Chapter 5

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The girl introduced herself, which her name is Raibaru. Ayano was disappointed that why Raibaru looked like Osana but short hair and lighter colour. Maybe that's Osana's long lost sister?

What are you thinking, Ayano? What are you talking about?!
"Okay, please sit next to Ayano." The teacher asked Raibaru to sit next to Ayano.

Soon Raibaru approached to Ayano and said, "Hi, may I sit next to you?" Nevertheless, Ayano agreed, "Of course, please take a seat!" Raibaru sat next to Ayano and she looked at her.

"Hi, my name is Raibaru, nice to meet you!" Raibaru introduced herself to Ayano. "Oh, hi! My name is Ayano. It's nice to meet you too!" Ayano smiled and waved at Raibaru. "Well, do you want me to be your friend? That would be nice!" Raibaru asked Ayano.

That escalated quickly... Ayano thought. "Sure, everything to you!" Ayano smiled happily. As she pretends to be normal like what she did back on elementary. "Hey! Ayano and Raibaru, please listen to the discussion!" The teacher interrupted them both.

While Ayano and Raibaru caught their attention to the yelling teacher to them, they quickly turned to the teacher and listen. One thought popped up to Ayano, which it was...

Maybe, let's pretend that Raibaru will be my friend. As soon as we make it far, I will turn her to be my mindslave... Ayano thought and she quietly grinned evily.

And then if I turned her to a mindslave, I will let her kill Osana and put her on a jail. Wow, you're genius, Ayano Aishi! Ayano thought and after that, she finally went back to the reality.

The first period are done, so Ayano went out to the classroom. Ayano went to the school rooftop and sat to the one of those bench. She opened her cellphone once and texted Info Chan.

Info Chan

Ayano Aishi
Hey? Are you on today?

Info Chan
Yes, what do you need?

Ayano Aishi
Well, where can I find a syringe?
Is it at the infirmary?

Info Chan
Yep, you're right. The syringe is at the infirmary.
But! Be careful, the nurse might caught you
steal something. ;)

Ayano Aishi
But, where it located from?

Info Chan
It's from the nurse pocket,
so you have to be careful.

Ayano Aishi
Sigh... thanks for letting me know.

Info Chan
You're welcome.

Once Ayano closed her phone, she begun to think of an idea of how does she supposed to steal the syringe from the nurse's pocket.

Ayano finally reached to the infirmary, but, good timing! The nurse was busy calling someone while looking at the window. Ayano slowly got inside from the infirmary, as she slowly approached the nurse without knowing the nurse. She carefully hold the syringe and pull it up quickly.

Once the nurse felt something, she quickly turned as she saw nothing and then continue to do things that she do.

Ayano ran outside to infirmary quickly as she hid the syringe inside of her pocket, she get her phone.

Info Chan

Info Chan
What do you need?

Ayano Aishi
A one jar of sleeping potion, please?

Info Chan
Alright, the sleeping potion located
at the back of the school, window of class 2-1

As soon as Ayano reached at the window of the class 2-1 at the back of the school, she grabbed the sleeping potion and put it inside of the syringe and she hid the syringe inside of her pocket again.

Second period which it is Biology, Ayano studied hard of that. So, after the second period the Raibaru girl approached her.

"Hey, Ayano! Wanna eat with at the lunch time?" Raibaru finally asked out Ayano, "Sure, why not?" Ayano answered. Raibaru and Ayano walked at the halls silently as soon as the hard footsteps heard Ayano it was Osana. "Ayano!" Osana called Ayano. "Yeah, Osana?" Ayano asked. "Well, may I eat with you too guys?" Osana shyly asked. "Sure, always!" Raibaru smiled.

While walking to the school rooftop just to eat there, the two orange haired girls are talking loudly and then we have Ayano who just looked at them silently.

So, they are now close? Hm, maybe I should make Raibaru betray Osana? Ayano thought. As soon as their reached the school rooftop, a lot of student surrounded there and it was crowded!

Some people said that there was a dead body on the school entrance, Ayano excused to all the people who surrounded. Ayano saw the student's dead body.

and it was Kokona Haruka.

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