Chapter 25

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Fury sat on his desk with a picture of he and Louis, he had always kept this picture with him.

Louis was so happy on the picture, he smiled at the memory of Louis gigging on a swing.

He sigh, he had tried all his possible best to forget about the kid but is just impossible, when he taught he was protecting the kid he was only making it worst.

Fury sigh at the memory of Louis in the black suit with his blue like grey eyes, Louis had always had Navy blue eyes.

There was a soft knocked on the door. Fury stuck the picture in a safe drawer, adjusting himself, he sat on his chair.

"Come in," he said.

One of shield agent walked in, "sir you have visitors."

"Bring them in," he said still not taking his eyes off the documents.

Tony, peter and Natasha walked in, fury offer them sits.

"What brings you?"

"We made new discoveries and we will like to ask you some question," Natasha said.

"On what?"

"Louis Robert Drake, did you know he had powers?" Natasha asked with a serious mean.

"Yes, I knew," fury replied.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Tony spoke with his hands crossed.

"It was a secret," fury replied still not looking from his documents.

"What secret?!" Natasha half yelled, she was really pissed with fury's nonchalant attitude.

"Are you a relative?" Peter asked.

Fury sigh, putting away his file, "no am not, is kind of complicated. I first saw him in a burning building.

It was during the time of baby kidnapping, lot's of babies were declared missing in hospitals and streets, it was getting worst, so shield decided to go in, we found out it was hydra's men who were abducting the babies, we traced and find out their hiding place, then everything didn't turn out as we planned.

The building ended up on fire, some of Hydra's men got away, we saved five babies, the rest were already died two days before we arrived, out of 20 babies, 4 came out healthy and one was not too well.

We were able to find the parents of the four babies since their names were written on their cube with their numbers, but unfortunately for Louis we couldn't, we were not certain that he was a Germany, most of the dead babies were Americans, and he was born prematurely, he almost died, few weeks later we found out that he had powers, we did a test for the other babies, it was negative they were normal, it was not a surprise since hydra were using the babies for experiments. Shield sent him in a mutant school when we discovered hydra was after him, then the attack the school killing everyone and.." He paused.


"He turn into a monster and killed them all, his powers were too much for him to hold, he is and omega mutant, he is capable of destroying the planet, so I made him stop using his powers and sent him to a normal home, he was in a great danger with me, I couldn't keep him so I left. I don't know how Hydra found out about him, it all happened in Germany, except for me no one knew about his powers, I don't understand how it is possible except he showed it to the wrong person."

"So Louis was a sort of experiment? And he was not burn normally, he came out too early, and hydra are responsible for his powers?" Peter mumbled and fury nodded.

"We must get him back, if he is capable of destroying our planet, is not a good thing he is with the bad guys," Tony said.


"I had a tracker on his suit, is easy to locate him," Bruce banner said.

Natasha let out a sigh of relief, "you just saved the world."

"They're still in America but in New York," Bruce said, everyone smiled.

"Fortunately, is good news, we gotta go now," Steve said.

Everyone left for their suit, when Peter was about to leave Tony stopped him by placing a hand on his shoulder. "Pete, please be careful don't go too close, he is dangerous." Tony said and peter nodded.

"Okay Mr stark, I promise to be very careful," peter half smiled.

He went to his room in the avengers tower tripping in his suit, he inhaled deeply, "Louis am coming"


"The blue cube, so precocious, get everything set!" Baron yelled.

Is been two days since Louis saw the avengers, he had taken a ice nap and it was driving him crazy, he spent all the morning training, it was obligatory he needed to be prepared for the avengers according to Baron and at night he steals or kills, whatever Strucker wanted.

Now they were on the top of a building, it is night, Hydra's men were setting the machine needed for the cube, it was a sort of medium size pyramid, the blue cube is suspicious to be on the peek.

"Sir, it won't work we need a strong energy," agent three said, after putting the cube on the exact place.

"Where will we get such?" Baron furrowed his brows, he wanted to have powers.

Agent two smirk this was the chance to take a proper revenge, "he could be of a little help, after all you won't be needing him anymore," he said to Baron.

"How?" Baron stared at Louis who was standing at the edge of the building trying hard to remember why it felt so familiar.

Agent two reach for a big metal like tube connected to the pyramid, "we use this, tuck them in his spine, makes his nerves react he projects all his energy and anger to the pyramid which is transfered to the cube which is transfered to you."

"What of him?" Baron asked not wanting to share his powers.

"It will be too much, he will die just after."

"Just perfect!" Baron smiled.

"Agent 006, come here," agent two called.

Louis walked to him, he attempted to grabbed his hands by surprised but Louis punched him he fell to the floor, others men ran in and were all beaten, "shit! Why did we train him so much?" Agent two cursed before pressing a button.

Louis felt pain jolted through his whole system and he fell to his knees, his powers scream to pour out, he struggled to keep them in.

Agent two ceased the opportunity to hold him down, he deep the metal in his back hitting his spine, then another metal followed Louis held in the screams of pain.

"Bye bye agent 006," agent two whispered before pulling the leva, current jolt through his system, he let out a long terrible ear piercing scream of pain, that could be heard miles away...

To be continued....

Hey guys the book is coming to an end, am still thinking of a sequel, I need advice, do you guys want a sequel or I should just end it?

Get ready to be amazed, avengers vs the really powers of iceman.

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