Chapter 6

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  "Good luck, Lemonpaw" Roanstar dipped his head and smiled. Lemonpaw would be getting her full Medicine cat name. And it was time for her sisters warrior name ceremony soon. Fieldclaw and Lemonpaw padded out of camp.

"Everybody come to leaffall rock for a clan meeting"! The tortoiseshell jumped onto the rock and watched as all the cats disperse from their dens. "Moonpaw, Pilotpaw, and Silverpaw have all had their assesments and passed" Roanstar said.

"I, Roanstar, leader of Fallclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn"

"Moonpaw, Pilotpaw, and Silverpaw. Do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life"?

Moonpaw dipped her head. "I do" She answered. "Of course"! Pilotpaw said. Silverpaw nodded. "As do I".

"Then by the powers of Starclan, I give you your warrior names. Moonpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Moonfrost. Starclan honors your courage, and we welcome you as a full warrior of Fallclan" Roanstar touched noses with her.

"Moonfrost! Moonfrost! Moonfrost"!

"Pilotpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Pilotsky. Starclan honors your bravery, and we welcome you as a full warrior of Fallclan" Roanstar settled his tail on the former apprentice.

"Pilotsky! Pilotsky! Pilotsky"!

"And finally, Silverpaw. From this moment on you will be known as Silverpool. Starclan honors your fairness, and we welcome you as a full warrior of Fallclan" The tortoiseshell gazed warmly at Silverpool.

"Silverpool! Silverpool! Silverpool! Pilotsky! Moonfrost! Moonfrost! Pilotsky"!

The three new warriors looked at eachother with pride. Moonfrost and Pilotsky brushed against eachother's pelts. Skystream interrupted the celebration of happy cats. "Nobody was quite this happy when I became a warrior" The she-cat grumbled. Sandpelt mrrrrowed with amusement. "That's because you were so grumpy. And you still are"! The senior warrior teased. Skystream rolled her eyes and huffed.

Then a yowl was heard. They all looked towards the entrance, and saw two cats sitting there. One was a gray tom, black tail tip, and green eyes. The other was a orange tabby she-cat. They both wore collars with dog teeth sticking out on all ends. "Greetings" Said the tom. "I am Sharp, new leader of Bloodclan" He flicked his tail towards the orange tabby. "And this is Zap"

Bluejaw growled. "What do you stupid rogues want"? Sharp turned his eyes to the blue/grayish warrior, not caring about the aggression. "Well, I just wanted to stop by and say that my clan needs more territory" Sharp answered. Roanstar got to his paws. "And who says were gonna  share territory"? His fur bristled with annoyance. "I do" Sharp growled.

Most of the clan cats got up and glared at Sharp and Zap. Their claws were unseathed and they snarled. "Settle down" Roanstar commanded and gazed calmly at the rogue. "We are not sharing territory. Now go, you best be on your way" The tortoiseshell said.

Sharp looked at Zap and nodded. "Then I guess we don't have any other choice" He said menacingly. Zap yowled. "BLOODCLAN, ATTACK"! Suddenly, rogues were leaping out of nowhere, growling and snapping their jaws. "Silverpoool, Bubbles, and Hershey. All of you take the kits and get to the nursery. Now"! Roanstar growled as he saw all his other cats leap into action. He raced towards Sharp and jumped. The bloodclan leader rolled out of the way and leapted to his paws. Sharp spun around and raked his claws on Roanstar's shoulder. The tortoiseshell meowed in pain and swiped his claws over Sharps muzzle. The gray tom growled and gave Roanstar a powerful shove, knocking the Fallclan off his paws. Sharp pinned him to the ground but Roanstar kicked him off with his hind legs. Sharp fell against a tree roughly. He got up and hissed. Roanstar flicked his tail with a dissaproving gaze and turned to look at his battling clanmates. One Bloodclan cat lay still in the grass, blood pulsing from wounds and seeping into the ground. Another rogue ran up to her. "No, Scarlet"! He wailed and pressed his nose into her fur. Everybody stopped fighting. Zap went up to the grieving tom. "Come on Hail. I think the battle his over" She pushed Scarlets body onto Hail and they retreated into the forest. "Bloodclan, retreat"! Sharp said. He glared ar Roanstar. "This is NOT over" He snarled before turning away and stalking off. The rest of Bloodclan followed him.

Bluejaw hissed. "And don't come back"! He growled with his ears pinned to his head. The grayish/blue warriors muzzle was stained red. Roanstar looked at his clan. "Who killed that she-cat"? He asked. Jayleaf stepped forward confidently. "I did". Roanstar stared at him with a disappointed look. "We don't kill other cats unless we really have too" He said, his whiskers twitching. "But I did! Scarlet was going to kill me"! Jayleaf growled furiously, his tail lashing.

"You could have found a way around it instead of killing het" Roanstar turned to pad toward his den. "There was no other way around it, Roanstar! Why aren't you being reasonable"?! Roanstar turned back, hissing. "I AM being reasonable. Do not question your leader"!

"Why do we care about some flea-brained rogues life? Did you expect me to just die?! You would've wanted her to kill me? Because thats what would've happened" Jayleaf snarled. "Enough, brother" Roanstar said, his eyes narrowing.

"No! I will not let this go! What kind of leader are you"?! Jayleaf bared his teeth. Roanstars claws slid out. "I said.....enough" Roanstar growled. Everybody was staring at their leader, wide eyed. He turned his rump on them and stalked towards his den. "What has gotten in to him"? Sandpelt muttered. "Is he turning evil"? Eaglepaw asked. "Can we trust him"? Moonfrost voice was nervous.

Roanstar layed in his nest of moss, falling asleep.

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