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Alina Monroe has to prove her innocence after her fingerprints is found all over the body of the dead people showing up at the front of Addison square.


Myers sat hidden beneath the gym bench, sweat dripping from his forehead like it was a juicer. His body shook from the fear coursing through it and his heart was pounding from the amount of adrenaline used to save his own life.
He jumped from where he sat upon the sound of metal dragging against the floor. The creepy cry of 'come out, come out,wherever you are' made him pee in his pants. If any of the guys saw him now, he was sure they would burst into a fit of laughter. But it didn't matter now since he was going to die anytime soon.
His tears began falling rapidly like water from a waterfall as the wide smile of his killer peeked from where he hid. 'let's see who dies, yeah. Inny, Minny, Minnie,Mo.' Myers couldn't believe he was about to die in the hands of a woman. She was hot at least, he thought. 'run!'
  Instantly, he shot out of his hiding place and with all the strength he had left, he started to run. The woman's cackling made him shiver as more tears poured out of his eyes. What did he do to deserve this? His eyes widened as he stopped at the railings of the 17th floor. His eyes trailed down to his stomach and he coughed, watching blood splutter out of his mouth. The sharp edge of the spear like object shooting out of his stomach made a choking gasp escape his lips and like a push, he fell over the railings and plunged to his death.

Are you ready?!👻

Cos I am.

I'm so excited! So this is a challenge and therefore I am dedicating this book to aynatulmarziya 

I've never written a mystery/thriller book before and I tried my best to incorporate the common features of this genre.

If I've made any mistake, I would love for you guys to correct me because I'm learning and I need it.

Anywaysss watch out for : Whispers in the darkkkkk👻


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