Chapter 2

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Ayano's P.O.V.

Do I really have to kill Osana just to have my senpai?





a/n: ayano, eeek so korny...

That's not the right decision to have my senpai! I might have cause trouble and what if the whole school knows about it? Ah, that might be even more worse than I expected.

I went out to the classroom and saw Osana with my lovely and dreamy senpai. I just let out a sigh and try not to be jealous to see them together...

My heart always shattered into pieces when I see them together, of course, that's how love works... a relationship is not a relationship when the girl and a boy do not fight together... well that's my opinion.

30 minutes before the first period of a class begins, I went to my class which it is class 2-1. I sat down to my chair and pack all of the things that are needed to prepare.

A girl with a violet haired, curly double ponytail with a big bre— approached me and said, "Hello, my name is Kokona, nice to meet you!" The Kokona girl greeted to me. "My name is Ayano and you can call me yan-chan for shortcut." I greeted the violet haired girl. "Oh, this is my best friend, Saki. We used to be childhood friends since elementary."

a/n: chill guys, this is just a fanfiction. I know Kokona and Saki are not childhood friends... anyway..


"Wanna join our circle of friends? If yes, that would be great! If no, it's alright." Kokona smiled. "Maybe?" Ayano wasn't sure if she wants to join their circle of friends. "Yay!!! We have a new friend, Ayano!!!" Saki cheered.

When Kokona and Saki are talking about non-related things, a girl orange haired came in the classroom. Which it is, Osana.

Ayano gasped when the time she saw Osana. She pretend to be friendly to Osana, as she approached Osana and said...

"Hi, my name is Ayano! May I sit next to you?" Ayano greeted and smiled. "Sure, of course!" Osana agreed. While Ayano, sat next to Osana, Osana took out a two bentos.

Ayano asked, "What is that?" "It's a bento, stupid!" Osana pouts. "Well, are they both from you?" Ayano asked once again. "Well, no! The other one is just a extra and I'm going to give it to someone." Osana flips her hair. "Well, who are you going to give that? Are you going to give that from your boyfriend?" Ayano chuckled.

"Huh?! He is NOT my boyfriend!" Osana yelled and everyone caught their attention. "Ah- sorry-" Osana flustered. "Buuuuut! I like him, as a friend." Osana winked. "Oh really? That's cool!" Ayano smiled as her eyes filled with anger and jealousy.

The first period has already started and everyone are their own attention, while Ayano is not focusing to the discussion. She always thinking about her senpai, Taro.

These thoughts always filled in her mind,

What if Osana and Taro are actually together?

What if I kill Osana?

What if I'm not Taro's ideal girlfriend?

What if—

The school bells rang which it means it is the end of the first period, "Okay, class. Please be ready for your next period. Saki, please list all the students that make noise." The teacher said. "Okay, ma'am!" Saki smiled.

As the teacher got out from the classroom, Ayano stood up and tell a permission for Saki. "Hey, Saki. May I go to the infirmary? I feel sick..." Ayano looked down and pretended to cough. "Okay, Ayano! Please take care." Saki smiled and wave at Ayano. "Thank you." Ayano smiled.

Ayano left the classroom, which it is the part of her plan to eliminate Osana. As she entered from the infirmary, a nurse greeted her.

"Good morning, welcome to Infirmary! How may I help you?" The nurse asked. "Well, I feel sick, may I take a nap here?" Ayano said. "Alright, please tell me if you're okay now? Oh— do you need some medicine?" The nurse smiled. "Ah, no thanks, I'm alright." Ayano scoffs. "Okay." The nurse grinned.

Ayano pretend to fell asleep from the bed, as she waits like an minute to make the nurse got out from the infirmary. A great coincidence, just happened! A girl fell from the ground and lead to a major injury, so they went to the infirmary for healing.

Once the nurse left the infirmary just to help the injured woman, Ayano quickly got up from the bed and went to the 'bookshelf' that are full of medicines, she opened it but it's lock!

Ayano let out a sigh, how does she supposed to open that? Is there any key to find? Let's find out from the next chapter...

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