseparable.
   Sumayyah was in charge of the decorations and with the whole thing put up, she was quite proud.
"Sumayyah, aunt Sarah is asking for you." Rodiyah,the youngest cousin of Sarah said. She was so cute, sumayyah picked her up and pinched her cheeks.
"Let me down." The little girl whined as she kicked her tiny feet.
  Sumayyah smiled and kept Rodiyah on the floor. She adjusted her lavender headscarf and made way to Sarah's bedroom.
"Hey bride!" Sumayyah smiled, tears brimming at the edge of her eyes.
Sarah rushed to hug her tight and sumayyah could feel the fat,wet drops of tears from her best friend's eyes.
"I can't believe you're crying on your wedding day." Sumayyah sniffed. "Now you've made me cry along with you."
  The two girls giggled, the tip of both their noses red as they sniffed. Sumayyah pulled away first and walked over to the bed. She plopped down on the comfy,softness and patted her laps.
  When they were much younger, Sumayyah would always lay Sarah's head on her laps and dig into the dark curls, massaging her scalp and giving soothing words.
  Sarah did the same now. She felt scared of the new life she would be living. Her thoughts wandered off to sumayyah and how lonely her friend might be. A sad smile kissed her face as she rested her head on her best friend's laps.
"Should I tell you the story of the white swan?"
  Sarah would definitely miss sumayyah's stories.  They were the best, thou it was pretty obvious that she made most of them up. Sumayyah began at the nod of her large head of hair.

"Long ago, there was a beautiful white swan whose feather was as white as snow but still had it's golden glow. The white swan knew she was beautiful and could get any Cob if she so desired but the special thing about this beautiful swan was How humble she was, beautiful both in the inside and on the outside. She was kind to every swan, gentle in talking - Sarah giggled at sumayyah's description, what swan spoke? "Graceful in all she did, she had the best of characters and one day fate decided to play out and nature decided to test this seeming swan of perfection. The white swan fell in love with a Cob and he claimed to love her. They began doing things together and the white swan was overjoyed. Then one day." Sumayyah's voice deepened at the end for special effect which made Sarah giggle and snort as she slapped her best friend's laps.
"Ouch!" Sumayyah whined, but with a cheerful smile on her face.

"Go on." Sarah urged.

"There were two traits the swan lacked that wasn't known to the community of swans."

"Community? Really?" This story was cracking Sarah up.

"Shhhh. Would you let me talk?" Sumayyah snapped as she lightly pulled on Sarah's curls.

"Alright. Alright. Mean much." Sarah was seriously enjoying this.

"The white swan had a surprise meal for her handsome Cob but she didn't seem to Find him anywhere. She asked around but no one seemed to know where he was. She became scared and started searching for him until she saw what she didn't like. The cob was flirting with some other swan, at least that was what she saw. Jealousy burned in her soul and anger busted from a place unknown. The swan caused a scene, embarrassing her Cob. It only became clear after the deed was done. The woman the cob was flirting with was his mother and he wasn't flirting, he was acting like a cygnet to get what he wants. He wanted the white swan and he wanted to get married to her but she had ruined her chance."

  Sarah sniffed at the wise words of her friend. She was advising her with a story she thought was ridiculous. She let out a chuckle as she sniffed.
"So you think I'm beautiful and could get any guy I want?"

"No, idiot." Sumayyah smacked the back of her head laughing. "You are beautiful."

"Are you happy?" Sarah asked.

"You know, I'm more than happy.  You'd be getting a happy ever after since big Sarah couldn't get it, I'm glad at least one of my Sarah did." Sumayyah smiled and that's when both of them bust into tears.

"I miss her so much." Sarah cried.

"I miss her too but Allah knows best. And I'll miss you more. Sarah."


"Patience, Sabr, it's a key that opens so many doors. Learn to be patient even when he's at the wrong. Forgive when he offends you and always help him and support him. Envy burns good deeds just as fire burns wood. Sometimes you get jealous, seek Allah's help. Never stop praying and stay firm on the right path. I pray Allah protects you and makes you happy." And with a kiss on her forehead, Sumayyah placed Sarah's head on the pillow and dropped an envelop beside her.

"What's this?" Sarah croaked.

"Read it when you get to England. It's from s-sarah. She wrote to each one of us. Get ready okay?"

  Sumayyah hurried out of the room without waiting for a reply. She slinked into the guest bathroom downstairs and locked the door behind her. She moved to the mirror to really stare at herself.

Are you happy?

Sincerity to one's self leads to realizations. She was happy for Sarah but she wasn't happy. She was sad, broken, used, depressed, angry, mad, every negative emotions was what she felt.
  She blinked and watched as her reflection did the same. She was unworthy of being loved or ever loving. Who wanted a living piece of trash or garbage itself. She was a hypocrite. Telling Sarah to stay firm on the right path while she totally went astray -losing trust in the only person that was there and has been there for her.
  She wasn't as beautiful as Sarah, her sister. She didn't have voluminous rich curls like Sarah, her friend. It was just the boring old  brown eyes and slim nose. Her hair was a plain light curly hair which was long but still plain. She hated the sight of herself in the mirror.
  She laughed maniacally as she watched tears pour out of her reflection's eyes. She was a mess and there was no fixing her. She would die a mess, a loner, a loser, a failure.

Luckily, today was Sarah's day and it didn't matter if she was sad. She was going to make this the best for Sarah.

  Bilal's face held deep annoyance. He had on a simple T-shirt and washed jeans, his jacket hugged the lean muscles of his arm which was currently folded across his chest. His dad was driving and giving him lectures on how utterly disappointed he was in Bilal.

"You could have worn a more fitting cloth. We get you're mad at us and your brother for hiding it from you but.... "

Bilal slammed the door of the car shut behind him as soon as his dad was parking the car. He didn't care if he was throwing tantrums and being rude, he was tired of being treated like he wasn't part of the family. They kept on hiding things from him and he no longer was a child.
  He could hear his mum calling out to him but he chose to ignore her. It pained him to disrespect his mother but sometimes his anger felt like another being in him ten times stronger.

"Ouch! Watch where you're going." A familiar voice groaned. He watched with wide eyes as sumayyah rubbed her forehead gently.
"At least apologise." She snapped, walking away.

It seemed like he wasn't the only one in a bad mood. She looked like she was in the worst of moods. Her eyes was swollen and red. He ran after her, walking farther away from his mum calling.

"Yeah." She turned.

"I need someone to talk to." He didn't know why his voice sounded desperate. He wanted her attention so badly.

"Uhm. Okay. But I have to change and I'm quite busy. Just wait a bit."

He watched as she chuckled when he groaned.
"Sabr." She said to him before walking away.

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