Chapter 19

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Ravenstrike was up early on a patrol. He padded through the forest, sniffing for prey. "Smell anything"? Silverpool brushed his pelt as he came up beside him. Ravenstrike shook his head. "No, afraid not. This leaf-bare has caused all the prey to move or hide" He answered. A cold gush of wind sent his fur ruffling. "Hopefully this leaf-bare will be over soon" Silverpool mewed.

"So, how is Tigerpaw"? Ravenstrike asked. But then the young apprentice strode up, a gopher dangling in his jaws. "Well...I guess you got your answer" Silverpool turned to his apprentice. "Well done, Tigerpaw! I'm sure Sandpelt and Aspentail will appreciate that catch"

Tigerpaw beamed. "Lets go back to camp. Besides, this is only the first patrol of the day" Ravenstrike started to pad away. "I can't wait to have my own apprentice"! He thought. As he pushed himself through the den, he saw his clanmates already out and about. Lilykit was sitting beside Lemonseed, staring up at her in awe.

Roanstar looked over at Ravenstrike, he padded towards him. "Any luck"? He asked. "Well...yes and no" He stepped aside and saw Tigerpaw setting down the gopher by the Elders den. "Ah, fine catch for the young apprentice. And speaking of apprentice's, I think it's time Bloodpelt and Jayleaf's kits have started their training" Roanstar said.

"Wait, their already six moons"?! Ravenstrike asked in disbelief. Roanstar nodded and jumped onto Highfall. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Highfall for a clan meeting"! He yowled. Ravenstrike padded up, his pelt tingling with excitement. "I might get an apprentice today"! He thought. His tail tip twitched as he saw Frogkit, Darkkit, Ravenkit, Stormkit and Bumblekit hurry up in front up the croud.

He turned his head to see Lilykit watching her littermates, eyes gleaming. So it seemed Lemonseed would earn her own apprentice today. "Stormkit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your Warrior name, you will be known as Stormpaw. Your mentor will be Moonfrost. I hope Moonfrost will pass down all she knows on to you" Roanstar spoke.

"Moonfrost, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have received excellent training from Jayleaf, and you have shown yourself to be courageous and witty. You will be the mentor Stormpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know Stormpaw".

Stormpaw bounded up to her new mentor and touched noses with her. "Stormpaw! Stormpaw! Stormpaw"! Ravenstrike's voice was the loudest one that cheered.

"Frogkit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your Warrior name, you will be known as Frogpaw"

"Will he be my apprentice"? Ravenstrike wondered thoughtfully.

"Your mentor will be Pilotsky. I hope Pilotsky will pass down all he knows on to you" Frogpaw pressed noses with Pilotsky.

"Guess not"

"Bumblekit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your Warrior name, you'll be known as Bumblepaw. Your mentor will be Ravenstrike. I hope Ravenstrike will pass on all he knows on to you"

Wow, my first apprentice. He eagerly touched noses with Bumblepaw, his pelt warming up with affection and he purred.

Darkpaw became apprenticed to Stonefall, Ravenpaw was apprenticed to Stickclaw. And Lilypaw became Lemonseed's apprentice. "I'll go check on my kits, then I'll go take you on a tour of Border patrol" Ravenstrike murmered. He padded away to the nursery and found Rollfeather watching their kits.

Spottedkit bounded up to him as Ravenstrike layed down. "Guess what, Ravenstrike? I'm going to be the bravest warrior anyone has ever seen"! He squealed. Ravenstrike purred. "I'm sure you will, Spottedkit" He purred, nuzzling his kits and rubbed his cheek along Rollfeather. "I've got to go, Bumblepaw is waiting" He said softly.

Turning away, he padded out of the nursery to Bumblepaw. "Shall we go"? He asked. The ginger tom nodded and got to his paws. "Legs go"! Bumblepaw said. Flicking the tip of his tail over the apprentices head, he padded out of the entrance.

"Over there is the border. Cross it, your in Waterfallclan territory. You must never hunt there, because Waterfallclan hunt in their own territory, as do we" He said as they reached the border. Bumblepaw nodded with understanding. Ravenstrike led him farther down until they got to the Iceclan border. "Same with this, never hunt on Iceclan territory. The Warriors there aren't as nice as Fallclan and Waterfallclan" He explained

Bumblepaw tipped his head to one side. "Why"? He asked curiously. "Well, Iceclan just has grumpy Warriors. I don't really know why" Ravenstrike shrugged. "When will I get to meet the other clans"? Bumblepaw started walking beside him again. "Hopefully at this upcoming Gathering" Ravenstrike replied.

He caught scent of squirrel. The Warrior dropped down into a hunters crouch and padded queitly. His ears pricked forward and he heard tiny paws rustling on the ground. He peeked through the grass, and saw the squirrel searching the ground for food. He slipped to the side swiftly but silently. Unseathing his claws, he wiggled his haunches and then pounced. He gave the squirrel a quick nip to the neck, and it fell limp.

Ravenstrike picked it up in his jaws and looked towards Bumblepaw. "Come, lets get back to camp. I'll teach you hunting tommorrow" He said around the fresh caught prey. They headed back to camp wordlessly and pushed through the entrance. Ravenstrike put the squirrel in the fresh-kill pile and picked out a mouse for himself. He padded towards Stonefall, Bloodpelt and Skystream. "Ah, Ravenstrike. How did it go with Bumblepaw"? Bloodpelt asked as he layed down.

"Good, very good. He is a curious one, but very calm. I don't know where he got it from. Got any kin"? He asked Bloodpelt as he leaned down to take a bite out of his fresh-kill.

"You know the Marshclan deputy? Mapleclaw? He is my brother. I don't know about my sister, Robinwing. Both my father, Stagfoot, and my Mother Hollyclaw, are supposedly dead" Bloodpelt answered.

"I'm so sorry" Ravenstrike answered. "Don't worry about it. I Hardly knew them" Bloodpelt replied. Skystream let out a dramatic cough. " are your kits, Ravenstrike"? She asked.

"They are all little joyful bundles that are full of energy" Ravenstrike purred. "So were you" Skystream answered. "I was never able to get any sleep with your constant energy" She said with an amused tone.

He licked his chest fur with embarrassment. "Yeah..." he mumbled. "But I was a kit. Now I'm a Warrior! And a father......" Stonefall blinked at him. "Didn't you want to be a father"? He asked.

"Yes, of course I did" Ravenstrike rumbled. "Ok! Then its settled" Stonefall said. Ravenstrike finished his mouse and got up. "Im tired. See ya later" He turned and padded towards the Warrior den

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