Chapter 9: Spying Cold Waters

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With the last part of the LP work of Wei Wuxian he immediately pushed the save button before closing his laptop.

Lan Zhan's still teaching and lunchtime will still take too long, Weiying fixed his things as he then went towards Lan Zhan.

"Lan Zhan, let your disciples leave early for today, seems like the others are tired cause of night hunts..." Weiying said as he wrapped his arms around Lan Zhan's shoulders.

Lan Zhan took that remark as the ending work of Weiying, as he stood up he immediately dismissed the disciples.

"Care to have lunch with me Mr.Wei?" Lan Zhan said jokingly as he offer his hand at the sitting man before him.

"Oh yes I will my good sir~" Weiying took Lan Zhan's hand as he stands up; both crackled a small laugh before leaving the Lanshi.


Both sat opposite side with their food on the table as they remain quiet while eating.

Lan Zhan seems to be slightly irritated to why Wei Wuxian isn't talking while eating, yes Hanguang-Jun do say to Weiying to shut his mouth when eating as a sign of respect for the food, but today was an exemption.

"Weiying, you can always talk right?" Wei Wuxian didn't dare talk, instead continued eating.

"Shut up and eat Hanguang-Jun...stop disrespecting the food" Weiying continued eating with a pursed lip.

The Disciples looked at them, they are quite surprised that Lan Wangji followed the order the Yiling Patriarch has told him.

/Cold Stream/

Late afternoon came when both went to the Cold Stream at the back of the Cloud Recesses.

Lan Zhan was the first one who took off his clothes then came Wei Wuxian.

Both of them are now stark naked in the cold water of the Cold Stream.

Silence was between them but at the very usual, Wei Wuxian started the talking.

"I'm sorry..."

"Why are you sorry for?"

"For shutting you up on lunch and for ignoring you almost the whole day..."

"Don't worry, after all I'm used to being left by you all alone..."


That was the second time Weiying snapped at Lan Zhan, the first one was from his first life when he came back after missing for 3 months...he didn't mean to leave Lan Zhan alone.

Little did both of them know, GusuLan Disciples where spying on them, and Xiongsan was the one leading the other disciples.

"I...Lan Zhan...I didn't mean to...I" Weiying was stuttering when he saw Lan Zhan not staring at him and seems that Hanguang-Jun's face darkened.

Xiongsan was grinning like crazy expecting Wei Wuxian and Lan Zhan fight, and might destroy the friendship they treasured and cherished.

"Lan Zhan...I...I'm sorry I have to go!" Weiying was about to take his clothes and leave, when Lan Wangji hugged him from behind.

The disciples where in utter shock like COMBO SHOCKER! seeing the skinship they make.

"Weiying...I didn't mean to say that...I...Weiying don't leave me..." Lan Wangji pleaded, hugging Wei Wuxian tighter.

That's when Weiying faces Lan Zhan and retired the hugged, burying his red face on Lan Zhan's bare chest.

"Why is your face red? Is the water too cold for you?" Lan Zhan asked worriedly as he looked at the red face of Wei Wuxian.

"Stop teasing me Hanguang-Jun!!!" With a furious blush on his face, he hid his face on Lan Zhan's bare chest the second time.

Disciples saw the whip marks on Lan Zhan's upper body and they desperately want to pry on it.

Weiying saw the insignia of the Wen Clan burnt on Lan Zhan's skin on his chest, and Weiying can't help but touch the old scar.

"Lan Zhan, I'm sorry...your went through a lot without me didn't you?"

"Mn. And I suffered a great lost for loosing you..."

"You don't have to feel guilt and pain anymore now that I'm here, no one can tear us apart"

"We're bestfriend ever since...but, have you ever thought of being something more?"

"Ehh? I mean, we're already friends, bestfriends apparently, and we're Cultivator Partners, What's else in there?"

"Your too naive my dear Weiying..."

"I don't get you at all...whatever let's just change the topic"

The disciples were on full attention on both of them, especially Xiongsan.

" have you been with work?" Weiying asked with a light chuckle.

"Good...but I swear my personal secretary is seducing me...nonstop..." Lan Zhan said sweat dropping, even though their in cold water.

"I think you should change secretaries immediately..." Weiying said with a frown.

"Well I already thought of someone~" this perked Weiying's attention as he remain looking at Lan Zhan.

"Care to share?"

"Basically YOU, since my mind is filled of you, your the one I want to be my secretary..." a blush flushed on Lan Zhan's cheeks which is the reason he had to look away.

"Aeyy...I'll ask A-Yuan first...then the three of us will talk about it..."

"Mn. If not, I'll just use force instead..." Lan Wangji grinned.


Lan Zhan begins to laugh so hard.

/With The Disciples/

"I think we should stop spying on Hanguang-Jun and the Yiling Patriarch like we witnessed things that no mortal could see..."

"I agree...Hanguang-Jun is different when he's with the Yiling Patriarch, and that's not good..."

All the spy-disciples agreed to each other and that includes Xiongsan who just kept quiet watching the interaction of the Hanguang-Jun and Yiling Patriarch.

When Lan Zhan and Wei Wuxian where finished bathing, the disciples scurried over running away from the Cold Stream.

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