Chapter 22: Rumors

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Six months had passed and everything was normal and everyone does their everyday routine, good thing the people who witnessed things happening between Weiying and Lan Zhan that night kept quiet, and even hid every single proof of it.

/Zhuwei Academy/

"Ok class that's all for today, class dismissed" Weiying gathered his stuffs, walking out of school since they don't have classes for the afternoon.

He boarded on a bus going to Lockwood street, were he'll be meeting Lan Zhan on their favorite cafe, called crème de la crème cafe originally for lovers only but eventually they opened it for everyone, since it's the very best cafe in the Lockwood street side there is.

A pregnant woman also boarded the bus, seeing that there's no more seats available, Weiying gave his seat for the woman, who thanked him wholeheartedly which pleases him, as he stands up holding the up bar metal of the bus; he also doesn't need to worry sitting nor standing, after all the cafe is almost close.

But then, he felt a hand caressed his butt, making him shiver with disgust.

Then a business man trapped him on the crowded bus, Weiying was trembling in fear, as the business man start to harass Weiying who was stopping himself on moaning.

The man was touching Weiying 'There' shocking Weiying as he gasps in pleasure.

A man then came closer on both Weiying and the business man, he grabbed the man's hand and flipped it in the man's behind.

"Are you ok?" A man with blonde hair asked him.

"Mn. Thank you very much Mr.?"

"Ah! I'm sorry, the name is William Jo, do call me William or Will if you like" the man introduced himself to Weiying who smiled at the man, thanking him.

"Thank you for earlier, I'm Wei Ying, call me Ying if you like..."

"Ah no need to worry, your safe now, anyways what do you do for a living?"

"I'm actually a Professor in Zhuwei Academy"

"Woah, a Professor from an elite academy, impressive if I say so myself..."

"Oh please don't flatter me, how about you? What's your line of work Mr. Will?"

"Do just call me Will, and I'm a reporter, a top notch to be exact.."

Both were having fun chatting when the bus stopped at the cafe Weiying's gonna meet Lan Zhan in.

Weiying didn't know that William start to spy on Wei Wuxian.

William was surprised that the infamous stoic CEO of Lan Inc. was meeting a caring and sweet man like Weiying.

And so he starts to take it on tape.

"Lan err-gege! I missed you!" Weiying threw himself on Lan Zhan who eventually caught him and also returned a hug, surprising William further.

"Have you eaten lunch yet?"

"Nope since were gonna have this friendly date, right? And I'm definitely broke, hahaha!" Weiying joked making Lan Zhan scoffed at him.

"Your rich too you know..."

"How can I be rich when I only earn money from my teachings?"

"Remember years ago? My money is yours, and to be honest, at the very beginning I save up money yet your the one who uses them..." Lan Zhan said amusingly.

"I guess your right, but at least I start living independently, and not always depending on Shijie nor my family, nor even you, I can finally buy foods with the money I earn..."

"Aiyo...such an independent child indeed..." Lan Zhan ruffles Weiying's hair who chuckled lightly.

Talking about little things that doesn't seem to interest William, both changed the topic.

"Weiying, have you thought of it? I mean we already talked this out with A-Yuan, and the boy agreed, what do you think?"

"I'm ok with it and I accept, but I do want to tease that woman whom is trying to win over my Lan err-gege" Weiying said joking yet also serious.

"Do whatever you want, I just want you to become my personal assistant, and no one else..."

"And now you get to decide? Fine, after I meet that woman..." Weiying has that mischievous grin on his face.

"Aiyo...Lan Zhan, remember when we were still high schoolers back then? As I firstly set foot on the Cloud Recesses, I already violated rules like; trespassing late at night at the walls of Cloud Recesses and even bought two liquor as you caught me red handed, not to mention that we even I realize that I'm such a trouble maker huh?" Weiying sweat dropped earning a grin from the CEO.

"Yah! What are you even thinking about? Your grinning with no reason..." Lan Zhan shrugged as he drunk his iced coffee.

"I just remembered our moments when we got trapped inside that cave near Yi City, it was the most memorable one, well not as memorable as the night boating on Yunmeng, it was like I was proposing to you that night, but only with a Lotus and not a ring..."Weiying blush making Lan Zhan chuckle.

"Mn. Never knew that CEO Lan could be a romantic person, I'm beyond impressed! Haha!" While the two teased each other, William had that glint in his eyes as he saved the tape, leaving the cafe.

/Next Morning/

'Breaking News, CEO Lan Wangji of the Lan Inc. caught on tape with a man in crème de la crème cafe having a date, we have discovered that the man was Wei Ying an elite teacher in Zhuwei Academy.

"I just remembered our moments when we got trapped inside that cave near Yi City..."

"Mn. Never knew that CEO Lan could be a romantic person..."

This is a proof that both men are on a date, and they seem to talk about their past events, can't believe that the cold hearted CEO of Lan group is attracted to a common man...'

Wangji woke up surprised by the news, he then start to text Weiying.

LWJ: Have you seen the news?

WY: Yep, my students are talking about it nonstop, I can't also focus in school...

LWJ: I'm sorry for this commotion, I know you'll be busy this past few days, and things just need to go haywire...

WY: oh Lan Zhan give me a break, no one needs to apologize and also it's not our fault that we're too naughty when talking, we're just talking some matters from the past after all...

LWJ: Are you ok at school though?

WY: never better, and I should tell you, my students are squealing nonstop and it hurts my ear, they even made a fan club...sheesh they're so scary...also you would've seen the posted banners around here...

LWJ: Glad to hear, well if your not busy tonight, we'll be going to a press conference about our scandal, we'll tell them the truth.

WY: Oh~ a scandal~ hahaha! I won't be busy, see you tonight.

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