Chapter 10

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Jenny allowed him to dropped, she walked away not glancing back, she don't give a damn of it.

Later that night Louis had woken up in pain, he couldn't just die like that, he was no human. he'd manage to crawl to his room, creeping in his bed and allowed his head to rest on his pillow before he pass out again.

Louis woke up late that morning, everything ache, there was dried blood everywhere on his bed, his sheet and clothes were covered in blood, he managed to drag his feet to the bathroom while hissing, he still felt dizzy though. He creep in the bathtub turning on the cold shower, allowing water to run in his cuts as he hiss, it stung.

After his slow shower, he tripped in some black skinny jeans and grey hoodie, grabbing him bag he slipped through his window. Jennifer was the last person he want to see in his life, she's so cruel.

He raised his hood up as he walked slowly on the street.

Morning classes weren't perfect, he never paid attention to any of what the teachers were saying, too tired, too sore, too emotionally drain, for that.

Lunch bell rang, he made his way out of the class last, he plan to hide in the toilet all day till school was over.

He picked his stuffs, throwing it in his bag, and push his locker close.

"Louis?" He felt a hand on his shoulder and winced, before turning to face Peter.

"It everything alright? I mean you hiding your face with the hood." Louis nodded weakly.

"Do you wanna join us in lunch?" Peter asked worriedly, he shook his head, Louis book dropped he bent down to pick them, when he stood his hood fell off, he quickly pulled it up.

But Peter saw his face, bruised cheek, bags under his eyes, red rings around his eyeballs, his dull blue eyes had change to red.

He looked depressed and beaten to the scorn.

"Louis -" before peter could finish his sentence Louis had already walked away.

Peter went to the lunch room, spotting MJ and Nerd, he walked to them.

"Hey Pete, what took you so long?" MJ said.

Peter just sigh.

"Are you okay?" Nerd sound worried.

"Yeah, is just... I met Louis in the hallway," peter pause.

"Oh, Lewis? Is he coming?" MJ mocked.

"No, something is not right," Peter mumbled but MJ and Nerd heard.

"I saw him in some of the classes we had together, he had his hood over his head, strange." MJ stuff the pasta in her mouth.

"Me too, is everything okay with him?" Nerd asked

"I don't think, I was speaking to him in the hall way, he never spoke a word to me, he just nodded, then his hood fell off, he looked horrible with bags under his eyes, like a zombie. He looks like he was partying all night, something is not right I can fell it, oh plus he had bruises on his cheek." Peter sigh holding his head.

"I bet flash has something to do with that," MJ said.

"No I don't think, flash had stopped bullying people since that video," Nerd said.

MJ shrugged, "our so call Lewis is too strange, he wears gloves and long sleeves, he speaks rarely to anyone, he don't even speak like a normal person, I bet he had a giant secret." MJ huffed.

"You're just been paranoid, he's a little guy, is normal, right peter?" Nerd turn to see peter in space.

He was thinking, trying to gather the missing puzzle, who is Robert Louis Drake?"


School had ended, Louis sneak out of school avoiding everyone, even spiderman.

He was getting tired and dizzy, his cut had opened and blood was pouring out on his clothes. The pain was unbearable, he collapse on the street panting, dizziness took over him and he pass out on the street.

He gradually gain consciousness as he blink his eyes. He felt the comfy and warm bed, but how did he land there?

He sat up and hissed, the cut hurts a little.

"Hey you awake," storm the rock style white hair girl said leaning against the door.

Louis looked surprised, the last thing he remember was him running away from everyone, how on earth did he land here?

"You're awake," jean walked in with mystique.

Louis hop out of bed and hissed, he felt his skin was pulled together.

"Be careful there, I had to stitch your skin, it was getting effected." jean said.

Just then he noticed his shirt was not on, he pulled his glove and reach back to feel the wound with a worried expression.

Jean noticed, "Don't worry there won't be scar, you've got a quick healing factor, is not fast but is till working, I suggest you use your power more, if you want you capacity to work effectively." Jean said.

Louis wore his glove and his hood, "T-thanks," he spoke in a whisper.

"You can stay here with us, help us get rid of the dragator, a monsters living under the city, that's why we're here you need to take him down before the city collapsed, if we succeed you'll come with us to Xavier school, you'll become an X-men." Mystique said.

Louis shook his head.

"Come on! Look what she did to you, she keeps hitting you, hopes she doesn't kill you someday, your body is growing weak!" Jean yelled.

"Mr S, w-will c-come," he stuttered in a whisper.

"I doubt that," storm said. Jean must have told them. Louis frown.

Jean sigh, "if you don't wanna come just let us teach you how to control some of your powers." Jean said, there was silence before Louis spoke.

"O-okay," he said.

Oof Louis is not dead, but he still have lots of danger to under go! Stay turn for new updates.

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