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Bilal stood in the corner of the room, watching his brother Muhammad, smiling down at Sarah. They were officially married and Bilal couldn't understand why he felt betrayed. Sometimes he didn't understand his own feelings and emotions which made him feel lost.
His sisters Idaya and Hauwa arrived some minutes after he got there. Hauwa looked more prettier and he told her. Idaya looked ill and tired and he watched after her for a while before leaving her with Hauwa. He carried his little cousin Naim on his shoulder as he glared daggers at his brother.

"Hey." Bilal turned to stare at Sumayyah. Throughout the evening, he couldn't stop staring at her, he knew it was wrong but he couldn't. She was mesmerising and he was sure she was oblivious to it.
She had on a simple, plain but pretty long, white flowy dress with pink flowers curling down the dress. Her soft pink hijab was wrapped loosely around her head as a white cap was placed under it.
"Hey." Bilal coughed.

"Who's this little guy?" Sumayyah cooed at Naim. He watched as she pulled lightly on his cheek, making funny noises with her mouth before placing a kiss on both his cheeks and tapping on his small nose. He felt quite jealous, his heart yearning for that much attention from her.
Naim bent his body at an odd angle before stretching his hands towards Sumayyah. The happiness on her face made him smile. He watched with interest as sumayyah cradled Naim to her bossom and whispered sweet words in his ears making him giggle. She turned to face him as the boy played with the beads on her wrist.

"You needed someone to speak to." She started.

"Uhm, yeah." Bilal was speechless. He didn't have much to say. He had nothing to say in fact.

"So go ahead. I'm listening. How do you feel about your brother's wedding?"

Bilal looked at her face to see if anyone set her up to this. It looked sincere. How did she know?

"You've been sending death glares to both my bestfriend and her husband and you expect me to not notice?" She let out a light chuckle as she threw Naim in the air and caught him in her arms.

"So you've been staring at me too uhn?" Bilal teased trying to get out of having a serious conversation.

"Saw a masterpiece, couldn't look away but it seemed like you couldn't stop staring either." Sumayyah laughed.

"Oh bummer." He slapped his forehead.

"Stop trying to get out of this convo."

Bilal froze up. This girl was pretty smart and she didn't take no for an answer.

"Okay, fine. I don't feel happy about this union. But what can I do?" Bilal shrugged nonchalantly.

"Wait. Do you have a crush on Sarah? So you feel jealous she isn't getting married to you?" Sumayyah asked, a mischievous glint in her brown eyes.

"Yeah... wait what! No no no." Bilal spluttered. He began coughing and could only stop after Sumayyah slapped his back. "Ouch. That hurts." Bilal snapped.  He almost felt bad for the way he spoke but her giggle the next instant made him stare at her in amazement.

  At home, his mother and siblings usually walked away, scared and mad at him for his harsh response whenever he got angry but this girl simply laughed it off.

"So it's a wrap, you don't like Sarah?" She teased, wiggling her eyebrows at Bilal.

"Yes." Bilal's nose wrinkled, from disgust or habit.

"Are you trying to tell me my best friend is ugly?" Sumayyah gasped dramatically.

"No, that's not wh..."

"I can't believe you think your brother's wife is ugly." Sumayyah seethed.

"Chill, let me ex..."

"Explain how you just insulted the bride to be?" Sumayyah interrupted yet again.

"No i..." Bilal was getting confused and embarrassed and his face told it all.

"Relax dude! I'm just playing with ya." Sumayyah laughed loudly.

  Bilal stood in shock, watching as the beautiful, brown skinned lady laughed with no care in the world at his gullible self. She didn't seem to remember that she had a crowd of people around her. His own mouth turned up to a smile as he watched her jiggle Naim in her arms, twirling and telling the little boy how silly his uncle was.

"Sumayyah." A girl in a black outfit and black scarf who looked a bit like her with the exception of the downturned hazel eyes, stood with a look of boredom, clutching the small hands of a little boy.

"Salma. Look at this cute little guy. Isn't he so handsome? I want a baby like him." Sumayyah smiled as she walked towards her sister.

"Yeah. Whatever. Help me look after sa'yf." The girl snapped. It seemed to Bilal that Sumayyah was used to this sort of behaviour from the girl because she smiled and asked why she couldn't look after their little brother. The girl mumbled a reply, looking away.

"Come again." Sumayyah smiled.
"Sabreen and I are doing some lady stuff."
"Awwwn. Bring sa'yf over." Sumayyah pulled sa'yf towards her. "Say hi to my friend."

Bilal shyly waved at the girl as she waved and sauntered away. Sumayyah let Naim down and knelt on the rug to play with the two and a smile made way to Bilal's lips.

  Sarah's eyes welled up with tears as she hugged Sumayyah tightly to her chest. She would miss her best friend so much. They had been as thick as thieves from birth through childhood with her bearing the name of her best friend's sister and being called Sarah junior.
  Her heart bled as she recalled the death of her namesake and how she wasn't here to tease her and give her all those cool advices. She pulled away from the warm embrace and repeated her goodbye promising to call everyday. Sumayyah laughed and told her how she would be busy with fashion school, Muhammad and making babies. The latter making her laugh.

"I'll miss you." The sincere whisper of sumayyah's voice made her tear up as she held the letter big Sarah had written to her. She and Muhammad were waiting for their flight to London which was in the next three hours. They decided to grab an early breakfast before leaving. Sarah tore the envelope after pushing her cup of hot chocolate away. She pulled out a pink glittery paper. Her eyes almost popped out of the socket. Sumayyah and her had made the paper as an early birthday gift to Sarah before her death. The cursive and beautiful handwriting of Sarah's Dear junior grabbed her attention.

Dear junior,
  If you're reading this letter, I'm guessing sumama gave it to you. I'm extremely sorry that I gave up so early. I'm so sorry for doing what I did and I have no excuse for it but the pains were extremely unbearable.
  Well, this letter isn't to make you tear up again and wonder why I did what i did because I do not deserve your love or care.
  I'm sorry I won't be there when you graduate high school, or graduate from uni or when you get your first job, fall in love, get married, have your kids, I'm sorry.
  I just want you to know that i love you so much, and if Allah wills for you to go that far- then I pray for success in all you do and happiness. You are brave Sarah and no one should tell you otherwise.
  We meet to part and we part to meet.
                  ❤ Big Sarah

  A lump formed in her throat as she swallowed hard to avoid a scene. She looked up to see Muhammad staring at her, his eyes holding all the care in the world. She watched him move his chair beside hers and shuddered as he wrapped his arm around her, his lips pressing a kiss on her forehead as he whispered that it was alright to cry and that he would be her anchor.
  Fat roll of tears went down her cheek as her body shook with grief and sadness. She missed her big sister a lot.

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