Chapter 40

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My parents were tied up on the couch, men in black jumped suit with guns stood evading the space, the had mask on and stood still.

"The family is finally complete! We were waiting for you Louis." A well curved woman came out of the crowd, she wore a black leather suit with a black mask only covering her forehead and eyes, leaving her long white hair exposed, who the hell is she?

She snapped her finger, I felt pain Jolt through my system, or was it electricity? My knees gave up and I fell.

"Nooo!" My parents screamed.

The sound of her heel coming in contact with the floor was the only noise in the room, she walk towards me, pulling out a long electric stick, was she gonna electrocute me? I wanted to stand up to fight but my body just didn't obey, current had always hurt me.

Bad memories came flowing in my head, the memories of me getting seriously electrocuted by Hydra's men, this was not happening, not again! Why is my life turning in circle?

Just ask she was about to touch me, we heard a great thud! She snapped her head to the direction of my parents, my father had cut himself loose and he was fighting the men. Wait! They're aren't human but snow men? How is that possible?
My mother was defending her self too, as soon as the Snow man collide with anything the shattered leaving behind there clothes.

"Get your hands off my son!" My father launch towards her with a long iron like stick.

Then there was a sound of gun fire, my father groan holding his side but he managed to hit her, she flew to the side of the room.

He fell on his knees holding his stomach that had blood oozing out, staining his rich pant.

"God! Dad!" I ran to his side gripping his hand.

There was a big crash! I look up to see my mother on the floor among broken glasses, she desperately tried to reach for her stick, while the snow men arm their gun at her ready to press the trigger. That was when all hell broke loose.

"DON'T FUCKING TOUCH HER!" I roared while standing clenching my fist, there was an explosion of wind along with snow that send most of the snow men on the wall. I'm suddenly feeling energetic, swift, courageous, full of anger.

I ran towards the snow men growling, I grew three ice claws on each hand, slicing threw them, that took me barely two minutes.

I landed on my feet facing my only target the lady, she was smirking like crazy. "Whatever you do to my parents I'll unleash upon you tenfold, SO SAY YOUR GOOD BYE!" I jumped on her with my crystal ice claw descending on her ice shield.

Who is this lady? And why does she have snow powers?! I didn't stop asking myself as we fought, but nevertheless, I won't be distracted.

She blocked all my attack but one is yet to come, I teleport to her back and hit her really hard, she went flying to the glass window, but she dug her claws on the floor restraining herself from hitting the glass.

"In did you are strong young one, I'll come back for you, you belongs to me, in my camp. Don't ever forget that! Hahahahah!!!" With that she broke through the window and disappeared.

I sailed the broken window with ice blocking all entry.

My parents stare at me in shock, what are they looking at? I looked below me and saw my reflection on the broken glass, I gasp.

My skin had turn to ice like Cristal, my hair too. What is really wrong with me, I never knew I could do this. Woah am ICEMAN!

I ran to my dad, "oh God! Dad am so sorry for everything, I shouldn't have ignored you or say was I said, am-" I was cut off by two hands pulling me close, turn out to be my father hugging me, I hugged back as tears slip down my cheeks. I almost loosed him and my mother and it was my fault "Am sorry." I managed to say. I felt him nod, "mum call the ambulance."

"I've done that." Mum replied.

"Please don't die," I mumbled not breaking the hug.

"I won't Lou," he replied in a croaky voice.

A little while later the ambulance finally came and dad was taken to the hospital. Mum and I spent our night in the hospital close to him.


My parents explained to me, that the lady in the black suit was named ice Queen. They knew her sometime is the past, she had tried killing them many times but always failed.

When I used my power in the open she sensed it and came looking for her soulmate someone who posses the same powers as her, that was totally disgusting, I mean am sixteen while she is like 40, I dunno know but age is not a number.

My parents confess to me saying they were spies and did stuff, that's why we need to move am actually in danger. Now I understand they were just trying to protect me but I was been a jerk.

I decided to skip school so I could spend the day with my parents, Peter was right is soo good to have parents, you feel loved and wanted.

****Next day****

I didn't stopped looking at the clock, am worried about my parents who are at home all by themselves, yeah they're adults but after the past experience I'll never let them be.

The bell finalllly rang, I shove my stuff in my backpack and race out of class.

"Hey!" I bump into someone.

"Lou why are you running?" Peter helped me up, I grinned.

"Sorry dude, am just in a little hurry to go home."

"Is it your birthday?" Ned asked

"No!" I chuckled.

"So why are you running like someone is in danger?" MJ asked.

"Well..." I narrated everything to them leaving them frozen with wide eyes.

"What? All that happened just two days ago?" Peter asked.

"Yeah." I replied, "and I even get a super hero Iceman."

"Oh cool!" Ned said. I saw the scowl on MJ's face.

"Hey calm down, I don't like the ice Queen but you." I said causing her to smile.

"You were right Pete, it is so wonderful to have parents, they'll gladly give their live for yours."

"Yeah I know." Peter smiled.

Heya! Guys! Next chapter is the last! Hope you loved this story! Am so glad I came to the end thanks to you guys you're wonderful! I love you all, special merits to @crownsinners and @HuskyWarrior thank you very much!

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