Chapter 7

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"Ow! OW"!! Lemonseed was applying a poutice to Roanstar's wounds. "Keep your fur on, mouse-brain. If you want me to heal you, then I HAVE to put this on" Lemonseed hissed. Since She and Feildclaw had come back from the half-moon meeting, Lemonseed had her claws out and pelt bristling with annoyance. Roanstar thought she would've been happier to not be called "Lemonpaw" anymore.

"What's gotten under your fur"? Roanstar retorted. Lemonseed glared at him. "What's gotten under yours"? She snapped back as she slid a couple poppy seeds towards him. "Eat these. It'll sooth the pain" Lemonseed twitched her whiskers and sat back on her haunches as Roanstar lapped up the poppy seeds.

Feildclaw padded up."Lemonseed, can you go check on Eaglepaws wounds"? He asked. Lemonseed dipped her head and padded away. "So, I heard about the blow out you had yesterday after the battle. Is everything alright, Roanstar"? The Medicine cat glanced at him with a look of concern.

"Y...yes" Roanstar felt his pelt heat up as Fieldclaw stared at him. "Dear Starclan, do I like him"? The leader thought. The gray and white tabby flicked an ear at the tortoiseshell. "Well, alright. You may leave but I suggest that you rest until that wound is fully healed" Fieldclaw nodded towards the gash on Roanstar's shoulder and long scratch along his side and muzzle.

Roanstar blinked gratefully at him and got to his paws. As he padded out of the Medicine den, he felt tabby watching him go. He shuffled his paws and scuttled out. Moonfrost was waiting outside the den, and she got up. "Good to see your recovering" She dipped her head respectfully to him.

Roanstar's tail twitched. "Indeed. I will be able to get back to my duties very soon". He looked up as a warrior from Waterfallclan rushed into camp. In his jaws was a smaller brown tom, an apprentice it seemed. Both were soaked to the bone.

He realized it was Thornfrost and his apprentice, Woodpaw. "Help! I..I was taking Woodpaw for a hunting lesson! I took him near the river but....he fell in! Your camo was closer so I came for your help" The warriors eyes were wide with fear.

Lemondseed rushed out and hurried towards him. She gently set her jaws around the small apprentices scruff. Fieldclaw came out. "Lemonseed, get Woodpaw warmed as soon as soon as you can. Thornfrost, you must get warm too"!

Roanstar beckoned to Bluejaw, Skystream and Silverpool. "All of you go help" He ordered. They nodded and rushed to the Medicine den. "Starclan, please save that apprentice" Woodpaw was one of Riversteps kits, who was the deputy of Waterfallclan, he remembered.

"Pilotsky and Moonfrost, I want you two to go to Waterfallclan and inform them what has happened" He told the young warriors. "Of course" Moonfrost beckoned to Pilotsky and they both padded out of the entrance of camp. Roanstar turned and went into the Medicine den.

Bluejaw was wrapped around Woodpaw while Skystream and Silverpool were on either side of Thornfrost. Fieldclaw was desperately trying to help Woodpaw. Lemonseed was gathering appropriate herbs for this situation.

Woodpaw was shivering violently but he was not conscious. Suddenly, the small brown tom coughed and lifted his head. He heard Thornfrost let out a sigh of relief.

Roanstar turned to the entrance if the den as he saw Moonfrost and Pilotsky come in with Riverstep, Leafclaw, Grasspaw and Riverpaw accompanying them. Grasspaw and Riverpaw were the other kits of Riverstep and Leafclaw.

"Is he ok? Oh dear Starclan let him be ok"! Riverstep rushed towards her son. "R...Riverstep"? Woodpaw croaked. Bluejaw stepped away as Woodpaws kin curled around him. Leafclaw rasped his tongue over the small apprentices head. "I don't have much time. I feel so weak" Woodpaw said

"No! Woodpaw, you'll be alright"! Grasspaw answered, his eyes wide with fear. "Right..."? He looked at Fieldclaw and Lemonseed, who didn't answer her. Riverpaw curled her tail around her brother. "I'm going to Starclan, aren't I"? Woodpaw asked.

Roanstar felt his heart break for the Waterfallclan apprentice and his kin. Thornfrost was watching, his eyes filled with grief as he watched his dying apprentice. Riverstep let out a wail of greif, and pressed her nose to Woodpaws ear. "It's going to be'll be ok" She tried to soothe him. Leafclaw curled his tail around Woodpaw. The brown furred apprentice closed his eyes and his head dropped. And then, he stopped moving.

Roanstar dipped his head. "He is in the paws of Starclan now...." He murmered. They all sat in silence until Leafclaw got to his paws. "Thank you, Roanstar. It's time we get back to Waterfallclan for a vigil" He dipped his head gratefully to the Fallclan leader and padded away, Woodpaw on his back. Thornfrost got up and followed and Riverstep guided Grasspaw and Riverpaw out of the den with her tail.

Lemonseed watched them sadly. Roanstar turned to her. "You both did everything you could do. Thank you for trying to save him" He said before turning and padding to his den.

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