Chapter 11

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a/n: This chapter is all about Kokona and Saki's story. If you don't want to read it, feel free to wait to the upcoming chapter.

Remember the first day? Well, if you don't, let's rewind the time again.



A girl with a violet haired, curly double ponytail with a big bre— approached me and said, "Hello, my name is Kokona, nice to meet you!" The Kokona girl greeted to me. "My name is Ayano and you can call me yan-chan for shortcut." I greeted the violet haired girl. "Oh, this is my best friend, Saki. We used to be childhood friends since elementary."

"Wanna join our circle of friends? If yes, that would be great! If no, it's alright." Kokona smiled. "Maybe?" Ayano wasn't sure if she wants to join their circle of friends. "Yay!!! We have a new friend, Ayano!!!" Saki cheered.

But after that, they haven't seen Ayano for three days until they found out Ayano has been hanging out with others. When they approached Ayano, Ayano seems ignored them...

Kokona wanted to be friend with Ayano, unfortunately, Ayano was with others. So they continued their life, like they usual things to do.


Kokona is lazy to go to the fourth period, but since she is very bored today, she finally reached to the school rooftop. "Ugh, I feel like biology would be the boring one... well, I guess. I should've stayed up here until it's finish." Kokona said. She looked at the nice view of a school and a fresh scent of an wind. She felt something strange, that she is being watched...

She looked back and she found no one. As she continued to do her things that she want to do.

Someone's grab both of her shoes and took it out. And then finally, someone's pushed her off the roof until a loud scream was heard.

On the school entrance, Kokona's dead body landed there as it contained pool of blood that splashed on the floor.


Some people said that there was a dead body on the school entrance, Ayano excused to all the people who surrounded. Ayano saw the student's dead body.

and it was Kokona Haruka.

Saki was also that part of the people, she couldn't believed that her childhood friend, Kokona has commited suicide in the school rooftop. Kokona is the only one Saki's closed friend, because other students were judging her. But, why does it happened to this?

Would Saki will have a new friend again?

Saki went home alone today... Looking sad, lonely and depressed. As soon as she reached the house, her mother greeted her. "Hello, Saki! What's with the frown on your face?" The mother asked her. "Mom, my childhood friend, Kokona commits suicide." Saki said with a tear dropped on her eyes.

"What?! Really?!" Her mother was shocked of what her daughter's words that just slipped through her mouth. "Saki, don't worry, Kokona will be there on your side. You will meet someone new tomorrow!" Her mother said with cheerful tone. "But, what if they bullied me again?" Saki said as she cried. "Immediately tell it to me when they hurt my beautiful daughter!" Her mother confidently said as she hugged Saki.

Saki went to the school alone, as she went to the classroom, the girls delinquent followed her silently. Saki sat down on her seats and then the Musume approached her. "Oh, look at her! She looks feeling down! HAHAHA!" Hoshiko said in a cheesy tone. "I'm not in a mood today, please leave me alone!" Saki said as she gave them a deadly glare. "Awww, look at her! She's been a little moody rudy!" The Koshiko laughed.

Musume kicked her right in her breast, Saki stood up with a crystal tears falling down and a angry face. "HOW DARE YOU TO HURT ME LIKE THAT? DO YOU WANT TO THROW ME A FIST?" Saki yelled at Musume's face. "She really thinks she's strong. But nothing can beats us." Kokoro gossips. "Yeah, let's goooooo!" Hoshiko said as she pushed Saki to the wall and everyone kicks her. Everyone laughed at the injured woman and then they leave her alone in the classroom.

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