Chapter 13

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"All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Highfall rock for a clan meeting"! Roanstar's yowl rose beyond the camp. Ravenstrike stretched and padded away from the Warriors den to Highfall. He seated himself in the middle, so he had a good view. He saw out of the corner of his eye that Rollfeather shuffled up beside. She touched her nose to his shoulder and looked towards her leader.

"Jayleaf and Bloodpelt have named their kits" Roanstar's mew was sharp but full of pride. "I would like to Welcome them to the clan. Lillykit, Stormkit, Darkkit, Frogkit, Bumblekit.....and" Roanstar's gaze landed on him. ".............Ravenkit"

Everybody turned their heads toward Ravenstrike. His chest felt warm with pride and embarrassment. He lifted a paw and drew his tongue over it. "So my half-brother is named after me"? He thought, setting his paw back down. He didn't here anything else Roanstar said. When the meeting was over, he padded towards the nursery.

Rollfeather strolled up beside him, and Ravenstrike paused, looking at her. "Kits" He said. Rollfeather tilted her head. "What do you mean"? Ravenstrike pawed at the ground. "I'm saying that I want to have kits" Ravenstrike answered. Rollfeather looked away and he turned to her. "What's wrong"? He asked. "I...I don't want kits, Ravenstrike. I wouldn't want to be cooped up in the Nursery for hours on end. I'm a Warrior! I need to provide for a clan. Besides, there is enough kits at the moment" Rollfeather said.

"The more Warriors, the better. And just think of how cute they would be! There is nothing better th-" Rollfeather cut him off. "I don't want kits, ok? I want to live my life as a Warrior. Besides, I still don't trust Bloodpelt. I don't even think it was a good idea for her to have kits. Starclan knows she shouldn't even be close to the nursery. If I were to have kits, she would be nowwhere near them" Rollfeather snapped back.

"She hasn't been possessed in two moons, Rollfeather" Ravenstrike argued. "I don't care. I don't want to risk it. Would you"? She asked, looking back at him. "I" He trailed off. "Then this conversation is over" Rollfeather said, not giving him a chance to say anything else before walking off.

Ravenstrike unsheathed his claws and dug at clumps of grass in frustration. "I'm such a Mouse-brain"! He snapped to himself. He sighed and Pebblefur padded up to him. "Will you go on a hunting patrol"? She asked. He nodded and followed her to the group of cats that were going. Stonefall, Bluejaw, Skystream, and Pilotsky.

They all padded out of camp. Ravenstrike parted his jaws to find a scent of prey. Suddenly, the smell of Rabbit filled his nose. He headed away from the patrol and followed the scent. Then he saw it. The rabbit was pure white, and was nibbling on some berries. But as he leaned his head forward, ge realized they weren't just any berries. They were deathberries! Had this Rabbit got bees in its brains?

Perhaps it didn't know it could kill it. Ravenstrike unsheathed his claws and creeped forward. But the Rabbit instantly dropped to the ground. Confused, he slowly stalked towards it, pushing pine needles away from his paws. He stood over it, the rabbit was unmoving. He prodded it with a paw, but nothing happened. "'s dead. I suppose I shouldn't take this back to camp. It might be ill" he told himself. Giving one last look over his shoulder, he paddes away with a flick of his tail.

He began to head in the direction the patrol had gone, but the breath was knocked out of him as something slammed into his side. He felt hot breath on his shoulder as claws dug into his side. He twisted his head around to see who his attacker was, and his eyes widened with horror as they came face to face with a Badger. It snarled, leaving saliva on his face, and bit down on his ear.

Ravenstrike yowled and clawed at its face with his front paws until a claw sliced over an eye. The badger growled and clamped his big fangs over his throat. His mind reeled with terror. "I can't possibly fight this off alone"! He thought. The badger bit down, and Ravenstrike felt its fangs sliced into his skin. He shrieked as he twisted, desperately trying to escape. But it was no use. A massive paw slammed down on his shoulder, claws sinking into his pelt.

When he began to think it was the end, the weight of the badger loosened. Yowls of anger was heard and growling. "Get away from my friend, flea-brain"! The voice said. It was Stonefall. Ravenstrike jumped to his paws and leapt on the Badgers back. He batted his unsheathed paws over its head. But it threw him off, and Ravenstrike fell to ground with a loud thud.

"Go back to camp"! Stonefall said, lashing at the badger. "Get help". "No, I won't leave you alone here"! Ravenstrike said. No time for arguing, as the rest of the patrol came. Bluejaw snarled and sprang at the badger. A moment later, Skystream and Pilotsky appeared. They all fought off the badger. It turned and ran off.

Ravenstrike winced as he got up. "Thank you..." He said. "Come on, lets take you to the Medicine den" Stonefall said kindly. Ravenstrike leaned against the other young Warrior as they padded back to camp. Bluejaw, Pilotsky, and Skystream all trailed behind.

He forced himself to stay awake. "How many times do I have to get hurt"? He thought. Finally they were back at camp. Everybody immediately was by his side, asking questions, their eyes filled with concern. Lemonseed rushed towards him. "What happened"? She asked as she help Stonefall guide him to the Medicine den.

"Attacked by a badger" His friend answered. Ravenstrike sunk into a nest of moss miserably, feeling exhausted. He could hear the voices of his other clanmates, but his pain and tiredness caused him to understand their words. "Just a few minutes of rest..." he thought, closing his eyes. Almost instantly, Ravenstrike fell into a deep sleep.

His eyes shot open and he lifted his head. The pain in his neck was gone. Puzzled, he got to his paws and scanned his surroundings. This place was not familiar. Everything seemed so....starry. His whiskers twitched and gazed around with alarm. "What is this place"?

Then a she-cat with stars all over her pelt padded up to him. "Hello Ravenstrike" She spoke softly. Wait a minute....this cat looked like....his mother! So..was he in Starclan? Did he die? "T..Thrushbeam"? He asked slowly. "Is that you"? The she-cat nodded.

"So..this must be Starclan. Am I dead"? Ravenstrike asked. Thrushbeam studied him for a moment. "Not unless you want to be" She answered. "W-What do you mean"? Ravenstrike asked, slightly confused. "You see...the wound was too much for you. And at the moment, you are dead. But Starclan is willing to let you choose. Do you want to come back to life or stay in Starclan"? Thrushbeam asked.

"But I thought only clan leaders could come back to life"! Ravenstrike replied. "Ravenstrike, listen carefully. Your have an important future aheaf of do know about Lemonseed's prophecy, right"? She asked.

"Well yes..I have heard. I just don't know what it means" He asnwered. "Your going to play a part in fulfilling it, Ravenstrike. That is why you are getting the choice of coming back to life. This is the destiny that was layed out for you. Take it or spent eternal afterlife in Starclan" Thrushbeam said.

"Can I get time to think about it"? Ravenstrike asked. "There isn't much time, my son. They are going to bury you soon, so please make a decision as quickly as possible" Thrushbeam said urgently. Ravenstrike stared at his brown paws, not sure of what to do. If I stay here, I get to be with my mother again. But if I'm alive....." He thoughts trailed off.

Then a moment later he looked back up. "Send me back"

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