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  Sumayyah hugged her large denim jacket to her chest as she trudged into the hallway of the school. The wind that came in with her blew her hijab along with the hem of her dress. It was quite windy and cold today.
  She stopped by her locker to dump in her books and went ahead to Sarah's locker. Her friend was sitting cross legged on the floor totally engrossed in the novel she was reading. Sumayyah sat beside her and snapped the book shut making Sarah glare at her.
"Why would you do that? I just got to the part where Rosanda will find out that Kage is the legendary Kiwo beast." She whined in annoyance. Sumayyah chuckled.
"I could give a spoiler." Sumayyah smacked her lips together, holding her breath to stop her from laughing.
"You wouldn't want to be beaten to a pulp, would you? Hope you haven't forgotten that I've got a red belt in Karate." Sarah threatened.
"Okay okay." Sumayyah smiled. The sirene blared out loudly and soon the principal's voice boomed out the speaker as he announced an emergency assembly in the auditorium.
"I wonder what it is?" Sarah asked mischievously.
Sumayyah simply shrugged and the two girls walked side by side to the auditorium.
  Tears gathered at the corner of sumayyah's eyes as principal Roosevelt started with a speech about how proud he was of the students who partook in the scholarship for students program. He began calling out names and sumayyah could barely hold the tears in as she saw some of the students smiling widely with their certificate into their choice of university.
"What's wrong?" Sarah turned to her with a smile.
"I just got dust in my eyes." She replied, sniffing.
   Her eyes moved back towards the stage to watch rodha, from drama class collect her certificate. She couldn't believe that with all her hard work, persistence, confidence and overall faith in God, she didn't get it. She pulled a tissue from her purse and held it to her nose.
"Now, the last certificate to be given to the overall best student in the scholarship for students program, with complete 5.00 GPA, organised project and coordinated presentation. Students welcome Mrs. Nadia to present the certificate." The whole auditorium shook with thunderous applause. Sumayyah rolled her eyes and buried her face into her palms, whispering how much of a failure she was. The person who would take it would be so lucky.
"The best overall student would be going home with a $5000 cash price, an entry into the university of their choice and accommodation." Sumayyah's heart almost broke into two. She couldn't believe, all the things she could do with the cash price.
"An applause for Miss Sumayyah Abd'gafar for an outstanding performance."
   Her head shut up in shock. She stared about waiting for another Sumayyah to take the stage. Sarah pushed her forward but she sat in surprise. She turned to her best friend and touched her chest.
"Me?" She smiled, a tear rolled down her face.
"Miss Sumayyah Abd'gafar."
   Her legs shakily held her top body as she wobbled to the stage, trying extremely hard to control the tears that were pouring down. Mrs Nadia ignored her outstretched hands as she pulled sumayyah towards her and gave her a hug.
"You did extremely well. The highest in the program." She smiled as she handed her the certificate, turning to grin in the face of the camera.
  Sumayyah stared at the certificate and envelope attached to the back. Mr Roosevelt encouraged her to show appreciation. She took the microphone and whispered bismillah before speaking.
"Wow!" She started. "Honestly, I didn't expect this. I thought I had failed and wouldn't get to university but God is the best of planners." She gasped as she repeated the words of the stranger. She now understood what he meant.
"Alhamdulilah to the almighty. A special thanks to Mr Roosevelt for the encouragement and Miss Karim for believing in me. Thank you so much. I love you guys."
   Sumayyah's eyes clouded with tears as everyone rose to their feet and began clapping loudly. After the whole ordeal, she and Sarah visited the lady's and sumayyah used that opportunity to cry her eyes out and adjust her hijab.
"We're done with high school." Sarah whispered as they walked to the library.
"Yeah. Allahu Akbar." Sumayyah praised.
   They were done with the exception of their applications and data collation. Graduation was in two weeks and sumayyah was super proud of herself. It was all God but she felt really bad about how low her iman was.
"So what's the plan. Still Harvard?" Sumayyah asked her bestfriend. Sarah gave her a sweet smile.
"No. I'll be having my nikkah a week after graduation and moving to London for fashion school. I'll start living with Muhammad."
  Sumayyah gasped and turned to face her friend. Sarah was extremely intelligent and simply brilliant. She had always wanted to be an astronaut or scientist.
"Is mama pushing you? Or papa?" She asked with a glare.
"No." She stated. "That's what I want. What I've always wanted. I just saw how you guys wanted something huge for yourself. So..."
  Sumayyah hugged her immediately. She pulled back with a smile.
"Either way you were splendid. So nikkah uhn." Sumayyah wiggled her brows. The girls laughed and talked about graduation and the nikkah. Their laughter were heard bouncing around the hallways as they walked to the library.

  Bilal sat patiently. His eyes moving to check the time on his wristwatch. It was almost five and the next bus was arriving soon. He began to doze off when a very feminine voice greeted "salaam wa'alaykum."  He sat up and replied the greeting.
  His eyes was stuck to the other side of the road as he stopped himself from staring at the lady beside him. He recognized her voice as the strangers'.
"Thanks for the other time. You helped and made my day." Her voice came out a whisper. Bilal gulped down in surprise.
"I didn't understand when you said Allah is the best of planners. I mean, how was that supposed to help. I was annoyed at you." She chuckled. Bilal had to give it to her. Her voice was melodic. He shut his eyes tight as he begged Allah to forgive him.
"I came out as the best in the scholarship program and I used the same phrase. I understood it only that day. Jazakallahu khair. I really wanted to see you today." 
  He heard something rustle and a package appeared in his line of sight. He wordlessly accepted it and stared in confusion. He wondered why he hadn't said a word. It seemed rude.
"Thanks again. I'm glad I saw you today. Asalam walaykum."
   Bilal watched her dress flow with the wind as she walked away. His eyes moved back to the package. He slid it into his messenger bag and stood to board the bus as it stopped in front of him.
  As Bilal got home, he pulled out the package and tore it open. Two coloured letters fell out. He picked the blue one. It read;

Hi stranger,
            That day you saw me was my weakest and frustrated period. I had not eaten from home and I thought I lost the scholarship. You literally fed me. May Allah be with you and continue to provide for you. Here is one of my favourite snacks in two packs. If we ever meet again, tell me how you like it.
                                       Yours gratefully,
                                           S. Abd'gafar.

  Bilal grabbed the packet of kitkat and chuckled. He wasn't a fan of sweet things but he'd try to enjoy it. He grabbed the pink letter.

Dear stranger,
     You really made me question my faith. In a good way cos you're a good person. It pained me that a stranger had to make me realize that if I wanted to make it in life, i had to believe in Allah. Thanks for making me see that. I'll work on myself now. Here is a novel, my favourite. I don't know if you read. I hope you enjoy it.

  The letter didn't end with her name or initials but with a sticker. Bilal stared at the letter and smiled. He took a bite of the chocolate and grabbed the novel to read. It was a stress reliever as he delved into the story of the young man who was kind to a farmer's daughter. A smile was on his face as he slept off, the book hanging from his hands.

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