Chapter 10

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I could hear voice's around me. They were telling me to wake up. But everything hurt, so, so much. It was unbearable. But a paw was prodding my side, and then my eyes shot open. Ravenpaw blinked and his vision cleared. He was surrounded by Lemonseed, Jayleaf, Rollpaw, Thunderpaw, and Bloodpelt.

He sat upright on his belly, his whole body aching. He felt the nuzzling of Thunderpaw. "Thank Starclan" he heard his brother murmer. Ravenpaw groaned. He hardly remembered anything that had happened. And then it hit him.

The battle with the Rogues. He was nearly killed by that big tom. His fur spiked. "Is everybody ok"? He asked. Lemonseed and Jayleaf exchanged uneasy glances. "Cloverheart was killed....and Roanstar somehow lost two lives. The rogues killed him twice" Lemonseed answered.

"Cloverheart is dead"?! Ravenpaw got to his paws, wincing at the pain. His heart twisted with pain, but not physical. Greif stabbed at him like a claw. Before anyone could stop him, he burst out of the Medicine den. He saw a few cats gathered around Cloverheart while Roanstar was on Highfall rock. He seemed tired, but something else shone in his eyes.

Ravenpaw barely noticed. He ran out of camp, until he came to the Iceclan border. He sat down and let out a loud wail. He fell on his belly and covered his eyes with his paws. He whimpered quietly. Cloverheart may had been a grumpy old badger, but he was clan. Nothing was more important than clanmates. He didn't deserve the death he got.

He heard pawsteps scuffle up to him. "Ravenpaw"? The voice asked. "What's wrong"? The apprentice lifted his head to see the young Iceclan warrior, Whitefoot. "R-Rogues" Ravenpaw said. "They attacked camp...Roanstar lost his first two lives...and they killed Cloverheart"!

"They attacked our camp too..." Whitefoot said. "They nearly killed Stemkit". Ravenpaw now saw the scratches covering the Black and white tom. He heard rushed paw steps coming towards them. He turned around to see Pilotsky and Bluejaw run up to them. "What are you doing on our territory, Whitefoot"?! Bluejaw growled.

"I..Oh, I didn't realize I crossed your border. Apologies, Bluejaw" Whitefoot stepped back a few paces. Pilotsky sent the blue/gray warrior a glare. "Whitefoot is a friend, remember? The clans are not enemies". Bluejaw dipped his head apologetically.

Pilotsky stepped up beside Ravenpaw. "Come on, Ravenpaw. Roanstar has asked for you" He turned, and Ravenpaw reluctantly followed. He turned his head to see Whitefoot heading back towards his own territory.

It had been another two moons since the battle with Bloodclan.
Ravenpaw was stalking a Squirrel, his tail hanging just barely above the air. He watched it nibble on a seed slowly. He stepped forward cautiously, soundlessly. He pushed up with his hind-legs and pounced, his claws closing around the Squirrel. He felt it struggle beneath his claws.

Ravenpaw leaned down to deliver the killing bite on the neck. It went limp in his jaws. Roanstar congratulated him as Ravenpaw came back with his final catch. His mentor, and leader, had said there needed to be more warriors. Even though Ravenpaw had been training for only 4 moons, Roanstar insisted for his assessment to be today. He understood why. If Bloodclan attacked, there needed to be more warriors.

"You have passed, Ravenpaw. I'm very proud" Roanstar meowed. They picked up all the prey the apprentice had caught, and headed back to camp. Rollpaw and Thunderpaw were waiting for him. "Are you ready to become Warriors"? Thunderpaw asked. "Yes"! Rollpaw and Ravenpaw answered at the same time.

"We will have your Warrior naming ceremony at Moonrise" Roanstar said. Ravenpaw couldn't believe it. He would finally get his warrior name.

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