Chapter 19: Relative or Lover

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Walking in an ominous place, Yuan had a smile on his face.

"Now, where could you be?" Yuan muttered and chuckled a bit.


"A-Yuan can you call him for the upcoming banquet?" Weiying said with a smile.

"Anything for Senior Wei..."

"Yah, A-Yuan, What did I told you before?"

"Ah...Dad, I'll go ahead then" Yuan blushed leaving.

"Seriously that kid..."

/Flashback End/

Walking and walking, Yuan felt like someone's been following him on his alone time journey, but whenever he looks back no ones following him.

Then again when he walks, he hears footsteps behind him, this made him snap in anger.

"Show yourself! If not I'll!..."

"Professor Yuan it's just me!" Lichen came out of the bushes laughing awkwardly to himself.

"Professor Lichen? Why are you following me?" Yuan was shocked as he held Lichen by the wrist.

"Sorry for stalking, I just wanna see where you are going..." Lichen fessed, Yuan seemed to be fed up for meeting a certain person, so he eventually let it slide for now.

"It's fine, I'm just gonna go to Qishan, Dad ordered me to get someone from there" They started to walk passing Qinghe.


"Never in my whole life I had ever seen a place as creepy yet amazing as this." Lichen roamed his eyes around gapping making Yuan look at him giggling.

"It's like your in the movies, am I right?"

"Definitely, But why are we in a place like this?"

"Well..." Yuan scratched his nape, But both stopped talking when a presence came near them.

"A-Yuan, it's been a while..." there they saw a man wearing an all black clothes, hair loose, pale and had a dark marking veins on his neck.

"A-Ning!" Sizhui ran towards Wen Ning and hugged him.

"I miss you so much A-Ning" Wen Ning then kissed Yuan's forehead making Lichen jealous.

/Cloud Recesses/

Apparently a banquet is being set ready, the female students of Weiying are all smiley and chatty.

All of Weiying's students actually had a crush on Lan Xichen, since they ship Wangji with Weiying and Yuan to Jin Ling and Jingyi, they know that they had nothing to go against them, so they eventually fell for Lan Xichen as they knew the man was NGSB.

Waiting for the other Clan leaders and their teacher, the girls where surprise to see their Professor Weiying clinging on Lan Zhan's arm like a koala, the girls started to fangirl and some already yelled WANGXIAN which made Weiying chuckle cutely to Lan Zhan's amusement.

(Yes the girls already knows the secret)

Waiting and waiting, Qinghe's Nie Clan Leader Nie Huaisang arrived followed by Lanling Jin's Jin Ling with his parents by his side.

The females where all flabbergasted upon seeing a pure and kind looking woman with a handsome husband by her side, they all felt with awe.

The girls where mesmerized by the woman's beauty when a door opening earned their attention.

At the front door stood Lan Sizhui with a frowning Jian Lichen making the girls laugh at the Professor's face, not to forget the presence of the Great Ghost General, GusuLan Disciples started to draw their swords, only to be stopped by the Yiling Patriarch himself.

"A-Ning, it's been a while" Wei Wuxian sau with a grin, only to be toppled over by Wen Ning to seem already had an anime dog ears and tail.

"Wei-Gongzi! Oh how I've missed you so much"

Both catches up a bit,when the door opened again; there stood Lan Xichen with a sun like smile making the girls faint in satisfaction.

But all changed when Lan Xichen started to tease someone from outside the door, this made them thinking who might be the person being teased.

They were expecting a girl, but turns out they were wrong, then stood beside Lan Xichen was no other than the Yunmeng Jiang Sect Leader Jiang Cheng, who had his arms crossed with a puffed cheek, glaring directly at Lan Xichen.

Behind the two are Jiang Fengmian and Madam Yu who shrugged the antics of their son and his friend.


Finally all had started, they all felt satisfied and happy for this night.

"Professor Wei, who is that handsome man that Mr. Xichen had been teasing?" A female student asked Weiying who was busy drinking Emperors Smile and chatting Lan Zhan who remained silent but due to Weiying's topics he often do some 'Hm' here and 'Hn' there.

"Ah, that's A-Cheng my twin brother, well not actually twin since we don't look alike, I mean you already know my story with the Twin Prides of Yunmeng, he's the guy I'm talking to you about from before, also if you guys wanna know the relationship Zewu-Jun and Jiang Cheng shares? It's just that they are both sworn brothers, it's normal." Weiying explained now starting to eat some spicy dishes.

The girls looked at Lan Xichen's direction, only to be surprised on what the had did.

He just Jiang Cheng on the cheek without any of the other clans noticing them, but not to the girls who had their eyes on both men.

"Relative or Lover?" Xuanyin asked the girls.

They all looked at each other before sighing heavily then nodding their heads.

"100% Lover" the girls whined as they drink alcohol to wash their broken hearts away.

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