Allegiances 2

35 0 0


Leader- Icestar
White she-cat

Deputy- Breezespot
Tortoiseshell tom

Medicine cat- CloudSwirl
White she-cat
Apprentice: Quietpaw


Willowstep- Light golden brown and white she-cat

Smokeheart- Black, and dusty gray tom
Apprentice: Thistlepaw

Maplesong- Light brown and cream tabby she-cat

Firestone- Golden furred tabby tom

Amberstreak- Black, white, and brown she-cat
Apprentice: Sleekpaw

Whitefoot, jet black tom white paws and ear tips


Sleekpaw- Gray tabby tom

Thistlepaw- Silver tabby tom

Quietpaw- Orange and white tabby she-cat


Birchstep- Brown tabby she-cat, mate to Smokeheart, mother to Foxkit and Redkit

Ashpelt- Gray she-cat, mate to Firestone, mother to Pinekit, and is expecting more


Twistedfoot, cream and white tom with broken hind leg



Leader- Rainstar
White she-cat with brown tabby patches
Apprentice- Riverpaw

Deputy- Riverstep
Gray tabby she-cat with white mark on chest
Apprentice- Bloodpaw

Medicine cat- Springfall
Brown and white tabby tom
Apprentice- Blackpaw


Spottedtail- White tom with black spots on tail

Leafclaw- Orange tabby tom

Snowstripe- White she-cat with brown, orange, and black marks on head
Apprentice- Grasspaw

Thornfrost- Gray tabby tom
Apprentice- Woodpaw


Riverpaw- Gray and silver tabby she-cat

Bloodpaw- Orange tabby tom

Blackpaw- White tom with black paws and black stripes

Grasspaw- Orange and white tabby tom

Woodpaw- Brown tabby tom


Bluestorm- Grayish blue she-cat, Mate to Thornfrost, expecting kits

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