Chapter 6

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Louis woke up very early on Monday with a terrible headache, he had throw up like three times during the night, it was horrible, his ears hurt even more, everything seem to be louder than before, his alarm, even the sound outside.

He got dress for school, before she'll come looking for him, he made toast for breakfast as everyone was asleep it was still early.

He sat down on the table with his plate, just staring at it in disgust, the smell brought nausea, and he gagged.

He ran to the sink throwing up, his stomach was churning.

He clean up returning to his seat, then he sigh freezing the food, he jumped, it had never happened before, he was breathing cold, he sigh again freezing a spoon, it was crazy! He could freeze stuffs with his breath.

He heard a door crack, it was a total panic, he shove his plate and spoon in the fridge in a haste, grabbing his bag he ran out.

When he was far enough he stopped to catch his breath, his head hurts, the sound on the streets was unbearable so loud.


He had arrived earlier that day, avoiding everyone till lunch. Louis found and empty table with his tray he sat resting his head on the table.

"Hey," someone called. He jumped out of surprise.

"Calmos is me, peter," peter grinned, Louis nodded not because he really want to but cause of flash, he knew he was watching and waiting he could fell it.

He took a sit beside Nerd, taking little bites on his Apple.

"Nice color," complimented Nerd. Louis stare confusedly at him.

"I mean the white line on your hair."

"O-oh, not a color, i-i was born w-with that," he said above a whisper.

Nerd, MJ and peter had to strain there ears before the heard, "wow, am impressed," MJ said.

"You didn't introduce yourself yesterday," peter said.

"S-sorry, I'm Robert Louis Drake," he spoke a bit louder this time but it was still low. 

"Quite Long," MJ mumbled but Louis heard.

"Erm... Is Jessica your sister?" MJ asked, everyone knew Jessica the Goth.

"N-no she lives in the same house with me," Louis answered.

"Your parents are sheltering her?" Nerd gasp.

"Not actually my parents, my Forster mother."

"But where are your parents?" Nerd jump in.

Louis sigh with a hand on his mouth, he was not use to talking that much why did they care anyway? "Dunno, never seen them."

"Oh, sorry, I think I spoke too fast," nerd apologized.

"My sincere apology," peter said.

The bell rang interrupting their silence, Louis made his way to class when they weren't looking.

The day went by quickly, soon the bell rang, students ran out of their classes in a haste, that was always the case no one wants to remain in school.

Louis did not see flash for the day it was a bit suspicious, he was expecting him all day long.

Louis walk to his locker unlock it, took out all necessary things, shut his locker and left, before Peter's band get hold of him.

He still had the strong feeling that someone was watching, he had a tight grip on his bag strap.

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