Chapter 2

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Roanfur stared down at the body of Fallstar. He could feel the fear, grief and shock of the cats around him. The former leader was still bleeding, but a pool of blood surrounded her. The tortoiseshell couldn't believe it. His idol, Leader, best friend....was gone. His clanmates started panicking.

"Fallstar is dead"! "Oh no"! "What do we do"?! "Who will be leader now"? "Roanfur would be, he is the deputy"!

"Me.....Leader"? Roanfur thought. "No, I couldnt be. I could never be as great a leader as Fallstar. I just couldnt" He shook his head. The deputy pressed his head against Fallstar's fur. "I'm going to find out who did this to you....I'm promise" He whispered. Roanfur stepped back, and turned around. His clanmates all looked at him with worry and question. "They are looking up to me. Because I'm supposed to be Fallstar's successor" The tom realized.

"Roanfur....."? Jayleaf made his way through the croud and looked at his brother with concern. "I...I need time alone" The deputy answered. His littermate nodded, understanding. Besides, Fallstar has seemed like a Mother to Roanfur. The Tortoiseshell walked past all the cats and out of the den.

He walked along the forest, staying close to Fallclan territory. "I should have protected her..." He mumbled to himself. His ears flattened against his head. Roanfur layed down, feeling tired from the chaos and Grief, falling asleep.

Roanfurs dream.....

The Deputy blinked his eyes open and looked up. "Where am I"? He thought. Roanfur saw a transparent cat pad up to him. "Fallstar"! He got up and touched noses with the she-cat. "Roanfur...." She answered back. "What is this place"? Roanfur asked. "This is Starclan" Fallstar meowed back softly. "So I'm dead"?! Roanfur's fur prickled straight up in alarm. "No, of course not. This is just a dream" Fallstar chuckled with amusement. "But I must tell you something important. You need to be the leader if Fallclan. You were my deputy. It's time you became Roanstar" The former leader imformed him. "I can't! Please, don't call me Roanstar. I am, and will always be Roanfur" He answered.

Fallstar sighed. "I chose you as my Deputy for many reasons. Your loyal, courageous, brave, and kind. You care about every single one of your clanmates. You listen to everybody and respect their opinions" She told him. "But I'm not ready! I still have much more to learn..." Roanfur answered. "And you'll get there. But for now, you would be a great leader anyways. Please, Roanfur" Fallstar stared into his eyes calmly.

"I understand, Fallstar" He flicked his tail and stared back. "Ok, then it's time for you to wake up. Goodbye, Roanstar" Fallstar said. "Wait, will I ever see you again"?! Roanfur asked. "Of course. Just trust in Starclan. Trust in me. Your clanmates. Everybody that means much to you" She smiled. "Of course I will. Goodbye, Fallstar" Roanfur pressed his head to hers and suddenly everything went dark.

That morning.....

Roanfur woke up, and got to his paws. He pricked his ears, hearing the crunching of leaves. But, it was only LemonPaw who came out from a bush. "Oh! Roanfur, it's you! We were a little worried" She meowed softly. The white and brown she-cat apprentice was looking at him with deep respect. He knew that she was aware of his new status. "Yes...I'm fine. Sorry to worry you, LemonPaw" They both padded back to camp.

When they got there, everybody was waiting. JayLeaf touched noses with him. "You know what you have to do...." FallStar's voice whispered to him through the small breeze. Roanfur walked up to the big rock and stood tall. "Fallclan! Gather around"! He meowed loudly and waited. Even Feildclaw had stepped out of the Medicine den to listen.

"We all know what happened to Fallstar. She was clearly murdered. I understand it was her time to go, as I would never question Starclan" The tortoiseshell gulped nervously. "But we must find out who has committed this crime. But we can't do that without a leader. As Fallstar's deputy, it's my duty to take her place as Leader"

"Today is also a special day for three young cats. I know Fallstar will be watching" He smiled. "StickKit, EagleKit, and StoneKit. Please step forward to receive your apprentice names" Roanfur called. Three kits scuttled up to the front and stared up at him. "I will now be known as Roanstar" He said.

"StickKit, please step forward" A female gray tabby walked closer to the rock. "StickKit, you have reached the age of 6 moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your Warrior name, you will be known as StickPaw. Your mentor will be Pebblefur. I hope Pebblefur will pass down all she knows onto you.

"Pebblefur, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have received excellent training from SandPelt, and you have shown yourself to be Smart and Brave. You will be the mentor of StickPaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to Stickpaw" Roanfur stated, flicking his tail at Pebblefur and touched noses with StickPaw.

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