Chapter 17

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              Two years later.

"Der winter flüsterer!" The mafia men screamed pulling out theirs guns.

A figure in black suit, (same with spiderman suit, except for the plain black with his mask, no red or blue of tiny black lines, just black with white eyes on the mask).

The figure broke through the window, ducking every single bullet, as he jump he pulled out two short gun, firing at the men his bullets did hit their targets without faults.

When the gun was empty he threw it, he rolled on the floor and stood, he grabbed one of the guy from behind and slash his throat with a sharp knife, blood pouring out.

He back flip as he was been fired at, soon enough their guns were empty, five sharp ice like knife flew to the men hitting their throats and they collapse to the floor lifeless with blood pooling on the floor.

The black figure jumped from the table he was standing and walked, freely towards the

Two guys holding long guns  up at him ready to fire, it all happened so fast the light was shutdown, the black figure had disappeared, they looked around in fear, trying desperately to find him, it was their lives or his.

"Swip! Arhhhh!" The first man screamed dropping his gun as he was pulled into the darkness.

Now the tension was high, the second man stood with wobbling feet and sweat running down his forehead.

He turn to his back and saw the winter whisperer in person, he whispers "Die" before the man's throat was reap off.

The black figure grabbed the suitcase from where it was placed securely, and broke threw another window allowing himself to fall.

He was caught by a helicopter, and they flew off into the night sky.

          In Hydra building

The building had ten floors, it glow with light in the dark night.

Baron Wolfgang Strucker, stood staring at their schedule of profit, the green arrow was more higher than the red, showing how much money they had made.

"We had made millions, since this past two years, bless the day I got the phone call from Queens," he grinned, "ah! What of our black list?"

"Is cleared sir, agent #006 aka the winter whisperer, killed the last person on our list yesterday." Agent two replied.

The door was opened allowing the black figured and two other people in.

The black figure took off his mask revealing a young sixteen years old teenage boy with Navy blue eyes and straight face, with a dark and white hair touching his shoulders. He dropped the medium size suitcase on the table.

"Good job agent 006, you can have some rest while you can, we have a tournament of three million euro, and we most win it." Strucker said while cross checking the opened suitcase and counting the money.

He left to his empty medium size room, totally empty except for the bathtub in the middle of the room, no window, no bed, no desk, nothing just the dark room,  the bathtub, with a tiny closet and a mirror on the wall.

The door slam shut as soon as he entered, there were cameras everywhere, leaving him with no privacy.

He turn on the tap of the bathtub and water came running and fill the tub, once the tub was filled, he took his suit off revealing his black boxer and some scars that were gradually healing thanks to his healing factor.

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