Chapter 11

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It was a Saturday morning, they kids were already up, doing their chores, with Jennifer around no one could sleep, at night the all sleep with precaution, they don't wanna be caught by surprise.

The door bell went off, Jennifer hurried to open, maybe she was expecting someone special.

"Mrs Jennifer Owens?" A cop called, he was accompanied by another female cop.

"Yes, is there any problem?" Jennifer sounded worried.

"We received a call from this address, charging you with child abuse," the female cop said.

"W-what?! No way, am living here with my kids and they adore me " she spoke nervously.

"We'll like to see by ourselves," the male cop said, she nervously let them in.

"Of curse, why not?"

The cops studied the environment, the house was neat, in a good state, there were photos of the kids and her on the walls and tables, photos were they were forced to smile. Of course, the cop didn't see that.

Jessica was coming down when she saw the cops and decided to play along, Jennifer will give her some cash. "Mum? What's wrong? Why are the cops here?" Jessica act surprised.

"It must be a mistake, someone called the cops reporting child abuse in this house, i-i don't understand," Jennifer choked giving Jessica a side hug.

"Where are your other kids?" The male cop asked, still looking around.

"My siblings are still asleep, they're not morning people, they had traumatizing past before mum took us in, they won't like to see strangers in there room," Jessica quickly added.

"Hmm, okay some agents will come check the kids later today, we need to be sure they're okay. " the female cop said.

"I think is a mistake none of my babies will do that, is horrible I can't even think of hurting them," she cried on Jessica should.

"I think we'll be leaving," the male cop said and they left.

As soon as the door was shut and the cop car left the compound, Jennifer was on fire!

"THOSE WORTHLESS BRAT! UGHH! I WANT EVERYONE DOWN HERE!" She yelled pulling on her hair, she was fuming.

Everyone came running down the stairs, why was she screaming.


She was still yelling scaring everyone, the twin hugged themselves trembling in fear, Louis and Thomas dare not speak.

"Ughh! I swear I'm done with this nonsense! This is the beginning of hell for you all, I'll only provide one meal for you all, except Jessica how will you do? I don't give a damn of it!" She stomped away.

"Someone decided to call the cop huh? Now we'll all suffer for it," Jessica walked away laughing.

"How I wish my father was here," Thomas left crying.

Louis stare at the Kids that look guilty before leaving.


Paul was seated with his twin sisters crying, "I-is all my fault, I shouldn't have called the cops." He sobbed with his hands on his face.

"That lady with hurt us more if she knew, I want mummy," Paulina sobbed too.

Louis walked in spotting the kids on the floor sobbing, he sat beside them, pulling out a paper.

"You call the cops right?" He wrote, unfortunately the could read, they were both seven.

"P-please don't tell on him!" Paulina begged hugging her brother.

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