Chapter 3

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"StickPaw! StickPaw! StickPaw"! The cats chanted. StickPaw was smiling proudly and Pebblefur layed her tail across her back.

Roanfur looked at the next cat. "EagleKit, please step forward" He said.

"EagleKit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your Warrior name, you will be known as EaglePaw! Your mentor will be Barkfall.

Roanstar went on with Barkfall, making Stonekit into Stonepaw, and giving him Mudfoot as his mentor.

"Eaglepaw! Stonepaw! Stickpaw"!

Roanstar flicked his tail and gazed down at his clanmates. Everybody walked away and the new apprentices went off with their mentors. The new leader of Fallclan leaped down from his rock and padded around camp. He had to choose a deputy tomorrow. His eyes scanned around, searching for a worthy cat.

"Hmmm, of course"! Roanstar went to his den and layed down, falling asleep.


The Fallclan leader blinked awake. He jumped to his paws and padded out of his den. "Fallclan! Gather around"! The tortoiseshell called. Most cats ran up. "Today, it's time to choose my Deputy. This cat will be my successor when I pass onto Starclan, just as I did with Fallstar.

"This cat is loyal and cheerful, but smart. I believe I made a good choice" Roanstar smiled. The cats looked anxious but excited. "Pebblefur, will you be my deputy"? The silver and white she-cat who was now a mentor to Stickpaw stepped forward. She dipped her head. "Of course, Roanstar. I will serve the clan well" She said calmly. "Then the decision is made. Pebblefur is my new deputy"! Roanstar leaped down from the rock and the cats went off to see who would go on dawn patrol.

Roanstar flicked an ear as rushed pawsteps were heard. Lemonpaw rushed up to him. He turned to the medicine cat apprentice. "Yes, Lemonpaw"? The small young cat looked very worried. "Thrushbeam is getting worse as well as Ravenkit. Pilotpaw has greencough now too" Lemonpaw said rushingly. Roanstar's eyes filled with worry. "Don't you have catmint"? He asked. "Yes, but were running low" Lemonpaw answered.

"This isn't good" Roanstar thought. "Well, I'll send you, and Fieldclaw to fetch some from Iceclan" He told the apprentice. Lemonpaw seemed to hesitate. "Will she allow us"? The apprentice asked. Roanstar nodded. "We have a very good alliance with Iceclan and Waterfallclan" Roanstar answered.

"Well....ok" Lemonpaw hurried back to the Medicine den. The tortoiseshell watched her go, then turned slipped back into his den. All he could do was hope things would go well....

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