Chapter 19

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Peter sat on the sofa in the big living room of the avengers tower, he stared blankly at the window sighing, this was one of the saddest day in his life, two years have past still he can't forget his friend, the last time he saw him, he was broken, in tears, the pain and melancholy in his eyes made peter feel terrible, he wanted to squeeze him in his arms hugging him close, whispering sweets words in his ears, but he didn't have the chance to, Louis sprinted out of the tower before he could even say a word, his little footsteps fading away and his quiet sobs were still echoing in Peter's head.

Peter had tried to forget and move on but each time he sees something that recalls him of Louis his sadness returns like the never left, peter wasn't the only one nerd and MJ too, they had tried acting like Louis was a pass by, but deep in them they knew he was more than that.

Peter had scroll throw the net looking for Louis, he found Louis old profile updated two years ago, nothing else just like he was dead!

Maybe he had changed his name, after all he has a new family now, Peter had tried convincing himself that Louis was okay and in good hands.

Peter sigh heavily, rubbing both hands on his face.

"Hey kid, here a cup of tea, to reduce your stress," Tony walk in with two cups, he handed peter the tea and took the coffee for himself, "talking about stress what's cursing your stress, you look emotional drain, come on talk to me." Tony stare at peter for a while before he spoke up.

" Louis, remember the kid that came for fury and everything turn bad?" Peter asked.

"Yeah, you told me he was adopted two years ago, what happened is he okay?" Tony sipped his tea.

"Dunno, never heard of him since that day." Peter shrugged looking at his lap.

"Am sure he is okay, his fostered mum told you he was OK right, why don't you believe her she knows what's best for him."

"I don't think so."

"Why?" Tony frowned.

"She doesn't seem like, she is arrogant and not a children person, when we asked her about him she was careless, just threw the words at us and slam the door on our faces! Before that she say he wasn't the most important person in the world! She's creepy, didn't stop staring at us from the window!" Peter didn't notice he was standing freaking out.

"WO, calmos Pete. Am sure he is just fine."

"I can't find him on social media, I don't have any proof that he is still alive! Two years Mr Stark and I don't know where the hell Louis is! It all the fault of that fury badass! What if Louis got seriously hurt or he's being hurt, what if he got and accident that night or worst what if she killed him?" Peter said the last part silently.

"Oh Pete, I think he is fine and you shouldn't be worrying so much, I'll ask Friday to check him out, I promise." Tony pulled peter in a hug petting his back as he nodded.

The door was busted opened and Steve barge in panting, he was cover in little cuts from breaking threw the window and falling from high.

"Jess, Steve what happen to you?" Tony asked still staring at Steve.

"Strucker is alive!" Steve press a button on the wall which alert everyone in the building.

Natasha, Bruce, Wanda, vision and Clint came down in a rush.

"What's the emergency?" Clint ask as the plop down on the couch.

"Baron is alive," peter said.

"But I thought he died, ugh, he's a pain in the ass." Natasha huff.

"Language," Steve said.

"We can still take him down is not much of a big deal," Tony said sipping his coffee.

"Oh no you can't, he didn't come alone he came with and assassin that got powers, a sort of mutant assassin. He tried to kill me, threw sharp ice like blade on me, threw me off the high building, thanks to my shield I survived." By the time cap was done speaking everyone was gasping.

"Who on earth do you think it is?" Clint asked.

"Couldn't see his face, he wore a similar suit with Pete's but it was totally black with white eyes."

"Uhhh, that's not good." Wanda muttered clinging to vision.

"I think is the same person that save the building, we should have done more than just seating and waiting for him to pop up." Steve sigh.

"Maybe he is here for revenge?" Peter broke the silence.

"what is he's next move?" Vision asked.

"We should be working on that, he is not planning to fight us just like that except he has an army of that assassin, if only we knew his base." Tony said.


Josh Strangers, was smoking in his office, with his legs on his desk counting his millions.

"Man, cheating is the best way you can live," he turn on his radio playing Don Williams, the beautiful lady. "Brushing her long brown hair, and then she ask me do I look alright?" He sang along.

There was a big crash and ahhh! Coming from behind the door, josh frown walking to the door, but before he opened it, the door was busted opened, he back off to his chair.

Standing in front of him was the black figure, point a shot gun at him.

"W-who a-are y-you?" The man stuttered, the figure threw a picture at him, he caught the picture and gasp. "N-no, we can sort things out, Strucker can't just kill me, please no I-i.... BOOM!

That was the end of josh, the black figure shove the money in a bag, leaving without trace.

This was how Baron had planned to kill the avengers one by one.

Uhhhhh! This is becoming interesting.

Get ready next part spiderman and the winter whisperer have an encounter. Don't skip this part. Maybe be out this night.

Vote if you loved.

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