Chapter 18

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Sounds of gunfire could be heard as agent two approached the training room.

He came to a clearer view of the young assassin firing at a plastic like person painted in black, they were everywhere, the didn't stop popping out as the lad shut them right in the middle not missing his target. He was taught how precious every single bullet in a gun in, within this two years he had come to his fearful name, the winter whisperer, he learned all he knew in a hash way, when killing you should be emotionless like the devil himself, fast like your bullet, swift like and eagle, even with close eyes you should be able to hear and sniff the enemy, and important of all don't fail, do it and do it quickly.

He shot five figures as he was sliding under the table, he bounced on his feet, creating small Cristal ice like blade, he threw them at another figure and it went down.

He did a back flip on the table as rubber bullets were shot towards him, he pushed himself up with his hands high enough for him to grab a rope. He shot the figures that were place up as he swung with the rope.

He released the rope falling from high instead of him just falling and getting hurt, he rolling and stood on his feet just in time to shoot the last figure.

"Well done," agent two clapped sarcastically.

The lad didn't responded to his presence, just walked to the leva pulling it, many figures appeared in rolls.

He stood far from them getting his target he shoot, and the figure went down.

"You almost killed ten of our men yesterday!" Agent two exclaimed, still not getting a response from the teen, instead he was still shooting, "am speaking here! I need to be treated with respect!" The man yelled, drawing the attention of Louis who frown.

"None of my business," he signed, hydra taught him how to sign when he wouldn't speak to them, he has a voice but doesn't use it much just one of those rare times.

"Non of your business? As you fucking crazy? Why didn't you activate your bracelet!"

"I have no explanation to give you!" He signed with one hand keeping a straight face, more like less concerned.

"You're coming on a mission with me!" Agent two said.

"No, I go on missions only at night!" He signed, since two years he hadn't seen the sun, he was kept in this big basement, allowed to go on missions only at night, his eyes must be really sensitive.

"I said you are coming and that's is all!"

"Fuck you!" He tuck his middle finger out, returning back to shooting, agent two was slightly annoy he match forward the teen, just as he was about to hit, a sharp cristal ice, was pressed on his throat.

There eyes meet his furious brown one with his cold Navy blue ones. "Try it and die," the teen whispered.

Beeeeppppp! The faint sound of the alarm echoed in the room, his attention was needed.

He released the bigger man walking away, the man frowned while looking away. "He'll be needing a serious lesson." The man muttered.

"Boss, am not sure is a good idea, he can find out, and the blue stone is highly secured, plus it almost destroy the planet!" Agent one said.

"That's one of the reason I want it, with that I can acquired great powers enough to defeat the avengers, imagine how powerful the stone can be?" Strucker smiled imagining himself powerful.

"Boss, you've got money everything, is it necessary to go for the avengers?" Agent one asked trying desperately to change his boss decision.

"Yes! Do you know how those chicks had humiliated me? The made me live the country, now am coming back for them, with an unexpected surprise," he grinned.

"Boss, remember the security."

"Agent 006 will take care of that, that was why he was trained, uh, opened our blacklist in united state."

Louis walked in just in time to hear the news.

"Agent 006 get your suits pack, I want you in the winter whisperer custom, you have some missions in USA, first we'll visit my old friend Steve Rogers." Louis half nod leaving for his prison like room, Strucker laughed fiendishly.


Strucker, agent two and one with Louis, embarked on the journey of sovereignty of Baron Wolfgang von Strucker.

They arrived in USA with a private plane, black vehicles were waiting in the airport, Baron and his group entered and drove off, a little while later they arrived at their secret based called HZ (Hydra zone).

"Baron, good to see you again, is been a long time." Reagan spoke with a cigar in his mouth as he made a big puff of smoke.

Louis seem to recognize the man, but he couldn't just recall, he knew the man at a point in his life.

"Reagan, Reagan bless the day you called me, now I need some space for my business." Baron replied.

"Ooh, who is in the suit?" Reagan frown when he saw the scary black figure.

"Oh, two years ago you gave me something, that starts with an M, that's it." Baron grinned, knowing well that Louis was listening.

"Oh, I see, am sure it was useful those people wanted only money, forgetting his high value, let's not talk about those motherfuckers, she refused my rose," Reagan rolled his eyes making another puff.

Baron and Reagan discussed for a while before the decided to pay Steve a visit.

It was seven pm, Steve just wanted to pick his shield from his apartment, he had moved to the avengers tower.

He unlocked his room switching the light on, he was surprised to see Baron Wolfgang setting on his sofa with his legs crossed.

"Hoya captain! Happy to see me?" He grinned

"Strucker I thought you were dead!" Steve exclaimed looking at the man suspiciously.

"Sorry to disappoint you, now I've got important things to do, see you in hell." Baron stood up, Steve jumped to the corner ducking the bullets that followed he grabbed his shield, throwing it at the men that where shooting

They gunfire cease the men where on the floor groaning, Steve caught his shield.

"Steve Steve is not over yet, I present you my last card, let's see if you can beat him." Baron smirk.

Behind stood a black figure with white eyes. Steve jumped throw the window escape the sharp Cristal ices that flew to him.

The winter whisperer went in his pursuit, they were both on the top of a roof.

"Who are you? Am certain you're not an ordinary persons, that I'd the proof." Steve said while blocking another ice like blade that came out from the black figure's arm. "Whoever you are, you're on the wrong side, he is fooling you, am sure the brain washed you, Strucker is not a good person he is the bad guy!"

He didn't give a damn of what cap was saying he lunch toward the man punching him on the rib, he was small but his strength was incredible. Cap stumbled and fell.

He pick his shield up getting to his feet, "wow, how old are?" Cap asked, the figure was slightly annoy with the man.

Cap received a big kick on his chest sending him flying off the building, fortunately he had his shield under him, landing was rough, but he survived, people had gathered around him.

He look up to the building and saw the figure emotionless face still staring at him before it disappeared.

This is the beginning of a big disaster...

Hey guys sorry for not updating earlier, had church things to do, but now am back I promise updates. Get ready to be stunned.

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