Chapter 29

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Two weeks later.

I am presently seated in my room, listening to a song 'This is me' by Keala Settle is really encouraging, Peter said listening to songs really helps, I found out lately that I love rapping songs, but also love songs like this.

Staring at the ceiling I sang along, "when the sharpest word wanna cut me down, am gonna send a flood gonna drown them out, I am brave, I am proof, I am who am meant to be, this is me! Oh oh oh, oh oh oh, oh oh...

"Hey Lou!" Peter walked in with a grin.

"Hey Pet," I turn off the song.

"Guess what?"


"Today you're going out with me," peter sat by my side.

That idea made me shrink, "uh, if I say no will you uh, be angry?" I asked, all my life I was force to do what others wanted, I didn't get to take decision for myself, if I refused they hit me or yell, I didn't want that with peter so I always take precautions.

"No Louis, why will I? is your choice." He said his eyes showing hurt.

I sigh, "sorry, just that people always force me to do what they want."

"Now you can take decision for yourself, Lou, you're you."

I nodded, am trying to get over my pass but is just too hard.

"We can get you a hair cut, your hair is way too long just like Bucky's, and a black die." Peter suggested, I just nodded, didn't want to upset him.

<Louis you have a visitor> Friday informed.

I was confused for a moment, no one knows am here, I looked up and saw the author of all this. My heat beat faster, I looked away.

"Am just in the Living room if you need me Lou," peter said before living.

"I've tried calling you through out the week but you won't answer my call," Nick fury said.

I felt angry, I furrowed my brows, "why? To give me away like you already did?"

"No, I just wanted to hear from you after all that happened."

"I don't wanna see you! Why do you care anyway! I thought you said I should leave!"

"I don't mean it that way, you with me was too risky."

"Then you left me with a monster! And you tore me in pieces! I trusted you, I loved you! You were just like a father to me. safety?
wakes up in the morning in pain, but you got through it just because of one person! 'Cause of that person, you went through hell, took all the beatings and insult, slept in a dark closet, got yelled at, starved! But you're still holding unto that person, when you heard the bitter truth that the person was careless of you, you don't belief! You keep hoping for a return, till that day the person yell on your face and said he doesn't care!

She hurt me everyday! She throw me in a closet! Made me starve! Got her boyfriend beat the hell out of me, broke my borns and heart, say all sort of horrible words to me, still I didn't give up, I believed in you, you were they reason my suicide never fucking happened, you were my all! Each day I woke up more broken than before! I still hoped, she had yelled on my face countless times that you didn't care! I refused to swallow that shit! Apparently that was the only truth she ever told me.
When you told me you didn't care, I felt my world came crashing, my heart broke into pieces, just like part of me died along with that sentence, till today I still have nightmare of you yelling that sentence to me, if she hadn't sold me I would have committed suicide anyway, now I hate you! I don't want to ever see you!" I yelled.

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