Chapter 12

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  Roanstar pushed through the brambles of his den. He stepped out into the sunlight, and he blinked slowly. His ear twitched as Moonfrost's kits bounded up to him. "Can you tell us a story"? Tigerkit asked. "What about the Elders? I'm sure Aspentail and Sandpelt would tell you one" Roanstar said.

"But Sandpelt is asleep and Aspentail is doesn't have anything to tell us"! Ashkit mewed and Maplekit nodded. "Alright, alright" Roanstar layed down and cleared is throat. The three kits all layed over his paws, looking up eagerly at him.

"I remember when I was an apprentice. Always getting into trouble" He started. "What did you do"? Maplekit asked curiously, her hear tilted. "Well, I snuck out of camp. A lot. And...let's just say my mentor was not happy. And neither was Fallstar. Fallstar was the Leader before me" Roanstar answered.

"You were a bad apprentice"! Ashkit mewed. "Ashkit! Shush! Don't be rude" Tigerkit snapped back at her. Maplekit rolled her eyes. " day I snuck out again. But I didn't end up so lucky. I heard a rustle in a nearby bush, so I thought it was just a bunny" Roanstar said. "But it wasn't, right"? Tigermit asked, his eyes wide.

"Certainly not. It was a pesky rogue! He leapted out of the bushes and I felt claws dig into me. You see this scar here"? Roanstar lifted his head, revealing a small scar on his throat. "Woah" Ashkit said with interest.

"I fought the rogue with all my might. Rearing onto my hindlegs, I sliced my claws across his muzzle. He reached out a paw to scratch me, but I was ready. I sprang, and was suddenly airborn as I soar over him! And then I bit down on his tail, one of the weak spots on all cats. That sent him fleeing" Roanstar finished, licking a paw and drawing it over his ear.

"Wow! You flew over him"? Maplekit asked. "I certainly did"! Roanstar mewed back. "I hope your not giving him any trouble, you three" Moonfrost said, padding up with Pilotsky by her side. Roanstar let out a rumbled purr. "Not at all. I was just telling them a story of when I was an apprentice" The kits jumped up and hurried towards their parents. They brushed against their legs, letting out small, happy purrs.

Roanstar got to his paws, letting out a yawn. He padded to the fresh-kill pile, and plucked out a thrush. He sat back down beside the Highfall rock, and took the feathers off. Then he ripped flesh from the prey and chomped down on it.

He tucked his paws beneath his chest as he finished the past of the thrush. His belly warm and full of prey, and rested his chin on his paws contently. But it didn't last long. Fieldclaw rushed up to him, Lemonseed only a couple pawsteps behind him. Lifting his head, Roanstar gave them a confused look. "Lemonseed had a vision! And with it was a prophecy"! Fieldclaw said.

Roanstar looked at the she-cat, who was ducking her head. "Lemonseed, Fieldclaw, come into my den" He said and padded through the brambles. He gestured towards two nests of moss and they both settled down. Roanstar sat down in his own nest. "Ok, Lemonseed, tell me" He said.

Lemonseed took a deep breath. "Find what's hidden within the Mist, for that is only what will save the Clan" She blinked and tilted her head slightly. "I don't know what it means"

"Who gave you the prophecy, Lemonseed"? Roanstar asked. "Fallstar and Mottlednose" Lemonseed answered. Roanstar held in a wince at the name of his father. Mottlednose had died on the Thunderpath, hit by a monster. Roanstar was only an apprentice. "Hmmm" He started to think. Why was Starclan never clear with its Prophecys?

"Well, we can only wait to see what the future brings us. Now you two should get something from the fresh-kill pi-" He was cur off as Bluejaw rushed in. "Roanstar, sorry to interrupt. But the Medicine cats are in need right now. Bloodpelt is going to be kitting"! He grayish blue warrior said.

Roanstar got up. "I'll go tell Jayleaf". "He already knows"! Bluejaw said as he bounded out of the den. He, and the medicine cats followed. Roanstar sat outside the nursery with Jayleaf. He had told Bluejaw, Stonefall, and Ravenstrike to go catch prey, as Bloodpelt would be hungry afterwards.

Roanstar rested his tail over his brother's shoulders. Jayleaf was staring anxiously towards the nursery. "Relax. You've been through this before with Thrushbeam" he told him. Jayleaf looked over at him. "I-I know. I can't help it. You don't understand, Roanstar. Because you don't have kits, or a mate even. Being a wild cat is hard. But being a father is harder"

Roanstar nodded. Then, Fieldclaw came out, purring. "You healthy kits". Jayleafs eyes went wide. "Six? Dear Starclan" But he was purring too, his eyes shining happily. "Indeed. Two she-kits, four toms" Fieldclaw said. "Go on and meet them".

Jayleaf walked into the nursery den and Fieldclaw turned towards Roanstar. "That's going to be a pain in the tail. Now all of Jayleaf kits are going to be swarming the camp" He said, flicking his tail with amusement. Roanstar purred, until the Medicine cat prodded him with a paw. "Can we go talk in your den"? He asked. Roanstar nodded, and turned towards his den. "Come on" They both walked to Roanstars den.

They both settled down into some moss. "So, what is it"? Roanstar asked. Feildclaw thought a moment. "Well, I do know that love is forbidden for Medicine cats....but...He trailed off and hesitated. "But you like someone? Who is it"? Roanstar tilted his head.


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