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Sumayyah had made a decision. She wanted to be done with university and juggle work with a master degree in psychology before settling down to be a wife. In reality, she wanted to know how long Bilal would wait to be with her, she was scared that he didn't really love her. It was sick, but that was it.
  She was in her last year in North Beth and Bilal had graduated a year back with the highest CGPA and many recommendations in high companies.
She was really proud of him. They rarely spoke as Sumayyah told him how busy she was and how she wanted to focus on her education. Secretly, she was giving him a chance to meet someone new and have his happily ever after.
  She was done with class, so she packed up her things and exited the lecture room. Her stomach grumbled loudly which was quite embarrassing but she ignored it and walked ahead acting like her stomach didn't just cry to be fed.


  Her neck snapped towards the familiar voice and her eyes widened in amazement. There stood Bilal, in a clean plaid shirt and black pants. His hair was gelled back and his beards was combed neatly. He looked different. When he called out to her again, she realised she was still standing on the same spot in shock. She swallowed hard before walking over to him.

"Salaam wa'alaykum." She waved, looking down at her feet before staring past him and into the car.
"Naim." She gasped into her palms as a wide smile appeared on her face. Totally forgetting that Bilal was there, she pulled open the door and grabbed the chubby baby.
"How are you my baby?" She pulled his cheek before placing a kiss on his forehead.

"I'm fine. Where have you been aunt Sumayyah."

"Wow. My baby is all grown and smart now." She smiled with pride at him. "Well, I have been studying. How about you."

"I can read my alphabets without making a mistake and I can read the last five surahs."

"Masha Allah.  How impressive. When next I see you, I'll get you a gift."

  Cough. Sumayyah turned to stare innocently at Bilal. She smiled sheepishly at him.
"What are you guys doing here?" She asked.

"We uh we came to pick you up for lunch. That is if you don't mind." Bilal said.

"I don't mind. I'm famished." She laughed tickling Naim in his sides.

  They got something from MacDonald and drove to the nearest park so Naim could play.
"How has school been?" Bilal asked.

"Interesting. I'm learning a lot." She replied biting into her double cheese burgers. "How's work? How does it feel to be working? Earning your own money." She wiggled her eyebrows.

"Alhamdulillah. It feels surreal. But it's all good."

"All good." Sumayyah gasped. " You don't mean it." She sipped her soda.

Bilal chuckled at her animated behaviour. He stared at her for a moment before looking away.

"I know you asked that I wait till you're done." He started and she paused before putting some fries in her mouth.
"I just wanted to know how you feel about me. If you still like me."
  Sumayyah stared at him, a small smile on her face. If only he could feel how fast her heart beat only when he was around. If only.

"Because I still love you. And I can't wait for when you'll be my wife."

  Those words rang bells in her head as she laid down on her very uncomfortable bed in the hostel. She tossed and turned in her bed for hours until she finally fell asleep.

  Her phone blasted out loudly and jolted her from her sleep. It was Sarah. A loud screech was heard from the other end. Sumayyah rolled her eyes as a sloppy smile made way to her lips.
"You woke me up. What's making you so happy?"

"I'm having a baby summy." She replied.

"Wow. Alhamdulillah. I'm so happy for you girl. I'm going to be an aunt." Sumayyah finally registered what she had said and started screaming in happiness.

"Yes Sumayyah yes."

"How long?" Sumayyah finally breathed.

"Second trimester now. Four months."
  There was silence for a while.
"I really wanted to tell you but my husband and I had planned it all out when to tell everyone."
  Sumayyah's smile faded for a while before morphing back.
"It's okay. It doesn't matter." She whispered.

"Sumayyah, are you mad at me?"

"I'm not Sarah. I understand and I'm really happy for you."

"Thank you Sumayyah."

"I uh.. I have to go. Bye." She didn't wait for a response before ending the phone call. Tears wanted to pour out of her eyes. She didn't ever want to admit the change in Sarah's behaviour and she had watched many movies enough to not want to be labelled jealous if she ever spoke about her feelings. She cared that much. She understood why Sarah did it that way but a part of her felt so sad.

  Sarah placed the phone on the desk. Nowadays she felt farther away from Sumayyah and guilt was eating her up. Muhammad was away for some business and she already missed him. Her palms rubbed her stomach lovingly as she rested her tired feet on the desk. Her phone rang just as she was about to sleep off.

"Hello Mo."

"Hey babe. I need your help."

"Okay. Anything."

"I forgot some documents and I really need it to sign up this deal. They'll take an image of the seal. The ones in the green file"

"To scan right? Where did you keep it?"

"Yeah. Check my office. Amongst the files you helped organised or my drawers. The key is under my chair."

Sarah shakes her head. His method of hiding things was quite amusing. She told him to hold on and that she would call once she had sent it.
  She walked to his office and immediately found the key after searching for the document amongst the organised files.
  She turned the key and pulled open the drawer. Her fingers began checking amongst the other documents and something caught her eyes but she decided to ignore it and continue her search. More pictures piled after the ignored documents. She pulled one out and stared at the familiar face that she knew quite well.  She grabbed the others and her mouth fell open.

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