Chapter 22

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It was a normal night with dogs barking, no body paid much attention, maybe the they were barking at cats, but little did people know an assassin was on their roof.

He had received the other to steal an important file from Mr Thompson's office.

That would be a little difficult since Mr Harrison Thomson was a cop.

He didn't have to cut any glass, someone had left a window opened, he silently slipped in without making a sound.

All lights were out, means everyone was sleeping, he heard snoring, to his surprise he was in a well decorated room, with collections of cars, figures, trophies, many other thing a rich kid could posses.

He slowly approach the sleeping boy, again he felt like he knew him, but felt different, he felt angry. He wanted to punch the kid so much, what have this nuisance possibly done to him?

Unfortunately for flash he had to wake up, he screamed when he saw the figure and received a punch on his face, he yelp falling on the bed, again he received punches and kicks, he yelp and cried out for help.

His parents hurried to his room switching the lights on, the saw their kid laying on the floor with blood dripping from his nose and mouth, he was gasping and crying.

His parents stare wide eyes at their son, then there was a click sound, a hard stuff was pushed to the head of Harrison, flash's dad.

He raised his hands up, while Rosie, flash's mum brought both hands to her mouth.

Harrison was a cop, he could take down criminals, but this one was really different.

He grabbed the figures hand twisting it so he could release the gun, but instead of the figure screaming and giving up, he punch Harrison on the face making him fall grabbing his nose.

"What the fuck!" He yelped.

He stared at the figure, he was not as tall as he was, neither huge nor muscular but his punch was indeed stronger than a huge and muscular man's.

He walked to flash pointing a gun at his head, while reaching for a pen and paper on his desk, he wrote.

Where is the file on the blue cube? And where is the blue cube?"

He threw the paper at flash dad who read it with wide eyes, "I can't give you, is way too dangerous."

He was really pissed with the damn response, he delivered a hard kick on flash chest causing him to screamed and cry out for his dad.

"Okay, I'll give it to you but please don't hurt my son, come with me," he followed them out with the gun on flash's head, flash tremble in fear, he didn't stop sobbing.

Once the were in Harrison office he pulled out a secret drawer retrieving a paper which he gave to the figure, out of the corner of his eyes he saw Rosie press a button but decided to ignore her, he didn't come to kill, but her son will pay for it.

He verified the document, before putting it in his suit and zipping up, he form an ice blade with his left hand when they weren't watching, he cut flash on the side of his neck in such a way that he will survive but will suffer from tremendous pain, he couldn't understand the sudden hatred but accepted it.

He broke throw the window escaping the bullets from Harrison's revolver.

He was surrender by the cops, with there sirens, they noise was just unbearable, he ran as the cop cars chase him, he was able to escape them by evaporation.

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