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Sumayyah stared at her reflection. A shaky smile on her face and happiness in her eyes. She had dreamed of this day a little too early in her life. Then it was a means of saving her soul and life and now it was out of love for Allah's sake.

She had on a simple white dress which was the most beautiful cloth she had ever worn. She admired how the lace covered her collar bone down to her bust and in a silk satin material flowed as softly as air down to her feet.

Her hair was pulled back in a braided bun and a small dangly earrings made her ears itch. She wasn't a fan of earrings at all but it was her day. She didn't have on any make up because of how sensitive her skin was. Khol lined her eyes making it look small and cat like, her brown eyes seeming brighter almost like a hazel. Salma had applied a nude lipstick and a dot of lipgloss making her lips appear plump and moisturized. 

"Salam walaykum bride." Sumayyah turned watching in surprise as sarah made her way to her.

"Walaykum salaam." She whispered. "You're here."

"That, I am." Sarah grinned. Sumayyah embraced her best friend, smiling.

"I'm so happy." Sumayyah smiled, wiping the tear that had rolled down her face.

"I am too." Sarah pulled away. "You look stunning." She complimented her best friend.

"Thank you. You look as beautiful as ever." Sumayyah beamed, faking a french accent.

"I have a gift for you." Sarah pulled out a large envelope and a cute rectangular box from her bag. She handed it to Sumayyah and with a giddy smile, she waited for her to open it.

"What is it?" Sumayyah asked, peeling open the envelope.

"That's why you have it in your hands genius." Sarah scoffed,folding her arms.

Sumayyah pulled out the dark red coloured paper and immediately a clanking sound brought her attention to the floor. She picked up the plastic looking ring that felt glassy in her hands. Recognition hit her as she gasped, her eyes wide in surprise.

"This is the promise ring we got from that candy we won at the fair. I, you Sarah and Salma." Her hands covered her mouth as she twirled the ring. "I remembered it being plastic."

"It was. Still is. I asked Muhammad to get some kind of glass around it so it's suitable to be worn around without seeming like a child."

"Sarah." Sumayyah whispered, tears filling her eyes. "This is beautiful, thank you." She hugged her.

"You should read the letter. And stop crying." Sarah pulled her cheeks.

"Okay okay." She pulled off the strings that held the paper in it's folded form and opened it up. A very tiny yet familiar handwriting made an automatic smile appear on her face.

  I haven't really been the best friend you truly need and I'm sorry about that. I can't believe you'll be getting married but I'm not surprised. Because a man who could resist the beauty, kindness and great personality you have should think like he has lost jewels from Jannah.
  We've come this far and I want to tell you that you're my inspiration to being a better person. You're the strongest woman I know after Asiyah(RA) *wink*. You're very beautiful and an awesome sister and daughter! I hope you can smell the envy reeking off of me.
  The way you care for others is really amazing and I have prayed in my salat so many times for you to find happiness and be truly happy. I'm happy that now you're truly happy.
I hope you remember the ring we kept as a promise to one another when we were little. To remain friends through ease and hardship, to remember Allah together and be amazing women. We were little but we made that deep promise, subhanallah!
  With this new and improved ring *I hope you're laughing* By Allah's will I promise that with Allah's mercy we'll be walking to Jannah together or maybe with our husbands *you get the gist*
And never forget that I love you so so so so much and I want you to stay strong. You're my Hero.

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