Chapter 6

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Ayano was shocked of what she seen, but she wasn't scared to look at it because she will do the same thing too, killing. She didn't believe that the girl who's the first one to talked to her at her first day was dead!

But, who killed her? Maybe, there's another psycho too inside the school. Everyone went to the faculty just to call the teacher and some of them taking a picture of the dead body to report to the police. Ayano begun to imagine things of what will happen if she kill Osana in front of a students.

The police officer found Kokona Haruka's corpse on the school rooftop.

Once the police officers went to the school and checked all of the students who murdered Kokona Haruka. The police didn't suspect anything to Ayano, which they moved to the other students.

The teacher asked, "Where's Taro Yamada?" and gladly, Osana answered back, "Taro went home earlier because he PMed me that he's having a bad headache." The teacher nodded. After that, everyone went back to their own.

"I wonder, who killed Kokona." Osana said. "Yeah, that's the same question for me..." Raibaru looked at Osana. "Well, if the psycho is targeting me! I will punch their asses off. They don't have the rights to kill people!" Osana glared. "Mhm, you got the point." Ayano chuckled.

She didn't even know that she will be the next one who will eliminate. Let's see... Ayano thought. There were a lot of times that these three girls, Osana, Raibaru and Ayano spent their time together inside of the school. But, there's a little different will happen...

"Hey, Ayano and Raibaru. I will go home now, see you tomorrow!" Osana said. "Alright, take care, Osana!" Raibaru waved at the leaving Osana. "Thank you, Raibaru!! You too!!" Osana smiled and waved back. "Bye, Osana!!" Ayano waved too.

Osana already left and gone. Raibaru and Ayano are the only two who left. "So, Raibaru, are you coming with me today?" Ayano asked. "Well, where are we going?" Raibaru asked back. "Well, I have to show you something cool! Follow me!!" Ayano smiled and grabbed Raibaru's arm.

Raibaru almost blushed but she's a girl... so... let's just say, friends do that, right? Anyways, Ayano and Raibaru went to the gym. But, little they did not know, someone's watching but they don't even know who is it or maybe we don't even know who is it.

"So, what are we going to do here, Ayano?" Raibaru asked. But, no one's reply. "Ayano?" Raibaru yelled. "Ayano? Where are you?" Raibaru yelled once again. "Oh my gosh, Ayano, you're scaring me, stop!" Raibaru fake chuckled. "A-a-ayano??" Raibaru stuttered.

"Ayano— AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH- ahhhhh....." Raibaru yelled but at the end, she fell asleep. Ayano silently put her inside the music case. "I'm sorry, Raibaru. You have to..." Ayano silently laugh evily.

"I'm a shadow and you're a light." Ayano laughed really loud that echoed inside the whole gym.


"Hey, Ayano!" Osana tapped Ayano's shoulder. "Oh, hey, Osana!" Ayano smiled. "Well, where's Raibaru?" Osana asked. "Well, Raibaru said that she's having an important meeting today and I don't know what is that for..." Ayano lied. "Oh, I understand..." Osana sighed.

And then suddenly, Taro Yamada appeared on Osana's back. "RAWR!" Taro scared Osana. "WAH!" Osana was surprised. "Taroooooo!!!! You're here!!!" Osana hugged. But, Ayano was watching the, silently and her eyes was filled with tears. "Taro, her name is Ayano. Ayano, please introduce or say hi to my childhood friend, Taro!" Osana smiled. "I- Uhm..." Ayano stuttered. "My name is Ayano and it's nice to meet you..." Ayano introduced herself. "Wait, Ayano? Ayano! Isn't you're the one I bumped into the school hallways? We met again!" Taro smiled and held Ayano's hand.

OH MY GOSH, OH MY GOSH!!! SENPAI NOTICED ME, SENPAI HELD MY HAND, OMG MY HEART!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!! Ayano thought. "Well- Uhm..." Ayano blushed. "Taro, no holding hands." Osana pouts. "Fine, fine..." Taro chuckled. Oh my gosh, he is so cute! Cuteness overload 29392293829383% AAAAAAAAA!!!! Ayano was panicking inside of her mind. "Uhm— gu-guys, I-I ne-need to-to go! B-bye!!" Ayano smiled and she ran as faster as quickly as possible as she can.

Ayano hid at the back of someone's house, and she kept staring at her hand. Info chan suddenly appeared and said, "Ayanoooooo, I saw you." Info chan smiled. "Yeah, senpai held your hand~~~~" Info chan winked. "S-stop!" Ayano blushed.

"Well, anyways, are you gonna still eliminate Osana?" Info chan asked. "Hell yeah! She can't steal my senpai!" Ayano yelled.

"That's my yandere-chan!"

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