Chapter 12

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Saki went home with a frown on her face and a bleeding hand. Her mother was shocked of what her daughter's image shown up. "Saki?! What happened to you? Who bullied you?! Who hurts you?!" Her mother panicked. "Mom, I was bullied by a delinquents, they kept kicking me..." Saki said with a tear fell down right on her eyes. "Oh my gosh! Do you want me to call the headmaster tomorrow?" Her mother said. "No, mom, I'm okay..." Saki sighed.

"Wait, I have some med kits to heal your wound." Her mother said as she went to the bathroom.

Once her mother is preparing for the dinner after she put some ban aids on Saki's wound. They both take a seat on the table and talk.

"Sooooo, how's Ayano?" Her mother asked. "Wait, how did you know Ayano?" said Saki shocked. "Well, I saw you three, hanging out on the first day!" Her mother laughed. "Oh... yeah.." Saki faked laugh. "So, have you heard of Ayano?" Her mother cheekily says. "Of what?" Saki said with a blank expression on her face. "Ayano is going to date with Taro! And yes, I fucking ship it!" Her mother jumped with excite.

"Mom! You're such a gossipmonger, also, your language!" Saki widened her eyes with a shock. "Oh, sorry, mom." Her mother's making fun of her. "You know what, I shouldn't go home earlier..." Saki sighed and giggled. "See! My daughter's laughing!" Her mother laughed.

"Saki, do you know we should never say I love you?" Her mother glared at her. "Wait, why?" Saki was confused. "But, instead of I love you. We should use 'I'm always in your heart." Her mother smiled and laughed hard.

"What? That's too long!" Saki cringed. "But, at least we have our own dictionary!" Her mother laughed hard once again.

Her mother say I'm always in your heart starting from now. Which it cringed Saki too hard. But she just ignore it.

As they spent their time together, the end is always the same...

fell asleep...


Saki walked in the school alone today, but everything changes! She has a big smile on her face. Saki approached Ayano. "Hey, Ayano!" Saki greeted her. "Oh, Saakiiiiii! How are you?" Ayano smiled. "Well, I'm good! Wanna hang out or maybe gather around the school?" Saki asked. "Sure thing!" Ayano agreed.

When Saki and Ayano went inside the school, most of the students were looking at them. "A-ayano, why are they looking at us?" Saki nervously asked. "I-I don't know!" Ayano answered back. "I-I have to go to the restroom! I have to pee really bad!" Ayano ran away.

Ayano stepped out and all of the students are looking at Saki. Some of them are gossiping about her laughing at her... "Wha- What did I do?!" Saki yelled.

"Oh my gosh, she's the one who killed Kokona!"

"No way! Gotta get safety!"

"Everyone! Stay away from her! She's the murderer!"



Saki burst out a thousands of tears, she couldn't believe that why people are starred her that she's a murderer? Also, why would a best friend would kill her best friend?

But, who started it? Maybe the delinquents? Poor, Saki.. "Guys! I DID NOT murdered or killed Kokona! Why would I do that?!" Saki yelled. "DON'T TRUST HER! SHE'S LYING!" A student said.

Saki gasped in shocked, she suddenly ran away outside the school to let it out.

"Kokona, if you didn't die, none of this will happen!" Saki said with a falling crystal tears. "Why would this happened? What did I do wrong?!" Saki cried. "W-why?!" Saki yelled.

Saki cried a lot, she was alone in the back of the school. No one's comforting her, unless, when Ayano did follow her around.

Same thing happened after the school but a lot of people are gossiping about her, staying away from her and laughing at her. But the most scenario is from the bullies, she always kicked her, hurt her, slap her and do other hurtful things to Saki.

Saki went home and notice the house was dark. There was no one else until she found a single note of it and it says:

Dear Saki,
Saki, my company is having a vacation break which it is already starting now, An hours ago. Our vacation is to have a little staycation on the luxury hotel and do some fun adventures! Tomorrow I will come back. Please take care of yourself, love you so much!!! <3 <3 <3

~ Love, mom.

Saki smiled at the given note by her mother but it's going to be worse. No one's are going to take care of her, she's just alone. She's still wondering, if they still not going to stop bullying her for "murdering" Kokona. Impossible, right?

Saki went inside of the house's backyard, there's a little wooden small house. She opened it, and a shocking moment has arrived.

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